The end of the year always seems to bring about my need to finish projects and update all my lists so that I can get a fresh start in the New Year. It is silly in some respects, I suppose. The year's end and beginning are more symbolic than anything. The fiscal year for my agency begins and ends in July. I was born in September, so technically, shouldn't my year begin and end then? And yet, I find myself eagerly anticipating the end of one year and the start of another as per the Gregorian calendar. It's so much more fun when we celebrate together, don't you think? More meaningful somehow.
Two thousand nine has been a challenging year, and I wish I could say I was looking forward to two thousand ten, but, well, let's not go there. Positive thoughts. On the reading front, at least, I predict good things for us all: many top notch books, interesting discussions, the strengthening of friendships and connections, and, of course, the making of new friends. I am ever so grateful to all of you who visit my blog and read my ramblings. I truly value the friendships I have made in the blogging community.
This past year was a bumpy one reading wise. My reading numbers are considerably lower than they have been in years. No, I wasn't watching more television. And regardless of what my husband says, it isn't Big Money's fault either. Things came up. Life happened. Reading took a backseat at times. Despite that, I read quite a few really good books. While last year, not one book I read had that "wow" factor, this year four did and nine came awfully close. Personally, I think that's pretty darn good.

This year I committed to read for a literacy based charity organization. Jodie declared it The Year of Readers. Many readers joined in the effort. I committed to donating $1 for every book I read and the same for every challenge completed. I obviously had hoped to have a better year when I signed up for this event. I stated up front that I was not going to be actively seeking out sponsorship--it's not something I am comfortable with, and so my donation will probably seem very small compared to what others are able to contribute. Still, every little bit helps!
I made the (unspoken) decision when I signed up for the project that I would donate at minimum a $100 to the Book Wish Foundation, regardless of how much I fell short. And that's exactly what I plan to do. I wish I could do more, but right now, unfortunately, that just isn't possible.
Before I get to my list of favorite books read this year, I thought I would begin with a few other fun facts.
Two thousand nine has been a challenging year, and I wish I could say I was looking forward to two thousand ten, but, well, let's not go there. Positive thoughts. On the reading front, at least, I predict good things for us all: many top notch books, interesting discussions, the strengthening of friendships and connections, and, of course, the making of new friends. I am ever so grateful to all of you who visit my blog and read my ramblings. I truly value the friendships I have made in the blogging community.
This past year was a bumpy one reading wise. My reading numbers are considerably lower than they have been in years. No, I wasn't watching more television. And regardless of what my husband says, it isn't Big Money's fault either. Things came up. Life happened. Reading took a backseat at times. Despite that, I read quite a few really good books. While last year, not one book I read had that "wow" factor, this year four did and nine came awfully close. Personally, I think that's pretty darn good.

This year I committed to read for a literacy based charity organization. Jodie declared it The Year of Readers. Many readers joined in the effort. I committed to donating $1 for every book I read and the same for every challenge completed. I obviously had hoped to have a better year when I signed up for this event. I stated up front that I was not going to be actively seeking out sponsorship--it's not something I am comfortable with, and so my donation will probably seem very small compared to what others are able to contribute. Still, every little bit helps!
I made the (unspoken) decision when I signed up for the project that I would donate at minimum a $100 to the Book Wish Foundation, regardless of how much I fell short. And that's exactly what I plan to do. I wish I could do more, but right now, unfortunately, that just isn't possible.
Before I get to my list of favorite books read this year, I thought I would begin with a few other fun facts.
Longest Book Read ~ Guests of the Ayatollah by Mark Bowden
Shortest Book Read ~ A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Best New Series ~ The Tattoo Shop Mystery Series by Karen E. Olson
Best Nonfiction Book ~ Mark Bowden's Guests of the Ayatollah
Best Fantasy Novel ~ Starfinder by John Marco
Sobfest Book of the Year ~ Tie: Lisa Genova's Still Alice and Markus Zusak's The Book Thief
Most Disappointing Book ~ Broad Street by Christine Weiser
Worst Mother of the Year ~ Mary from Push by Sapphire
Book that Made Me Smile ~ Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
Most Mentally Disturbed Narrator ~ Eleanor Rushing by Patty Friedmann
Scariest Book of the Year ~ Still Alice by Lisa Genova
2009 Reading Trends ~
Total Books Read ~ 60
Total Authors Read ~ 54 (books written by multiple authors are only counted as one author)
Graphic Novels Read ~ 2
Short Story Collections or Anthologies ~ 4
Short Stories Read (not counting short stories read in collections) ~ 2
Total New To Me Authors Read ~ 44
Books Read by Genre ~
29 Fiction
18 Crime/Suspense/Thrillers/Mysteries
9 Fantasy
5 Nonfiction
1 Science Fiction
31 Female Authors
22 Male Authors
1 Mixed Gender
Books Read by Authors' Gender ~
37 Females
22 Males
1 Mixed Gender
Books Read by Rating ~
4 Outstanding/5 Stars
9 Very Good +/4.5 Stars
20 Very Good/4 Stars
18 Good +/3.5 Stars
6 Good/3 Stars
2 Fair +/2.5 Stars
0 Fair/2 Stars
0 Poor/1 Star
Total Books I was Unable to Read to Completion ~ 1 (Vampire Diaries: The Awakening by L.J. Smith - I was so put off by Elena's character that, try as I might, I could not get into the book.)
