No, Victoria did not expect to find an undead to stake tonight, but she wanted to. Oh, she wanted to. She needed to. [pg 2]
Rises the Night by Colleen Gleason
Signet Eclipse, 2007
Fantasy (Paranormal Romance); 334 pgs
From the Publisher:
In Italy, a powerful vampire is amassing the power to control the souls of the dead. Lady Victoria Gardella de Lacy - a vampire slayer for just over year - races across Europe to stop what could be the most deadly army the Gardellas have ever faced. She is accompanied by Sebastian Vioget, a man as tempting as he is untrustworthy.
But when Victoria discovers that she has been betrayed by one of her most trusted allies, the truth will challenge all her powers as a Venator-and as a woman.
This is the second novel in Colleen Gleason’s Gardella Vampire Chronicles, the follow up to The Rest Falls Away. Rises the Night begins a year after a terrible tragedy befalls Victoria. She is beginning to pick up the pieces and get back into the life that she has been chosen to lead, that of Venator, one of the few who fights vampires and other creatures of the night.
Victoria leaves behind Victorian London to visit Venice and Rome, hoping to find and assassinate one of the most powerful vampires around. Author Colleen Gleason doesn’t miss a beat adding in the details of the time period and locations referred to throughout the novel. Victoria is as feisty and headstrong as ever and Sebastian as infuriatingly sensual. He is a mystery to Victoria and yet she finds it difficult to resist his charm.
It did not take long for me to get lost in the pages of Rises the Night. The novel is fast paced and chock full of action. For those who find the romantic story line the most appealing part, the book does not disappoint. Colleen Gleason demonstrates her great skill in building suspense and adding in elements of surprise with several unexpected twists.
Rating: Rating:
* * *

"I ask for nothing but a kiss,” he said, his voice still calm and low, but his eyes dimmed. “Mouth to mouth. You might hold your stake between us if it would make you feel more as ease, Venator.”
“Perhaps I would slam it into your heart and send you to Hell, then,” Victoria replied, her voice easier, more normal. [pg 76]
The Bleeding Dusk by Colleen Gleason
Signet Eclipse, 2008
Fantasy (Paranormal Romance); 346 pgs
From the Publisher:
To gain access to the secrets of a legendary alchemist, Rome's vampires have allied themselves with creatures as evil and bloodthirsty as they are. The new leader of the city's vampire hunters-Lady Victoria Gardella Grantworth de Lacy-reluctantly turns to the enigmatic Sebastian Vioget for help, just as Maximilian Pesaro arrives to aid his fellow slayers, no matter what the sacrifice. Desire puts her at the mercy of Sebastian, while loyalty binds her to Max, but she does not know if she can trust either. Especially when a seductive vampire begins luring her into the shadows . . .
The Bleeding Dusk, the third book in the Gardella Vampire Chronicles, is probably my favorite in the series so far. It is dark and thrilling. Victoria continues to grow as a character, coming into her own. With each book, the reader learns more about Maximillion Pesaro and Sebastian Vioget, two complicated and very different men whose histories are somehow intertwined.
It was good to see the return of a few favorites from the first novel, The Rest Falls Away, characters I had not realized I had missed until running into them again in The Bleeding Dusk. Melly, Victoria’s mother, and her two friends provide a bit of comic relief in an otherwise dark and suspense filled novel that literally kept me all night as I raced to the end to find out what would happen next.
The only downside is that I do not yet have my copy of the fourth book in the series, When Twilight Burns. Oh, how I wish I did! And yet, in a way, I am glad I don’t. I am not sure I am ready to see this series come to an end. Only one book left after this one.
Rating: Rating:
(Very Good)
You can learn more about the author and her series at her website and on her blog, For All the World to See.
Be sure and visit tomorrow! Colleen Gleason is making a guest appearance here at Musings of a Bookish Kitty and you don't want to miss that!
I'm glad you enjoyed reading this series, Wendy! I've her books in my pile; I guess I need to read them soon! :D
ReplyDeleteI've read the first one, but none of the others. I keep on meaning to. One of these days I will get there!
ReplyDeleteI've entered all the four books into my Amazon wish list. So many books to buy! LOL. Thanks for the review. :)
ReplyDeleteI really need to read this series! I swear everytime I give in and find the time to read a series that all the blogs I read are raving about, they find something that sounds even better.
ReplyDeleteGreat reviews! I just finished reading and reviewing When Twilight Burns, the newest book in the series.
ReplyDeleteI've read those first two books and I did like them pretty well. Glad you liked them too!
ReplyDeleteMelody - It's a great series, Melody. I think you would like it. :-)
ReplyDeleteMarg - I think the series gets even better with each book. It took me awhile to settle down and read these two, but I'm glad I did.
Alice - Oh good! They are fun books. :-)
Jen - I'm surprised you haven't read it yet. ;-) If only there was more time to get to them all!
Bobbi - Thank you! I am anxiously awaiting my copy of When Twilight Burns. I can't wait to read it. How are you liking it?
Kim - It's a fun series. Even my husband has started reading the first book and is liking it so far.
I really enjoyed the first one in the series and was quite surprised by the ending. I can't wait to read the second book. It's one of my R.I.P. reads so hopefully I will get to it!
ReplyDeleteIliana - Colleen does have a way of adding unexpected twists in. I hope you will enjoy the second book as much as I did.
ReplyDeleteSigh... I really MUST get around to reading this series. I hear so many good things about it, and I do have a review copy of the latest installment.
ReplyDeleteThey're such fun books. I agree with you, I'll be sad to see the series end when the last book comes out next year.
ReplyDeleteIt's always great to read of a series that is consistently excellent. There are so many that start well and then just drop off (maybe due to the pressure to keep writing more in the series). I hope to get up to date with these soon.
ReplyDeleteHeather - Do give it a try! It's a fun series. :-)
ReplyDeleteNat - I really do enjoy the series. I am looking forward to reading When Twilight Burns.
Rhinoa - As sad as I am to see a good series end, I think sometimes it's better to end on a high note than to drag a series out too long for the very reason you mention.
Hi Wendy, I've just finished this book and I must say it's a great read! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you enjoyed it, Alice!