I was the lucky grand prize winner in a giveaway hosted by Becca of The Inside Cover. I could not have been more excited. My prizes arrived in yesterday's mail: The Reincarnationist and The Memorist by M.J. Rose.
I recently received a copy of Who by Fire by Diana Spechler, which I am looking forward to reading early next year.
I also received a surprise package from Amazon last week with a neatly wrapped gift. I am pretty sure it is a book, but I haven't yet peeked. My Secret Santa was quick on his or her toes! (I also received another little Secret Santa gift, which I'm just dying to open!).

A little tease from what I've been reading lately:
I know there are some people who frown upon making changes at the start of each new year. Well, I am not one of them. I have been giving serious consideration to my blog's content the last couple of months in regards to special features and the like. One idea that I have been toying with is something I came up with as a result of Amy's Book Blogger Appreciation event in September. Participants were asked if they wanted to participate in an interview exchange and several of us took Amy up on the offer. With so many book blogs out there and my never ending curiosity about my fellow bloggers, I thought hosting a regular book blogger feature/Q&A event each month would be something fun to do. My initial thought is to post one interview with a book blogger a month, but I suppose if there is enough interest, I could manage two a month. What do you think? Does this sound like something you would enjoy reading here on Musings of a Bookish Kitty?
I admit that I am not very original when it comes to thinking up questions, and so many of the basic ones will most likely be the same for each interview. I would love suggestions for questions, and so feel free to either e-mail me privately or leave a comment below if there is anything you especially would like to know about your fellow bloggers.
I recently received a copy of Who by Fire by Diana Spechler, which I am looking forward to reading early next year.
I also received a surprise package from Amazon last week with a neatly wrapped gift. I am pretty sure it is a book, but I haven't yet peeked. My Secret Santa was quick on his or her toes! (I also received another little Secret Santa gift, which I'm just dying to open!).

A little tease from what I've been reading lately:
He stubbed out his cigarillo, paid his bill, and checked his watch again. An Andalusian dog wandered over the road, chasing shadows. Winter thought about his father. He felt a drop of rain. [pg 46 from Sun and Shadow by Åke Edwardson]
I know there are some people who frown upon making changes at the start of each new year. Well, I am not one of them. I have been giving serious consideration to my blog's content the last couple of months in regards to special features and the like. One idea that I have been toying with is something I came up with as a result of Amy's Book Blogger Appreciation event in September. Participants were asked if they wanted to participate in an interview exchange and several of us took Amy up on the offer. With so many book blogs out there and my never ending curiosity about my fellow bloggers, I thought hosting a regular book blogger feature/Q&A event each month would be something fun to do. My initial thought is to post one interview with a book blogger a month, but I suppose if there is enough interest, I could manage two a month. What do you think? Does this sound like something you would enjoy reading here on Musings of a Bookish Kitty?
I admit that I am not very original when it comes to thinking up questions, and so many of the basic ones will most likely be the same for each interview. I would love suggestions for questions, and so feel free to either e-mail me privately or leave a comment below if there is anything you especially would like to know about your fellow bloggers.
Oh my gosh, what a good book week. I can't wait to read Who By Fire myself.
ReplyDeleteWell, I will read your blog regardless of whether you change the content, but I'm odd in that I've found interviews tiresome, lately. It could be the fact that blog tours have led to a dozen or more interviews with the same author. I'd say if you do, be original and find authors nobody else is interviewing.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a great mailbox week!
Kathy - Who by Fire does sound good, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteNancy - I'm not talking about author interviews. I'll be interviewing fellow book bloggers. :-)
Good teaser! Mine is up now, too.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of interviewing book bloggers. Since I've become involved with this community, I feel like this is such an interesting group. It would be fun to learn about others. That said, you might make it easy on yourself by just having a Five Questions With...format. Easy to blog. Easy to read.
Congrats on winning the books, Wendy! I've wanted to read those books for ages so I can't wait to hear your thoughts on them!
ReplyDeleteI think your idea about the interview exchange is great! I'd love to know more about other bookbloggers and besides, it'd be fun too! I support your idea!! :)
The interviews sound like a great idea!
ReplyDeleteLucky you to have one the M.J. Rose books. I can't wait to see what you'll think of them. I will also read your blog no matter what but the blogger interviews would probably be really fun.
ReplyDeleteLucky you! I've been trying to win the M.J. Rose books but no luck so far. And your secret Santa really was quick! I'm not sure I'll be able to wait once mine gets here.
ReplyDeleteThe interviews sound like fun. And I agree with Scobberlotcher that having standard questions isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I love the idea of reading book blogger reviews! Please do it!
ReplyDeleteHope you had a good Thanksgiving, Wendy!
ReplyDeleteI love the book-blogger interview idea! I think Karen H.'s (Scobberlotcher) suggestion of a "Five Questions With..." format might be a good way to go. And even if you didn't want to use the same questions all the time, you could have one "signature" question that you always include (kind of like Natasha at Maw Books Blog asks authors for their favorite recipes when she does interviews). I'll be interested in seeing how you develop this.
I'll be reading Who by Fire for an online book club in January, and will look forward to finding out what you think of it!
Interesting idea for the interview. I'd be curious to learn more before I signed up to interview someone / be interviewed.
ReplyDeleteI think the book blogger interviews is an excellent idea!
