Movie: District 9 (2009)
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Directed By: Neill Blomkamp
Writers: Neill Blomkamp & Terri Tatchell
I got caught up in all the hype over District 9 and had to see it when it opened in theaters. My husband was surprised but, being used to my eccentricities, didn't question me. As we watched movie trailers leading up to the movie, I turned and whispered to my husband, "Is this a horror movie?" It sure seemed like it from all the trailers, most of which were for movies I have no interest in seeing. Except for Shutter Island (and I'm relieved the movie date was pushed to February--more time to read the book). I was beginning to worry that District 9 wasn't going to be what I was expecting.
Fortunately, District 9 was exactly what I expected--and then some. It was a cross between a social commentary film, science fiction movie, and an action flick.
Netflix Summary:
The aliens, nicknamed the Prawns because of their appearance, were discovered in their spaceship starving to death. As a humanitarian effort, a camp was set up where the could stay. Conditions in the camp were far from ideal. It was oppressive and demeaning. Fear from the outside encouraged the relocation of the camp to a far away and more desolate location. Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley) was charged with leading the move.
Wikus is not your usual action hero. He is a company man through and through--at least he is until he comes into contact with an alien substance that will turn his world upside down. The character of Christopher Johnson, a very intelligent alien with a plan of his own, won me over quickly. He was more human than many of the humans in the film. All he wants to do is to save his people, including his young son, and return home.
District 9 was very well done, from the computer graphics to the story itself. It's definitely a movie that will go in my permanent collection once it comes out on DVD.
What movie have you seen lately?
© 2009, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.
If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Directed By: Neill Blomkamp
Writers: Neill Blomkamp & Terri Tatchell

Fortunately, District 9 was exactly what I expected--and then some. It was a cross between a social commentary film, science fiction movie, and an action flick.
Netflix Summary:
When aliens land on Earth, global business conglomerate Multi-National United forces them into rigid containment zones where they are compelled to labor, even as MNU commandeers their otherworldly technology for profit. As tensions build between human and non-human races, a rogue agent leads a resistance movement against MNU's ruthless consolidation of power. Neill Blomkamp directs this cinema verité-style sci-fi thriller.This movie is not for those with weak stomachs. It is filmed in documentary fashion and is very violent. The story behind District 9 got its start as a short film called Alive in Joburg. Set in South Africa, some critics have said the movie is a political commentary on the country's history of Apartheid. It also brings to mind concentration and internment camps from World War II as well as refugee camps of today. However different, some of the earmarks are still the same.
The aliens, nicknamed the Prawns because of their appearance, were discovered in their spaceship starving to death. As a humanitarian effort, a camp was set up where the could stay. Conditions in the camp were far from ideal. It was oppressive and demeaning. Fear from the outside encouraged the relocation of the camp to a far away and more desolate location. Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley) was charged with leading the move.
Wikus is not your usual action hero. He is a company man through and through--at least he is until he comes into contact with an alien substance that will turn his world upside down. The character of Christopher Johnson, a very intelligent alien with a plan of his own, won me over quickly. He was more human than many of the humans in the film. All he wants to do is to save his people, including his young son, and return home.
District 9 was very well done, from the computer graphics to the story itself. It's definitely a movie that will go in my permanent collection once it comes out on DVD.
What movie have you seen lately?
This week's movie topic is all about the Great Outdoors ...
The Lord of the Rings ~ The movies were as beautiful as the story itself. The Fellowship traveled a great distance through the course of the movies, even as they go their separate ways. The landscape was awe-inspiring even in at its most treacherous.
Brokeback Mountain ~ Oh, those mountains! Wyoming never looked more beautiful.
Into the Wild ~ A tragic story set in the wilds of Alaska. While Alaska itself was breathtaking in the film, Chris' entire journey was worth experiencing right alongside him.
Tarzan ~ Disney's animated film, Tarzan is man meets nature at its finest. This is one of my favorite of Disney's films not only because of the music and storyline, but the beautiful African setting.
What are some of your favorite movies set in the great outdoors?The reason for this late posting is that here at the Bumbles' real life home we lost power this evening. Which means that access to our virtual home was difficult. Don't ask us why the power went out. It was a beautiful, clear, calm evening. As we carried our dinner outside and dragged out the camping lantern, we laughed about being back in the outdoors once again, just like our recent camping trip. So while we digested our supper we got to thinking about movies set in or featuring the outdoors. Here is a small selection of what we came up with since now that the power is back it is almost time for bed. Share on your blog movies all about living with nature and then link back at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
The Lord of the Rings ~ The movies were as beautiful as the story itself. The Fellowship traveled a great distance through the course of the movies, even as they go their separate ways. The landscape was awe-inspiring even in at its most treacherous.
Brokeback Mountain ~ Oh, those mountains! Wyoming never looked more beautiful.
Into the Wild ~ A tragic story set in the wilds of Alaska. While Alaska itself was breathtaking in the film, Chris' entire journey was worth experiencing right alongside him.
Tarzan ~ Disney's animated film, Tarzan is man meets nature at its finest. This is one of my favorite of Disney's films not only because of the music and storyline, but the beautiful African setting.
© 2009, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.
If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.