Saturday, September 07, 2024

Weekly Mews: Too Hot Weather & My September TBR List Poll (Please Vote!)

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz  where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.

It has been one very hot week. When I picked up Mouse after her school dance yesterday afternoon, it was 109F. The day before had been even warmer. As I write this it is up to 107 and expected to get warmer. Our air conditioner has been running nonstop. The earth has been shaking a bit this morning. My phone chimed just as the shaking began with an earthquake warning. We've been following the news of fires in the county and the next county over. The big one right now is the Line Fire in San Bernardino County. I feel for those fire fighters facing not only the heat and danger of the fire, but the weather conditions too.

It was a rough week at work. Busy and emotionally draining. If you have children in your lives, especially tweens and teens, check in with them and make sure they are doing okay. My daughter has been getting all the extra hugs lately.

I have a quiet weekend planned. We will be going out tomorrow for an early birthday celebration. Otherwise, I hope to get some much overdue chores done around the house and squeeze in some reading time. 

How was your week? What have you been up to?

This week I read It's Elementary by Elise Bryant, a humorous mystery involving an elementary school PTA. I laughed out loud a few times and really took to Mavis and her family. I hope this will become a series. 

Last night I started reading A Girl Called Samson by Amy Harmon. I don't often read historical fiction set around the American Revolution, but this particular story, based on a real life woman who fought as a soldier during the war, interests me. It's been on my to read list for quite a while, but I was motivated to read it now because it's the September selection for the local indie's historical book club. I also recently started reading The Golden Enclaves by Noami Novik. It's the third book in the Scholomance young adult fantasy trilogy. I enjoyed the first two books quite a bit and am eager to see how the trilogy wraps up. 

What are you reading right now?

My TBR List is hosted by Michelle at Because Reading. The 1st Saturday of every month, I will list 3 books from my TBR pile I am considering reading and let you vote for my next read during that month. My review will follow (unfortunately, not likely in the same month, but eventually--that's all I can promise).  

Please help me select my next read! I am ready for fall and am in the mood for some ghostly reads. Which do you think I should read next? 

Haunted Ever After
(Boneyard Key #1) by Jen DeLuca

It's love at first haunting in a seaside town that raises everyone’s spirits from USA Today bestselling author Jen DeLuca.

Small Florida coastal towns often find themselves scrambling for the tourism dollars that the Orlando theme parks leave behind. And within the town limits of Boneyard Key, the residents decided long ago to lean into its ghostliness. Nick Royer, owner of the Hallowed Grounds coffee shop, embraces the ghost tourism that keeps the local economy afloat, as well as his spectral roommate. At least he doesn’t have to run air-conditioning.

Cassie Rutherford possibly overreacted to all her friends getting married and having kids by leaving Orlando and buying a flipped historic cottage in Boneyard Key. Though there’s something unusual with her new home (her laptop won’t charge in any outlets, and the poetry magnets on her fridge definitely didn’t read “WRONG” and “MY HOUSE” when she put them up), she’s charmed by the colorful history surrounding her. And she's catching a certain vibe from the grumpy coffee shop owner whenever he slips her a free slice of banana bread along with her coffee order.

As Nick takes her on a ghost tour, sharing town gossip that tourists don't get to hear, and they spend nights side-by-side looking into the former owners of her haunted cottage, their connection solidifies into something very real and enticing. But Cassie's worried she’s in too deep with this whole (haunted) home ownership thing… and Nick's afraid to get too close in case Cassie gets scared away for good.
[Goodreads Summary]

A Fatal Feast at Bramsford Manor
(Food & Spirits Mysteries #1) by Darci Hannah

While filming at a haunted English manor, chef Bunny MacBride’s big break on her first reality TV show may be cut short by an unscripted murder in Darci Hannah’s new Food & Spirits cozy mystery series . . . It isn’t how chef Bridget “Bunny” MacBride imagined her own cooking show unfolding. But, if preparing historic meals with a modern flair is what it takes to get her cooking on the air, she can deliver, even if her dinner guest is a ghost. That’s the premise of the new reality TV show Food & Spirits, where Chef Bunny teams up with ghost hunter Brett Bloom and psychic medium Giff McGrady to visit haunted locales around the world and tempt lingering spirits back to the table with a beloved meal. For their first episode, the Food & Spirits team sets off to investigate Bramsford Manor, a historic house turned famously haunted hotel, in picturesque Hampshire, England. The sprawling estate is said to be home to the Mistletoe Bride, a young woman who died in the 18th century, the victim of a tragic accident on her Christmas wedding night. Disliking spooks but loving food, Bunny leaves the spectral search to the pros and focuses on the feast, creating a traditional English holiday wedding dinner, complete with a gorgeous prime rib, Yorkshire pudding, and rustic apple tarts. It’s a sumptuous meal she hopes will entice the ghostly Mistletoe Bride to take a seat and join them while the cameras roll. But Bunny’s task is made more difficult when someone steals a boning knife from her custom kit. Alas, when the blade finally turns up again—in the chest of an all-too-human dinner guest—Bunny’s woes only grow as she is named a lead suspect in the case! Now, with a haunted house full of living residents, staff, and crew, Bunny will need the help of Brett, Giff, and her clairvoyant Grandma Mac, to solve this murder before the manor gains another ghost! [Goodreads Summary]

