Imagine that everything is going just swimmingly. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and all’s right with the world. You’re practically bouncing from health and have money in your pocket. The kids are playing and laughing, the puppy is chewing in the cutest possible manner on an officially-sanctioned chew toy, and in between moments of laughter for pure joy, you pick up a book to read . . .
What is it?
Yesterday would have been the perfect reading day. It was overcast, rainy, not too cold and not too warm. Oh, how I wished I could linger in bed, wake up at my own speed and not have to go into work! Alas, duty called and off I went to the office. I should have stayed in bed. It was that kind of day.
Under the most perfect of reading conditions, I am drawn to all the usual sorts of books I like to read. My biggest dilemma would be deciding what to read next. There is not one sort of book that stands out above the rest.
I may want to celebrate the moment by reading something breezy and light, something funny, or perhaps something dark and intense. Or this may be the perfect opportunity to settle in with a longer more serious book, one that is thought provoking with a writing style to savor. Depending on my mood, I may want to transport myself into a completely different world or surround myself with real life situations. A visit with old friends or familiar places might be nice, but then, I would not mind meeting someone new and traveling to parts of the world I will never set an actual foot in. There are times when I prefer to solve a riddle or a puzzle, study human nature, go on an adventure with lots of ups and downs, or take it easy with something inspiring. This would be the perfect time to read a book that would make me feel deeply--one I could cry over, get angry and roll my eyes or mutter my outrage under my breath, or even laugh out loud in spurts without drawing the attention of anyone other than my animals.
Under the perfect reading conditions, I think I might want a little bit of everything. Maybe if I had an entire day . . .
Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!
haha! me too.
ReplyDeleteI love how you phrased your answer ^_^ And I do agree with you. It depends on the mood and what particular need you have when you pick a book up.
ReplyDeleteHappy BTT!
An entire day to read does sound heavenly doesn't it? I completely agree with you- deciding what to read next would be the biggest problem!
ReplyDeleteSo many wonderful choices, eh?
ReplyDeleteBut ultimately for the meme I picked cookbooks because when I'm happy I love to cook!
That was a very elegant way of phrasing things!! I pretty much agree to all!
ReplyDeleteChris - Reading some of the other responses, I see we are in good company. :-)
ReplyDeleteDeN - Thank you! A lot goes into what book I may choose to read at any given time.
Tanabata - Heavenly indeed! At least with all the challenges I'm participating in, my choices are somewhat more limited. :-)
Heather - Sometimes I think it may be too many. Nah. Just enough. :-)
Stephanie - Thank you, Stephanie. I think I got carried away.
I would love an entire day to read. I was hoping I would get a chance to do that on our upcoming cruise, but I have a feeling my husband is not going to be content to let me do that!
ReplyDeleteI wish you the most perfect reading day adventure! Great answer, I love how you "turn a phrase" as well. Happy BTT!
ReplyDeleteI have a mountain of TBR's but I would really like to finish Design for Murder by Carolyn Hart and Lady of Conquest by Teresa Medeiros.
ReplyDeleteOf course with as far behind as I am on my postings, I won't be able to read for awhile!
I agree, one of the things I love about reading is the being transported to somewhere else. I'm off to dream about having a whole day to read!
ReplyDeleteHappy BTT.
Daphne - If ever I go on a cruise, I can just imagine myself sitting out on the deck reading all day long . . . Hopefully your husband will let you get to read some! Maybe at least half of a day? Tell him that he owes you.
ReplyDeleteCee Cee - Thank you!
Ladytink - Getting to those books you've been meaning to is a great way to spend a pleasant reading day. :-)
Daisy Cat - I love that too!
I totally agree! ;) And deciding what to read next is my biggest problem too, no matter whatever the circumstances is, hehe.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great weekend ahead. Happy reading!
On a good day, just about everything sounds enticing, doesn't it? You can face the serious, relax with the cozy, laugh at the silliest things. It's on the bad days that choosing something is harder.
ReplyDeleteVery well written musings. I agree ... it would really depend on my mood that day.
ReplyDeleteMelody - I hope you have a good weekend too. I definitely plan to fit in some reading.
ReplyDeleteBooklogged - Yes, there always seem to be a multitude of choices because everything sounds good. :-)
No reading for me this week/weekend! As I am teacher, I am evaluting answersheets! No time to read!
ReplyDeleteI'm planning lots of all-day reading at Christmas, and looking forward to it already. Hope you enjoy some good reading over the weekend, though.
ReplyDeleteI definitely can relate with what you've said, Wendy. I'd love to try a little bit of everything too. :)
ReplyDeleteGautami - No reading this weekend?? I guess the answersheets do have to be evaluated, but not even a peek inside a book?
ReplyDeleteGeraniumCat - That sounds wonderful--an all day reading at Christmas. It's so far off though. I'm not sure I could be so patient. Haha
Alice - It makes for some fun and intersting reading, that's for sure. :-)
BookGal - Thank you. It's so hard to know what will entice me, even in the best of times. It's always changing.