Book Size ~
7 Pint Size Books (200 pgs and Under)
42 Intermediate Books (201-350 pgs)
7 Substantial Books (351-500 pgs)
4 Doorstop Books (501+ pgs)
Books Read by Type ~
19 Hardback Books
33 Trade Paperback Books
8 Mass Paperback Books
Books Read by Year of Publication ~
54 in the 2000's (32 books published in 2009; 1 book set to be published in 2010)
3 in the 1990's
1 in the 1980's
2 in the 1800's
Books Read by Narrative Voice ~
24 1st Person
24 3rd Person
6 Both
6 Nonspecific Voice
Reading Challenges Participated in ~ 16
Reading Challenges Completed ~ 7
Reading Challenges Carrying Over Into New Year ~ 1
Best reading months ~ December & August (7 books)
Worst reading month ~ February (2 books)
2009 Blog Posts ~ 238 (including this one)
Shortest Book Read ~ A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Best New Series ~ The Tattoo Shop Mystery Series by Karen E. Olson
Best Nonfiction Book ~ Mark Bowden's Guests of the Ayatollah
Best Fantasy Novel ~ Starfinder by John Marco
Sobfest Book of the Year ~ Tie: Lisa Genova's Still Alice and Markus Zusak's The Book Thief
Most Disappointing Book ~ Broad Street by Christine Weiser
Worst Mother of the Year ~ Mary from Push by Sapphire
Book that Made Me Smile ~ Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
Most Mentally Disturbed Narrator ~ Eleanor Rushing by Patty Friedmann
Scariest Book of the Year ~ Still Alice by Lisa Genova
2009 Reading Trends ~
Total Books Read ~ 60
Total Authors Read ~ 54 (books written by multiple authors are only counted as one author)
Graphic Novels Read ~ 2
Short Story Collections or Anthologies ~ 4
Short Stories Read (not counting short stories read in collections) ~ 2
Total New To Me Authors Read ~ 44
Books Read by Genre ~
29 Fiction
18 Crime/Suspense/Thrillers/Mysteries
9 Fantasy
5 Nonfiction
1 Science Fiction
31 Female Authors
22 Male Authors
1 Mixed Gender
Books Read by Authors' Gender ~
37 Females
22 Males
1 Mixed Gender
Books Read by Rating ~
4 Outstanding/5 Stars
9 Very Good +/4.5 Stars
20 Very Good/4 Stars
18 Good +/3.5 Stars
6 Good/3 Stars
2 Fair +/2.5 Stars
0 Fair/2 Stars
0 Poor/1 Star
Total Books I was Unable to Read to Completion ~ 1 (Vampire Diaries: The Awakening by L.J. Smith - I was so put off by Elena's character that, try as I might, I could not get into the book.)
Book Size ~
7 Pint Size Books (200 pgs and Under)
42 Intermediate Books (201-350 pgs)
7 Substantial Books (351-500 pgs)
4 Doorstop Books (501+ pgs)
Books Read by Type ~
19 Hardback Books
33 Trade Paperback Books
8 Mass Paperback Books
Books Read by Year of Publication ~
54 in the 2000's (32 books published in 2009; 1 book set to be published in 2010)
3 in the 1990's
1 in the 1980's
2 in the 1800's
Books Read by Narrative Voice ~
24 1st Person
24 3rd Person
6 Both
6 Nonspecific Voice
Reading Challenges Participated in ~ 16
Reading Challenges Completed ~ 7
Reading Challenges Carrying Over Into New Year ~ 1
Best reading months ~ December & August (7 books)
Worst reading month ~ February (2 books)
2009 Blog Posts ~ 238 (including this one)
Top Five Movies Seen This Year ~
- District 9 (2009)
- Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
- Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire (2009)
- The Orphanage (El Orfanato) (2007)
- Star Trek (2009)
One of my favorite crime fiction blogger's, Kerrie of Mysteries In Paradise, is collecting readers' top ten favorite crime fiction lists this year (up until January 7th--so there's still time to get your lists into her!), and I could not resist joining in again. I took a few liberties, and, while some of these books may not fall under the "crime fiction" label officially, they do enough for my purposes. They all involve solving some sort of crime, after all. Without further ado:
Top Ten Favorite Crime Fiction Books for 2009 (in no specific order) ~
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
Zoo Station by David Downing
In the Woods by Tana French
The Secret Keeper by Paul Harris
A World I Never Made by James LePore
The Missing Ink by Karen E. Olson
The Last Dickens by Matthew Pearl
No One You Know by Michelle Richmond
Prime Time by Hank Phillippi Ryan
Shades of Grey by Clea Simon
As I mentioned earlier, I read a lot of good books this year. I was introduced to many new authors via their books and re-visited authors I've enjoyed before. It is never easy coming up with a top ten list. At least not for me. Because I rate the books I read, it's a little easier, I suppose, but it doesn't take the pressure off completely. I still have to put them in some semblance of order--and that's the hardest part of all. Each of the ten books that made the final cut are books that touched me in some way. The writing is beautiful and the characters are the kind that get under my skin and find their way into my heart. These books are the reason I read. If you want to know more about any of the books that made my list and the specific reasons I love them so, please check out my reviews.
Top Ten Favorite Books Read in 2009 (listed in reverse order) ~10. In the Woods by Tana French
9. Precious by Sandra Novack
8. The Brightest Moon of the Century by Christopher Meeks
7. Haunting Bombay by Shilpa Agarwal
6. The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
5. Who By Fire by Diana Spechler
4. Sweeping Up Glass by Carolyn Wall
3. No One You Know by Michelle Richmond
2. Push by Sapphire
1. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
There will be no reading goals or resolutions this year. At least none that are set in stone or written down. Well, except for the two reading challenges I have already committed to. I have an idea of the many directions I want to go, but only time will tell which of those directions I will be traveling. I hope you will join me for another year of reading and sharing bookish thoughts.
Have a Safe and Happy New Year and Happy Reading!