1. When my blog is broken, I whine and complain a little and then grab whatever book I am reading and immerse myself in the pages.
2. I saw the most amazing sight this morning! Rain! (but, boy, was it a pain to have to drive in because it was coming down fast and nonstop for several hours).
3. The Kite Runner and Atonement are the new movies I'm most looking forward to seeing.
4. Work: Necessary and rarely dull.
5. Of all the new tv shows, I enjoy Chuck the most. (I can't believe I'm admitting to this. Ugh. It is silly and dumb, but it sure is fun.)
6. If only the deputy district attorney had called me this morning to say I did not need to appear in court today so that I would not have had to get up early on my day off, dress in my finery, fight traffic to find a place to park, run between the raindrops to the courthouse, and wait and wait and wait. Now I have to go back on Monday.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to some much needed bloghopping (Anjin's finally battling in Karazhan), tomorrow my plans include taking in a movie and finishing up the laundry and Sunday, I want to get caught up on TV shows!
Dewey of The Hidden Side of a Leaf kindly tagged me for the Seven Weird Facts Meme. I expected I would end up being tagged for this one and was trying to think ahead of time for my response, but I am still at a loss. Let's see what I can scrape together.
1. I am a huge fan of musicals. I like listening to showtunes and often sing along.
2. I can sing the entire Jesus Christ Superstar rock opera from memory. I am not saying I'm any good though.
3. Les Miserables is my favorite musical. Maybe someday I will actually finish reading the book.
4. Rent is my favorite musical movie. (The stage performance is awesome too.)
5. When attending a stage performance of a musical, I always get teary-eyed at the start of the show.
6. I have performed in three musicals.
7. My husband actually likes musicals and does not mind going to see them with me.
It was not my intention to run with the musical theme. It sort of just happened. I think it may have had something to do with the music I am listening to right now. And I know most of what I listed does not count as weird, but it has been a long day, and this is the best I can manage.
If you haven't given this meme a try, please do! I would love to learn more about you! Make sure and let me know if you decide to play.