ReplyDeleteI've read all three of those books! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
ReplyDeleteAs for book blogger interviews, I say go for it! I read your blog all the time, and I'd read these posts, too. I'm sure it would introduce me to new book blogs. (Like I need to add to google reader! LOL)
Diary of an Eccentric
I think standard questions are a great idea!
ReplyDeleteIt's a great idea to interview book bloggers, especially those who don't have an "about me" page on their blogs.
ReplyDeleteI think the book blogger interviews will be a great addition! I don't really have any ideas about questions, but one thing I've seen done before that is kind of fun is to ask the questions from Inside the Actor's Studio.
ReplyDeleteThe book blogger interviews sound like a great idea. I'd definitely be interested in getting to know more book bloggers better that way. Though I'm sure my overburdened Google Reader won't be too happy about it... ;-)
ReplyDeleteI got my secret santa gift too! I haven't opened it either. Its getting tougher.
ReplyDeleteI have not read Who by Fire or The Memorist or Reincarnationist...but they are all on the TBR list.
Hi Wendy! So good to have you back. LOL.
ReplyDeleteThat's so wondeful of your Secret Santa and very quick too! I've made arrangement with the local bookstore of my SS recipient to deliver her pressie so I hope all goes well.
And about the book blogger (BB) interviews, I think that's a great idea. I had wanted to do the same (I did something similar a few times for "Featured Friend" on my blog before) but decided for now not to do the BB interviews. I'd love to see them on your blog! :D
Book blogger interviews would be great! I'd love to "get to know" the book bloggers that are part of this great community.
ReplyDeleteI am glad so many of you like the interview a blogger idea. :-) Thank you for your input!
ReplyDeleteKaren H. - Thank you for the suggestion! I like it!
Melody - Thanks. I am looking forward to diving into my new books too! :-)
Karen O. - I thought it was a good one and am glad others seem to agree. :-)
Dar - Thank you! I've met so many wonderful people (like you) through blogging. I've enjoyed the MJ Rose books I've read and these sound especially intriguing.
Nat - I hope you are able to get your hands on copies of the books!
I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to resist my Secret Santa presents. :-)
Standardized questions would be easier not only on me, but on the person being interviewed too, I would think. He or she would know what to expect and it takes away some of the nervousness that someone might feel.
Tara - I think it will be a fun addition!
Florinda - Thank you, Florinda. I hope you had a nice one too. I'm afraid I've fallen behind with my blog visits again, but hopefully I can remedy that soon.
Thank you too for the suggestion! I like the "Five Questions With . . ." idea too. Now to come up with the questions. :-)
I look forward to hearing what you think of Who by Fire.
Monica - I hope to make it very non-threatening. :-)
Cathy - Thanks, Cathy!
Anna - They all sound so good. :-)
When I saw the list of blogs compiled for BBAW, I knew I was in trouble. LOL I think the interviews will be a great way for us to get to know each other a little better.
Marg - It would make things more simple, I think. :-)
ReplyDeleteMatt - Exactly!
Carrie K. - I love those questions. :-)
Megan - LOL I know what you mean. I already subscribe to more blogs than I probably should. :-) I enjoy them all though so it's hard not to want to.
Serena - Another hold out! :-) I'm having trouble resisting too.
Alice - Thanks! That's a great idea for sending your Secret Santa her present. I'm doing that with part of the gift to mine as well. Hopefully it will arrive in time!
I think the interviews will be fun. :-)
Terri - I think so too. There are so many wonderful people out there (like you) and I think it would be fun to learn more about you all. :-)
The interview idea is real fun. And then you could open the comments for more questions from the readers as well. This is such a great community and it will good to know a little more about everyone.
ReplyDeleteEliza - What a good idea! Thank you!
ReplyDelete"Does this sound like something you would enjoy reading here on Musings of a Bookish Kitty?"
ReplyDeleteDefinitely. I think it's a wonderful idea.
Your Secret Santa really was very quick! And I envy your self-restraint when it comes to opening it :P
I can't wait to see what you think of Who By Fire. I just finished it and will have a review soon - parts I really liked and some others I was a bit underwhelmed by but still a good read.
ReplyDeleteAnd, most definitely I'd enjoy a Q&A feature with bloggers. I'd love to meet everyone in real life but this would be the next best thing :)
Nymeth - Thanks! It's a go then! :-)
ReplyDeleteThe swap idea was a good one, Nymeth. I'm so glad you thought of it. :-) I appreciate Dewey's part in it as well. I'm just sad she wasn't able to see it to the end.
Iliana - I look forward to reading your review of Who By Fire. :-)
I'm glad my idea of a blogger Q&A is getting a thumps up by so many! I can't wait to get started! I would love to meet all of you as well. Maybe someday. We can always dream. :-)
I think blogger Q&A would be fun! Even if the questions are all the same, the answers are sure to be different. Great idea, Wendy.
ReplyDeleteTrish - Thanks! I hope it works out!
ReplyDeleteI love blogger interviews - especially when there are some really creative questions.
ReplyDeleteAnd great books in the mail!
All three books you received look fantastic Wendy.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see book blogger interviews here! I really enjoyed reading all the interviews associated with BBAW.
Lenore - I'm not sure how creative my questions will be, but I am sure the answers will at least be worth reading. :-)
ReplyDeleteShana - They were a lot of fun to read, weren't they?
Dang! You and I must really think alike! I was waiting for the new year but I was toying with the idea of featuring the bloggers who visit my blog most often through "getting to know you" posts and questions. Great idea!
ReplyDeleteNatasha - What's that saying? Great minds think alike? In our case they do! :-)