Although the year before I was already reviewing books for a couple of different book websites and on the rare occasion was asked to review a book by an author, I never anticipated the flood of requests and opportunities that came my way this year, offers of books in exchange for reviews. Many book bloggers found themselves in the same predicament. It was both flattering and exciting, and oh so tempting.
I learned quickly that it was okay to say no, but not before I found myself drowning in books. I am still playing catch up and imagine I will be for awhile. I am much more selective about the books I accept for review. Even then, I was only agreeing to review books I thought I might like. (having broad tastes like I do can prove to be a downside in this instance). Since I read for pleasure and not for pay, I do not want to waste my time on something I will not enjoy. As my friend Florinda said on her own blog not too long ago, I am a reader first and foremost, a reader who likes to share my thoughts and opinions on the books I read.
I love the thrill of finding a new book in my mailbox, of reading something not yet or barely released, and of spreading the word about books and authors that are worth reading. I have very few regrets about the direction my reading has gone this year, and look forward to seeing what the future holds. I do hope to get back to some of my own books this next year, as well as catch up with my current commitments and continue to test drive new authors and new books. I just need to find the right balance.
When I look back on my reading this year, I feel satisfied. I rated no books lower than 3 Stars out of 5, which on my scale is a simple "good". Looking over the books now, I can see a couple of titles that I probably could mark a little lower, however, at the time I read them, I obviously felt they were worthy of the mark I gave them. Funny how time can impact our impressions.
At the other end of the spectrum, no book wowed me enough to earn my highest rating, a fact that at first disappointed me. I am usually not so stingy about giving away that top spot. Whether I was being more critical or none of the books I read quite reached that level for me, I do not know. Regardless, several of the books I read this year do stand out. They might not have earned 5 Stars, but they certainly have my respect and recommendation.
Top Nine Favorites for 2008:
- The Translator: A Tribesman's Memoir of Darfur by Daoud Hari
- The Cold Dish by Craig Johnson
- Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi (although in two volumes - I am exercising my discretion to count them as one for the purposes of this summary)
- Moonlight Downs by Adrian Hyland
- The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff
- The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway
- Killing Rommell by Steven Pressfield
- Nefertiti by Michelle Moran
- The View From the Seventh Layer by Kevin Brockmeier
Top Ten Favorite Crime Fiction Novels for 2008
- The Cold Dish by Craig Johnson
- Moonlight Downs by Adrian Hyland
- Out by Natsuo
- Death Without Company by Craig Johnson
- Shot Girl by Karen E. Olson
- A Grave in Gaza Matt Beynon Rees
- Kindness Goes Unpunished by Craig Johnson
- Sun and Shadow by Åke Edwardson
- Anarchy and Old Dogs by Colin Cotterill
- Baby Shark by Robert Fate

Longest Book Read ~ Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer (757 pgs)
Shortest Book Read ~ Judenhass by David Sim (77 pgs)
Oddest Book ~ The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall (runner up: Tokyo Year Zero by David Peace)
Best Setting ~ Moonlight Downs by Adrian Hyland
Best New Series ~ The Sheriff Longmire Series by Craig Johnson
Best Crime Fiction Novel ~ The Cold Dish by Craig Johnson
Best Fantasy Novel ~ Far World, Book 1: Water Keep by J. Scott Savage (runner up: The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling)
Best Graphic Novel ~ Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
Best Nonfiction Book ~ The Translator: A Tribesman's Memoir of Darfur by Daoud Hari
Old Favorites ~
Linda Fairstein
Colleen Gleason
Charlaine Harris
Alice Hoffman
Karen E. Olson
J.K. Rowling
New To Me Authors I Will Definitely Be Visiting Again ~
E.A. Benedek
Kevin Brockmeier
Colin Cotterill
Joycelynn Drake
David Ebershoff
Åke Edwardson
Robert Fate
Steven Galloway
Anne George
Karen Harrington
Joshua Henkin
Adrian Hyland
Craig Johnson
Natsuo Kirino
Michelle Moran
Steven Pressfield
Matt Beynon Rees
J. Scott Savage
Jennie Shortridge
Amanda Stevens
Gayle Trent
2008 Reading Trends ~
Total Books Read ~ 84
Total Authors read ~ 72
Total New To Me Authors Read ~ 62
Books Read by Genre/Type* ~
35 Crime/Suspense/Thrillers/Mysteries
20 Fiction
13 Nonfiction
11 Fantasy
8 Graphic Novels
1 Horror
1 Science Fiction
5 short story collections
*cross-genre books counted in multiple categories.
Authors Read by Gender ~
33 Females
37 Males
Books Read by Authors' Gender ~
40 Females
42 Males
2 Multiple Genders
Books Read by Rating ~
0 Outstanding/5 Stars
9 Very Good +/4.5 Stars
33 Very Good/4 Stars
22 Good +/3.5 Stars
20 Good/3 Stars
0 Fair/2 Stars
Book Size ~
16 Pint Size Books (200 pgs and Under)
38 Intermediate Books (201-350 pgs)
26 Substantial Books (351-500 pgs)
4 Doorstop Books (501+ pgs)
Books Read by Type ~
21 Hardback Books
50 Trade Paperback Books (20 Advanced Reader's Editions, ARE)
12 Mass Paperback Books
1 e-Book
Books Read by Year of Publication ~
46 in 2008
21 in 2007
4 in 2006
8 between 2000 - 2005
5 in the 1990's
Books Read by Narrative Voice ~
37 1st Person
28 3rd Person
16 Both
3 Nonspecific Voice
Book Sources ~
52 from authors, publishers, or publicists
30 from my existing TBR collection
1 won in contest
1 loaner
Best reading month ~ December (15 books)
Worst reading month ~ April (3 books)
Reading Challenges Participated in ~ 7 (1 carry over from year before)
Reading Challenges Completed ~ 4
Top Five Movies Of the Year ~
Top Five TV Shows of the Year ~
This has been a challenging year for me in many respects, but one of the things that stayed constant in my life was my love for reading (that and my awesome husband who has yet again proven just how unselfish and loving he is. Oh, and the animals too. Life would not be the same without my furkids). The books I read this year provided me with the opportunity to step outside of my own shoes, study the world and share in others' joys and pains, and even escape when I most needed to. I learned; I was entertained; I was moved to tears and laughter and forced to think outside the box. I am a better person for it.