The Third Wife of Faraday House
by B.R. Myers

The Edgar Award–winning author of A Dreadful Splendor blends mystery and spooky thrills with friendship and romance in this delicious love letter to Gothic fiction, featuring two brides who must band together to unravel the ghostly secrets at the heart of a crumbling island manor.

'Til death do us part...

November 1816: Restless but naïve Emeline Fitzpatrick is desperate to escape her stifling life in foggy Halifax. Her guardian is lining up repugnant suitors, but Emeline has her eyes set on a handsome lieutenant in the British navy. She just needs to persuade him to propose, or her one chance at happiness will be gone forever.

But when Emeline’s hopes end in scandal, she finds herself with only one suitor left: the wealthy and enigmatic Captain Graves. Having already lost two wives to tragic circumstances, the unfortunate widower is seeking a new companion in his cloistered seaside manor, Faraday House. Or at least that is what Emeline had been told, because when she arrives, she is horrified to discover that the second Mrs. Graves, Georgina, has not yet died.

Emeline is only certain of two things: something ghastly is afoot at Faraday House, and no one is going to save her. She will have to rely on her own courage, her burgeoning bond with the ill but strong-willed Georgina, and the aid of a handsome reverend with a mysterious past to unravel the secrets at the heart of the manor and forge her own destiny.
[Goodreads Summary]

Thank you for voting!

I hope you have a great week! Let me know what you have been reading!

© 2024, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Those temperatures really sound HIGH! We think it’s hot when it approaches 90 degrees.
    I hope you get some better weather.
    cheers… mae at

    1. Mae - It is supposed to cool down the middle of next week, fortunately. I will be glad when our current heatwave passes. Thank you for visiting!

  2. We're having a cooler day tomorrow because some thunderstorms are coming through. I don't read historical fiction either but "based on a real life woman who fought as a soldier during the war" sure caught my attention so I may add it to my list.

    1. Vicki - There was a sudden dip in the temperatures yesterday afternoon when a thunderstorm rolled through. The rain was nice, but the lightning created more problems for the area. I will keep you posted on what I think of A Girl Called Samson. I'm still not too far into it yet. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Whew that is so hot!! I hope you guys get some relief from all the heat and fires and jeez, earthquakes too!

    I voted for Haunted Ever After - I have that on my TBR too!

    1. Erin - It has been a lot weather-wise. The air quality today is bad on top of the heat. We are expecting cooler temperatures mid-week, thankfully. Thank you for voting and visiting!

  4. Goodness! Hot temperatures, shaky ground, and wildfires? That's awful. I hope you get some comfort from your reading. Here's to the swift arrival of a cool front.

    I haven't read a good fantasy series in a while, but I would like to. Maybe I will look for the Naomi Novik books.

    1. Deb - Thank goodness for books! It looks like relief from the heat may come soon, fortunately. I've really enjoyed the Scholomance series. This last book already has me hooked. I will be sad to see the trilogy end. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I hope you get a break from those high temps soon. Our temps are usually very high from April torhough September but now we are getting an unexpected rain break. We needed it.

    Giving your kids extra hugs never hurt them at all and they'll always feel loved. I think it's sad our children have to know what to do for a school shooting. As I read about the things happening in school it's just heartbreaking.

    1. Tina - It looks like we will get a break tomorrow or the day after. Fingers crossed! Unfortunately, the air quality is really bad because of the smoke from the fires now. We did get a little rain yesterday, but with it came lightning. I heard that ended up causing more trouble than it was worth for the Line fire.

      The school shooting in Georgia was awful news. Just a cap to an already sad week, unfortunately. It really is heartbreaking. Kids turning to suicide or resorting to taking out others--it's all so tragic.

      Thank you for visiting!

