Thursday, February 06, 2025

Where Is Your Book Mark: Bookish Mewsings on Murder in the Dressing Room & Other Friday Fun

Along with this mini review, I am linking to both Book Beginnings, a meme in which readers share the first sentence of a book they are reading, hosted by Gillion of Rose City Reader and First Line Friday hosted by Carrie of Reading is My Super Power, as well as Friday 56 hosted by Anne of My Head is Full of Books, in which readers share a random sentence or two from page 56 or 56% of the book they are reading.  
Dead. [prologue opening of Murder in the Dressing Room]
It was a Wednesday night, hence the title of the chapter, and, like every Wednesday night, Misty Divine was working at Lady's Bar, the glittering and opulent cabaret club on old Compton Street in the heart of Soho. [Chapter 1 opening of Murder in the Dressing Room]
"It looks bad for me, doesn't it?" She knew that it did.

"We're not dealing with what it looks like, we're only dealing with the facts. But seeing it through the police's eyes, you had both motive and opportunity. It's not a surprise to me that they want to question you." [excerpt from 56% of Murder in the Dressing Room

Murder in the Dressing Room 
(Misty Divine Mystery #1) by Holly Stars
Berkley, 2025
Mystery/Suspense/Cozy; 368 pgs
Source: From the publisher via NetGalley
Drag queens aren't just dramatic. They're deadly...By day, shy hotel accountant Joe hides behind their desk and plays by the rules. By night, Joe takes to the stage as Misty Divine, an upcoming star of the London drag scene. But when Misty’s mentor, Lady Lady, is found dead in her dressing room, Misty finds herself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Because Lady Lady was murdered – and as the only ones with access to her room, Misty and her fellow performers quickly become prime suspects. Heartbroken by the loss, and frustrated by the inaction of the police, Joe is determined to uncover the killer in their midst. But what can they, a mere hotel accountant, possibly do? This is a case for Misty Divine…[From the Publisher]

My thoughts: Keeping in the theme of drag queens after attending a Drag Queen Story Hour this past weekend, I was excited to be reading this cozy mystery set around the drag queen and king scene in London. This mystery did not disappoint. It was smart, at times funny, and well-plotted, with an endearing cast of characters. Joe is much more comfortable facing the world as Misty, but even then, questioning her friends and trying to figure out who among them may be a murderer, is not easy. Misty cannot imagine any of her friends could be a killer. I adored Miles, the supporting partner, who tries to temper Joe's occasional impulsive decisions and never fails to be there for them. The glamour and sparkle of drag queen life is just as present in Murder in the Dressing Room as the offstage struggles the characters face in their daily lives. Although a cozy mystery, I appreciated that the author included a glimpse at the discrimination LGBTQ+ face, in drag or not, whether it be from a insensitive detective or an uber driver. This was such an entertaining and twisty mystery novel. I look forward to seeing what Holly Stars has instore for Misty next. 

Does this sound like something you would enjoy? If you have read it, what did you think? 

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. It is hosted by Linda Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About. Join in by answering this week's question in the comments or on your own blog.
What is your least favorite thing about winter?

Trees this time of year look so sad without their leaves. But if I had to name my absolute least favorite thing about winter, it would be the cold. Definitely the cold. I find the cold gives me a runny nose and keeps me up coughing in the night. I don't know how those of you who live in snowy climates manage so well during the winter. The combination of the cold and the wet would drive me crazy (says the woman who loves rain). The temperatures do sometimes get to freezing or below here, although not often, and ice can be a threat to our water pipes, plants, and on the roads. It has snowed in town once or twice in the past thirty or so years (whether it actually counts as snow is another matter), but it's really only something we see on the mountain tops in the distance or in photos. 

What about you? 

Every Friday Coffee Addicted Writer from Coffee Addicted Writer poses a question which participants respond on their own blogs within the week (Friday through Thursday). They then share their links at the main site and visit other participants blogs.

Do you prefer to read series one book after another, or do you read other books in between? [submitted by Submitted by Idea-ist @ Get Lost in Literature]

I generally read other books in between series books, although I have been known to binge series books on occasion, reading them back to back. Or I will read a couple or so back to back and then pick up something else before returning to the series. If it is a long series, I find I can only read so many before I need to read something else, otherwise I burn out on the series; which is one of the reasons I got into the habit of breaking up my series reading to avoid that from happening. The other reason is that sometimes the next book in the series isn't out yet--so unless I were to stop reading altogether (the horror!) while I wait, I will be reading other books in between.  

What is your preference?

 I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Be sure and tell me what you are reading and are up to!

© 2025 Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Oh yes, reading in between for an ongoing series is understandable! Over the years I did hold off on starting some trilogies as I wanted to binge them. Series that are short like that I would prefer to binge so that way I don't forget things. The long running ones I could read back to back to get caught up but then I would probably need to read more as the rest released! I am so behind on one of my author's books because she writes so fast and has like 3 or 4 books out a year. I swear she has figured out how to live life without sleeping because WOW!