The book blogging community is like a home away from home, and I appreciate all of the support and friendship so many of you have offered to me since I began blogging. When I was at my lowest this year, you were among those who encouraged and inspired me. We celebrated our successes together, offered support during the rough times, grieved together for the loss of a friend, and shared a bit of our lives with one another.
I hope each of you has a wonderful New Year. May you be blessed with good health, lots of laughter, happy memories, and many great books.
Shortest Book Read ~ Judenhass by David Sim (77 pgs)
Oddest Book ~ The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall (runner up: Tokyo Year Zero by David Peace)
Best Setting ~ Moonlight Downs by Adrian Hyland
Best New Series ~ The Sheriff Longmire Series by Craig Johnson
Best Crime Fiction Novel ~ The Cold Dish by Craig Johnson
Best Fantasy Novel ~ Far World, Book 1: Water Keep by J. Scott Savage (runner up: The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling)
Best Graphic Novel ~ Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
Best Nonfiction Book ~ The Translator: A Tribesman's Memoir of Darfur by Daoud Hari
Old Favorites ~
Linda Fairstein
Colleen Gleason
Charlaine Harris
Alice Hoffman
Karen E. Olson
J.K. Rowling
New To Me Authors I Will Definitely Be Visiting Again ~
E.A. Benedek
Kevin Brockmeier
Colin Cotterill
Joycelynn Drake
David Ebershoff
Åke Edwardson
Robert Fate
Steven Galloway
Anne George
Karen Harrington
Joshua Henkin
Adrian Hyland
Craig Johnson
Natsuo Kirino
Michelle Moran
Steven Pressfield
Matt Beynon Rees
J. Scott Savage
Jennie Shortridge
Amanda Stevens
Gayle Trent
2008 Reading Trends ~
Total Books Read ~ 84
Total Authors read ~ 72
Total New To Me Authors Read ~ 62
Books Read by Genre/Type* ~
35 Crime/Suspense/Thrillers/Mysteries
20 Fiction
13 Nonfiction
11 Fantasy
8 Graphic Novels
1 Horror
1 Science Fiction
5 short story collections
*cross-genre books counted in multiple categories.
Authors Read by Gender ~
33 Females
37 Males
Books Read by Authors' Gender ~
40 Females
42 Males
2 Multiple Genders
Books Read by Rating ~
0 Outstanding/5 Stars
9 Very Good +/4.5 Stars
33 Very Good/4 Stars
22 Good +/3.5 Stars
20 Good/3 Stars
0 Fair/2 Stars
Book Size ~
16 Pint Size Books (200 pgs and Under)
38 Intermediate Books (201-350 pgs)
26 Substantial Books (351-500 pgs)
4 Doorstop Books (501+ pgs)
Books Read by Type ~
21 Hardback Books
50 Trade Paperback Books (20 Advanced Reader's Editions, ARE)
12 Mass Paperback Books
1 e-Book
Books Read by Year of Publication ~
46 in 2008
21 in 2007
4 in 2006
8 between 2000 - 2005
5 in the 1990's
Books Read by Narrative Voice ~
37 1st Person
28 3rd Person
16 Both
3 Nonspecific Voice
Book Sources ~
52 from authors, publishers, or publicists
30 from my existing TBR collection
1 won in contest
1 loaner
Best reading month ~ December (15 books)
Worst reading month ~ April (3 books)
Reading Challenges Participated in ~ 7 (1 carry over from year before)
Reading Challenges Completed ~ 4
Top Five Movies Of the Year ~
- Dark Knight
- Milk
- Wanted
- Wall-E
- Iron Man
Top Five TV Shows of the Year ~
- The Wire
- True Blood
- Dr. Who
- Lost
- Closer
This has been a challenging year for me in many respects, but one of the things that stayed constant in my life was my love for reading (that and my awesome husband who has yet again proven just how unselfish and loving he is. Oh, and the animals too. Life would not be the same without my furkids). The books I read this year provided me with the opportunity to step outside of my own shoes, study the world and share in others' joys and pains, and even escape when I most needed to. I learned; I was entertained; I was moved to tears and laughter and forced to think outside the box. I am a better person for it.
The book blogging community is like a home away from home, and I appreciate all of the support and friendship so many of you have offered to me since I began blogging. When I was at my lowest this year, you were among those who encouraged and inspired me. We celebrated our successes together, offered support during the rough times, grieved together for the loss of a friend, and shared a bit of our lives with one another.
I hope each of you has a wonderful New Year. May you be blessed with good health, lots of laughter, happy memories, and many great books.
Happy Reading!