  6. It is warmer than normal for this time of the year here too but not nearly as high as the temperatures you’re experiencing. I am also on a fault line and live with the threat of a major earthquake. I hope that shaking has stopped now. Have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Jodie - It does seem like there have been a lot more noticeable earthquakes this year. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. I'm glad our weather has cooled more to normal around 80. I hope you get more of this better, lovely weather. I also hope to do overdue chores and do more reading.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - We are expecting better weather in a day or two, fortunately. I hope that will be good news for the fire fighters too. Thank you for visiting!

  8. We have some friends who live in Running Springs and they have been given an evacuation warning for the Line Fire. So sad and scary! I do see the temps are cooling way down later this week, so that's something to look forward to. I hope your week is less stressful:-)

    1. Tammy - One of my coworkers has had to evacuate because of the Line Fire too. I hope the cooler temperatures will bring some relief for everyone! Thank you for stopping by!

  9. I'm sorry you're still baking under those hot temps. And earthquakes and fires, too? Ugh. Here's hoping cooler weather is coming your way soon. And I had to vote for Haunted Ever After because I just finished reading it two weeks ago and thought it was a fun combination of ghosts and romance. :D

    1. Lark - Thank you! Cooler weather is on its way, fortunately. Ghosts and romance does sound good. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  10. I thought it was hot here, but it's much hotter by you. I read A Fatal Feast At Bramsford Manor and enjoyed it. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - Yay! I am glad to hear you enjoyed A Fatal Feast At Bramsford Manor. I look forward to reading it. I hope you have a great week too! Thank you for stopping by!

  11. Temperatures of 100+ degrees F are miserable, especially when they continue for days on end. We've had our share of such days here on the Gulf Coast in past years. In contrast, this summer has been relatively pleasant.

    1. Dorothy - I am so glad you have had pleasant weather. May it continue into the fall and winter. Thank you for stopping by!

  12. That does sound like a miserable week! I hope things cool off for you all soon. Have a great week!

  13. I picked A Fatal Feast, I hope it's good.

    It's been the same temperatures here that you've been having. I just keep telling myself one more month and then it will cool down.

    1. Mary - I'm so ready for cooler weather. Thank you for voting and visiting!

  14. I hope your week is better. Hugs.

  15. I hope it cools down for you soon. We were lucky not to heat up. Air con would be too expensive and also wouldn't work in our house (we are a mid terrace so nowhere to ventilate) so we just have to hope we don't need it 😶

    How scary to have a quake. I hope that everything sorts itself out.

    It was hard to pick one out of the three books as they all sound good!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Emily - Air conditioning of some sort is a necessity in the climate I live in. The price of living on the edge of the desert. Thank you for stopping by!

  16. Way too hot! Praying for all those dealing with those wildfires. Between the heat and the expanding fires, it is so scary. Hope you all stay safe. I voted.

    1. Cheryl - I really feel for the fire fighters and those directly impacted by the fires. The conditions out there are awful right now. Thank you for voting and visiting!

  17. I was down in Woodland Hills on Sunday and it was sooooo hot! My AC has also been running nonstop.

    1. Helen - I am looking forward to the cooler temperatures coming our way in the next few days. Hopefully it will last. Thank you for stopping by!

  18. We had some hot days this last week, too. We have a major cool down coming. We're in Northern California so maybe you're getting some cooler weather your way too? It's so scary when fires are close. And yes, I feel for the brave firefighters that have to battle in those hellfire temps! Hope you have good week!

    1. Rachel - Today it's supposed to be in the high 80's so a big change from yesterday. We have three major fires in the surrounding areas that aren't close to us, fortunately, but the smoke is horrible just the same. I really feel for those who are directly impacted. Thank you for visiting and I hope you have a good week too!

  19. All three of those books look excellent for bringing in the spooky season. I got intrigued by the combo of cooking show and ghosts, with a murder mystery thrown in for fun.

    1. Joy - I am looking forward to diving into some spooky fun reads. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  20. It's Elementary is on my TBR, glad to hear it was good. I voted for Haunted Ever After because I've read and enjoyed that one. Sorry for the stressful week at work, I've been there this school year!

    1. Lisa - I hope you enjoy It's Elementary when you read it. Thank you for voting! I've heard such good things about Haunted Ever After. Thank you for visiting!

  21. The past couple of weeks have been exhausting and draining. I hope you are doing good and have been able to get some rest in. I just finished Haunted Ever After and really enjoyed it. It's super light and cute and might be just what you need right now but honestly all of your choices look fantastic.

    1. Katherine - Thank you! I hope you have been able to fit in some rest too. I am glad to hear you enjoyed Haunted Ever After! I look forward to reading it. Thank you for stopping by!

  22. Replies
    1. Blodeuedd - Thank you for voting! You're just in time. :-)


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