    Here's my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Jessica - It's hard to keep up with some of the more prolific authors' series, isn't it? They write so fast! I've done that with duologies and trilogies too--held off until it's complete so I can read them back to back or relatively close together. It's usually those interconnected books that have overarching story lines when I most want to read them closer together. Many of the series I read, the books have self contained storylines so it's not as big a deal to spread them out. Thank you for visiting!

  2. I like how you were able to continue the theme you began at story hour with this book.

    1. Deb - It's nice when real life aligns with my reading. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Least favorite thing about winter - yes, the cold and the cedar pollen in our area. I'm allergic to it and have been since I was a kid. I was always 'sick' at Christmas time. Anyway, my allergy meds are better now, but I still deal with itchy eyes, ears, etc. Spring is my favorite season for several reasons - goodbye cedar and I love the wildflowers.

    You know that I am a big fan of series reading. Like you, I do it in various ways. I agree that sometimes reading them back-to-back works, but sometimes one gets weary of that. And then there is also the 'waiting on' aspect. Ha! I'll never quit reading series though. Have a good weekend!!

    1. Kay - As someone who suffers from allergies year round, and more so in the spring, I can appreciate not liking winter if that's when your allergies are at their worst. Allergies are miserable making.

      Yay for series reading! I can't see giving up series reading either. :-) hope you have a good weekend too. Thank you for visiting!

  4. One of the things that irritates me is if a YA series is too long, the youth outgrow the series before it is done. I used to have book series in my high school library that kids were crazy about. I would order the next and next books and pretty soon I'd notice that no one was reading them anymore. The folks who liked them had long ago graduated and the new students weren't interested in starting a 10 book series. I wish all were 3ish books long.

    1. Anne - I can see how that would be irritating as a librarian. I do think some series run too long. On the flip side, I hate it when a series is cut short because a publisher decides not to continue the series. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I tend to read other books between series books. Sometimes it's because the next book hasn't come out yet, while other times, I just need a change in genre. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :D

    1. Ashley - Yes! I am the same way. I hope you have a great weekend too. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. I want to read that book. It sounds like a wonderful mystery. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yvonne - It was really good. I hope you do get a chance to read it. Thank you for visiting and I hope you have a great weekend too!

  7. I love your excerpts and review for Murder in the Dressing Room. It sounds light hearted despite being a murder mystery.

    1. Idea-ist - It was a fun mystery! Thank you for stopping by!

  8. As much as I hate the cold, living in a climate where is snows usually means we are more prepared for it. For example, any snowfall less than four inches is just a nuisance not an issue. That said, I do hate the "colds" I get during the "cold" weather.

    1. Jen - Colds during cold weather are the worst. Ugh. I know what you mean about being more prepared for certain conditions when you live in a climate where that type of weather in the the norm. Living where I do, even heavy rain is dangerous because our roads and sewer systems aren't built to handle a lot of water. And people aren't used to driving in it since we don't usually get a lot. Thank you for visiting!

  9. I like to read books in a series. I usually read them in order and I actually enjoy when there are multiple books. Have a great weekend!

    1. Jamie - I prefer to read series books in order too, even if not back to back. Thank you for stopping by!

  10. I think I'll have to try this one. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Lauren - I hope you enjoy it if you read it! Thank you for visiting.

  11. I am doing lots of little things to defy the current administration and reading a drag queen murder mystery is perfect. Thank you for the recommendation

    1. Helen - I find myself gravitating towards books I think the current administration would find problematic too. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  12. I loved Murder In The Dressing Room!

    I used to read books one after the other, now I get too distracted by Blog Tours 😂

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Emily - I am glad you enjoyed Murder in the Dressing Room too! Reading obligations do throw a wrench in reading series books back to back. Thank you for visiting!

  13. First the questions: My least favourite thing about winter is the gray. I need sun or get very depressed. That is why I travel to Florida for the winter. When I am binging a series, it depends on how many books there are to read. If it is a just a few, I might read them back to back. If there are more, I will fit others in between as I need a break. When I first saw Murder in the Dressing Room, the cover didn't appeal to me, so I didn't even read the blurb. After reading your review and more about the book, then yes, this book does appeal to me. My DIL is very involved with the Pride community and Drag Shows, so I will definitely recommend she check this one out as well. I am reading a couple of books for upcoming blog tours, then I am planning on reading or listening to some books for Black History Month. Have a great week, Wendy.

    1. Carla - Too much gray can be depressing. I hope you will give Murder in the Dressing Room a change despite the cover! It really is good. I hope your daughter-in-law will like it too! I hope you are enjoying your reading! Thank you for stopping by!

  14. I did not even think of the trees looking sad, but we do have them filled with snow instead and then they are beautiful

    1. Blodeuedd - Trees covered in snow are beautiful. Our leafless trees just look so sad. Thank you for visiting!


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