Jen from Devourer of Books, one of the hosts, assured me, however, that the Thankfully Reading Weekend will be a much more relaxed setting. I do not have to try and read as much as I can within a set time period.
Starting November 27th and ending on Sunday, November 29th, participants are setting aside time to devote to reading, whether it be a day, half a day, the entire weekend or what have you. Readers can work towards meeting some of their reading goals for the year or just settle in with a book and read. There is no pressure. Participants can post updates as they go or just write a wrap up post on the final day (or leave a comment if you don't have a blog). I am sure the hosts of the read-a-thons would stress that they share the same flexibility, which, of course, is true. Somehow though, this feels like its different, less intense--and less intimidating.
I am in no way knocking the read-a-thons. The excitement and enthusiasm surrounding them is contagious. It's impossible not to want to share in that. They really do sound like a lot of fun and perhaps one of these days I'll be up to participating.
Many Americans will be busy the weekend after Thanksgiving (November 26th), busy with family or hitting the sales. I am looking forward to a long quiet weekend, however. What better way to spend it than with a good book or two? I will not be reading the entire weekend. There may be a movie to see or some other activity I won't be able to resist. But I like the idea of committing to reading a good portion of the time, freeing my mind and setting my feet in someone else's shoes for just a little while. Heck, I may start early. I have no big plans for Thanksgiving Day.
The Thankfully Reading Weekend is open to everyone world wide. Be sure and drop by the Book Blog Social Club to sign up. Care to come read with me?
Hosted by: Jenn's Bookshelves, Devourer of Books & Beth Fish Reads
© 2009, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.
If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
I am hoping that I might have five minutes to read over that weekend. When the kids are home, little relaxing gets done. If my mom were down here (not this year...dad is late with the crops) then we would be out standing in lines and fighting for parking spots on Black Friday. I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole by myself though.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds interesting, but I might be working on one of those days and I don't think I'll have that much reading time.
ReplyDeleteI solemnly swear, as a two-time participant in the read-a-thon that it really doesn't have to be intense. I sit down on Saturday morning (usually late but whatevs) I read until evening, I go to bed. I certainly can look intense but it doesn't have to be. Promise. (And if you ever take part and are feeling overwhelemed you can come sit in my corner.)
ReplyDeleteThankfully Reading sounds like fun too. :)
I will be reading in between helping take care of my 1yr old grand nephew since I have NO plans to go shopping!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a fun event, but I'm not great at challenges like these. There is always something I have to do that takes my attention away. I'll be cheering you on though!
ReplyDeleteSandy - I imagine most people will be busy that weekend. :-) I forget sometimes and go out on Black Friday--I always turn around and come back home again. LOL I hate the crowds and the fight for parking.
ReplyDeleteYvonne - It'll probably be a busy weekend for most people. I am not planning to sign up for an extra shift that weekend (I need a break).
Sassy Monkey - Haha! I am sure the read-a-thon is what each participant makes of it. I worry though that I would drive myself crazy trying to juggle the blogging, tweeting and reading in such a short time frame. I'd turn it into a race whether it's meant to be or not. The other problem is that it has yet to be scheduled on a weekend I am available. Someday though I will brave it. As much fun as everyone seems to have, I can't help but want to share in that.
Nise' - Sounds like a good plan! Best to avoid shopping that weekend, definitely!
Myckyee - I know what you mean. It may turn out that your words prove true for me as well. I thought I'd give it a try though. I'm not committing to a time frame or a set number of books--I'm not even really making a list. I'm going to play it by ear.
I appreciate the cheers!
I wish I could have a low stress, quiet time to read around Thanksgiving. Unfortunately with a family birthday and my daughter dancing in Nutcracker that Saturday, I'll be lucky to even sneak one page of reading in from that Wednesday to that Sunday. :-(
ReplyDeleteI on participating in this challenge myself. I doubt my weekend will be quiet for the whole time, but I should be able to work in some good reading somewhere in there. (Of course, now that I'm planning on it, I'll be super busy instead.) But my reading has taken a hit since about mid-July and I'm hoping that this'll be a way for me to finish off a few books. Either way, good luck with your reading! Who needs Black Friday when you have books? :)
ReplyDeleteI avoid any retail establishments on Black Friday- I don't like shopping, and I really hate fighting crowds! A quiet weekend of reading - and decorating the house for Christmas, which is our traditional day-after-Thanksgiving activity - sounds like a good plan!
