Would you say that you read about the same amount now as when you were younger? More? Less? Why?
Reading has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. It is impossible to recall a time in my life when I was not reading. Whether I am stealing a moment here and there or settling in for a reading marathon, I rarely am without a book. I think that a lot depends on what is going on in my life at any given moment and what it is I am reading.
I only started keeping a reading journal about four years ago, and never really kept count before then. During my school years, I more often read for pleasure during holidays and summer vacations, dedicating the school year to my studies and reading class assignments, be it text books, journal articles, nonfiction or fiction books. Whether I read more or less during that time in my life, I could not tell you, but I do know I was reading.
In general, the amount I read fluctuates. Even just taking the last four years into account, my final count at the end of each year varies with no real discernible pattern. Last year I somehow managed to read over 100 books, which is far more than I ever could have thought possible. That will not be happening this year. Of course, it isn't really about the numbers, is it? It is about the quality of our reading and that we are getting out of it what we most would like to.
(I can tell you without question that my TBR collection has increased considerably in recent years. Embarrassingly so. Let's not talk about that though.)

1. Plans and schedules must be flexible and are subject to change .
2. I'm happy when things come together.
3. The last thing I drank was a bottle of water.
4. One of the most valuable things in my life is my husband.
5. I like chicken and BBQ sauce on my pizza.
6. Dear November, please take your time as you pass right on by.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to an evening out on the town, tomorrow my plans include starting the Christmas shopping, and Sunday, I want to spend the day as I almost always do: reading!
Melody and Alice have awarded me the Amazing Blogger Award and I must say, I am thrilled that they think so much of me. Melody and Alice are quite amazing themselves!

There are so many amazing blogs out there. Sometimes I may not take the time to comment, but you can be sure I visit. I wish I could give you all this award. You certainly deserve it. Just the same, I have decided to give a special shout out to two amazing bloggers who I cannot help but want to share the spotlight.
Ladytink at The Movieholic & Bibliophile's Blog - I love her book and movie reviews. She also has a blog about animated and family-friendly movies called Ladytink's Happy Place.
Florinda at The 3R's: Reading, 'Riting, and Randomness - She tackles quite a few subjects and never fails to entertain and give me pause for thought.
And if that wasn't enough, Happy Reader from the Book Closet (who I agree has earned this one) nominated me for the Schmooze Award!
This award is for the bloggers who “effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogsphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship.”

Hi Wendy! I'm impressed that you have managed to read over 100 books last year! I'll be very happy if I'm able to read 50 books, haha! (I think I might reach the goal looking at my list, hehe.) ;)
ReplyDeleteWowza! Thank you so much for giving me that award, Wendy! I feel like a star, LOL! And I'm still blushing at your comment about my blog. ;) Once again, thanks for everything!
Last but not least, I hope you have a great weekend ahead. :)
I've just posted my Booking Through Thursday reply and see that yours is quite like mine. I started to keep a proper list only in 2006 but have always read lots of books. Last year I read 73 and am up to 82 already this year. But as you say it's not about numbers - and I just love reading!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your awards :)
ReplyDeleteI started keeping a reading journal about 3 or 4 years ago as well but haven't totalled up the number of books I have read apart from this year. I do agree that it is more about quality of books rather than number.
I do agree. Quality matters more than quantity. Now my reading considers that aspect.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the blog awards!
ReplyDeleteAnd it's great that you've always been a reader.
My reading fluctuates too. I find myself going through phases of reading a lot of classics or "deep" novels where my reading count can really go down, even though I'm putting the same amount of time into reading.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I have my kids books phases where the number of books I read really skyrockets! That's one reason why I also like to keep track of the # of pages I read.
Whoo hoo! Score! Three new blogs to visit. Thanks Wendy. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your awards - and thank you SO much for mine! It's my very first one ever (hopefully it won't be my only one ever)! I'll be checking out your other winners' blogs too.
ReplyDeleteInteresting BTT question! I think I read about as much as I always have.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the awards! So well deserved!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your blog awards. :-)
ReplyDeleteMy answers to Friday Fill-in are here.
I've loved to read since I was old enough to do so! I can't imagine life without books :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for playing, have fun this weekend!
Wahoo on all your awards! You deserve them. I also love all the weekly stuff you do. I know I say that all the time, but I mean it!
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend.
Congrats on the awards, Wendy! So happy for you. I agree Melody brings cheers every where she goes and the blogosphere is definitely fortunate to have her around. :D
ReplyDeleteI share your sentiments about reading quality. It's not the quantity but the quality. I'm still exploring the genres for fiction I'm reading. I've only started early this year. I drew quite a bit of lessons from my reading. I still love business books and non-fiction.
Happy weekend!
Melody - I was quite surprised that I managed that at all! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome for the award. You definitely deserve it! I hope you have a good weekend too. :-)
BooksPlease - It's been interesting searching for patterns and looking over each year of reading since I began keeping the journal. I wish I had started keeping track long before sometimes.
Rhinoa - Thank you! I keep a Table of Contents/Mini Guide for easy reference of all the books I read in a year and so it's really easy to see how many books I've read in any given year since I started keeping track. I'm actually more interested in how many of what type of book I am reading and other little patterns like that than I am in the final number. It's just fun to see. :-)
Gautami - Yes, I think it does for me to--although what I consider quality reading for me might not be what someone else might things is quality. :-)
Chris - Thank you! Sometimes I think I was born reading!
Nyssaneala - Exactly! I go through phases like you describe too, and as you say, you're putting in the same amount of time reading, it just may not total up to as many books read as it would if you were reading some other type of book.
ReplyDeleteKookie - LOL I hope you enjoy visiting the other blogs. I hope you have a good weekend too.
Florinda - You certainly do deserve it!
Dewey - It's hard for me to know whether I do or not, but I do know that I've always been a reader. :-)
Karen - Why, thank you!
Angelika - Thank you! I'm a little behind with my blog hopping, but I'll be right over to visit your blog. Thanks for the link!
Janet - Me too! It really is impossible to imagine life without books, I agree.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a good weekend!
Nik - Thank you! The weekly memes make for an excuse to post every week at least. I sometimes wish I had time to read more and post more reviews though.
Alice - Thanks! There's so much variety out there for fiction, and so you'll never lack for anything new to try out. I hope you have a good weekend!
Thank you! I love visiting your page as well!
ReplyDeleteI have always been a reader too. But I know I read less now that when I was younger, but it's mostly time constraints. There just aren't enough hours in my days anymore. (that I tend to be on the computer a lot more!)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the blog awards. They are most defintely deserved!
Thanks again, Wendy! :) BTW, just to let you know I have managed to find Sacred Cows when I went bookshopping at Borders over the weekend, I'm so thrilled!!! :D
ReplyDeleteLadytink - I love your blog! And you deserve the recognition. :-)
ReplyDeleteStephanie - Thank you! The computer does eat away more of our time, doesn't it?
Melody - Oh, I am so glad! I hope you like it after all this trouble! Haha
Me too, Wendy. I will let you know once I have read it. Thanks for the recommendation! :)