ReplyDeleteI have been avoiding the readathons because there just seems to be so much pressure to read, read, read and amazing quantity of books! I know it's not meant to be that way, but I seem to be rushing to finish books so I have something to post about anyways. I like the slower pace of the Thanksgiving reading though.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great idea! I won't be participating though because our son will be home from school and our nephew will be visiting.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your time reading....this sounds like a pleasant way to spend some hours!
ReplyDeleteI'm not officially signing up for this because I'm working on the Friday after Thanksgiving and my mother-in-law will be visiting us for the weekend. But I'll probably scrounge up some reading time for myself over the three days anyway!
ReplyDeleteSassymonkey's right - the Readathon doesn't have to be stressful, but you have to choose how to spend the time so it isn't. This should be a fun reading weekend, though - enjoy it, Wendy!proli
What a wonderful idea! While I won't "officially" participate I will be doing a much reading as I can during that weekend between spending time with family. I'll look forward your posts after it is over!
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way with my reading this year. It's been all over the place and lately it's barely there. We just have so many things going on lately (good stuff but stuff that requires a lot of time). Unfortunately I probably won't be able to participate in the Thankfully Reading Weekend, which sounds so fun by the way, but who knows. Either way, I hope you get to enjoy your books and get a bit more reading done!
ReplyDeleteHave a fun and relaxing weekend reading - that sounds good. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteWhile I won't be officially participating in this readathon, I do plan to set aside quite a bit of time Thanksgiving weekend for reading. I've been so busy lately that reading time has been neglected more than I'd like, so this will be a good excuse to catch up.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're joining us! This is really all just about taking some time to relax and read, and be thankful. Personally I'd rather see more about your experience, a book you just adored, etc. in any wrap-up posts than page numbers or books finished. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI've never had such a bad reading year as I have so far this one. I don't think I even read anything for two entire months!
ReplyDeleteI thought this was a wonderful idea as well. We have company on Thanksgiving but the rest of the weekend will be quiet. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteBTW: sorry about your trip to the ER; i hope you and hubby don't have repeat visits. Have a great week.
Kristen - Yeah, I imagine it wouldn't be in good form to pull out your book and start reading while your daughter's on stage. ;-) How exciting for her! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
ReplyDeleteJ.S. - Isn't that always how it is? You try to schedule some quiet time for reading but something more pressing always seems to come up. Good luck to you too with your reading!
Carrie - I have a tendency to forget it's Black Friday and venture out to run an errand or two. You'd think I'd remember on the day off--I remember at all other times. LOL I hate getting caught up in the crowds though, so try to stay home.
Melissa - That's the feeling I get when I think of the read-a-thons too, Melissa. I know it doesn't have to be that way, but for so many it is--and I know it would be that way for me too. Give me a short deadline and I'm likely to cram.
Kathy - I hope you have a nice visit with your nephew!
Staci - Thank you. I'm looking forward to some reading down time. :-)
Florinda - I'm sorry you have to work the day after Thanksgiving, Florinda. My husband does too.
Kathleen - It should be fun. :-)
ReplyDeleteIliana - It has been an eventful year. I may not be reading as much, but I can say that I've read some wonderful books this year. I'm at least happy in that regard. :-)
Dar - Thanks, Dar! I hope things are looking up for you.
Ingrid - I think so too. Any excuse to relax with a good book is a good one. :-)
Jen - I'm really looking forward to next weekend, being able to slow down and read to my heart's content. Thank you for hosting the event!
Jen (LadyTink) - It must be an off year for many of us. :-( Here's to a more productive reading year in 2010.
Diane - I was joking with hubby that the ER staff are going to know us by sight by the end of the month. LOL
Sounds nice. I'm not going to join officially, but seeing as I'll probably be having a nice quiet Thanksgiving holiday and time off ... well, you know what I'll be doing! READING!
ReplyDeleteTerri - I hope you are able to fit in lots of reading. :-)
ReplyDeleteHope you had a great weekend with Thankfully Reading. I thought it was fun!
ReplyDeleteDiane - Oh, I did! It was a lot of fun. I am glad you had fun too. :-)
ReplyDeleteI took Thankfully reading in stride and read 2 books without pressure to be online. I liked it. I think its the approach I will use for the next read-a-thon too...no online stuff for me.
ReplyDeleteSerena - It is nice to read without any pressure and to get away from the computer for awhile.