I am pretty sure Christmas came on a Tuesday this year. Tuesday, December 15th. It was the day of my team lunch at work and our Secret Santa exchange. It's my favorite meeting of the year. And not because my Secret Santa made me homemade brownies and filled my gift bag with tootsie rolls. Rather, it's the only real opportunity my team has to get away, just us, and set the shop talk aside. I am blessed to work with such a great group of people. Sure, we get on each others' nerves sometimes, but at the end of the day, we wouldn't have it any other way.
Full of the holiday spirit after a fun afternoon, I decided to swing by my mailbox on my way home. I had three packages waiting for me. Well, two were for me. One was for my husband. In the corner of one of the boxes was a note saying it was for the Book Blogger Holiday Swap. I also noticed that according to the sticker, it had arrived the week before (but I won't let the fact that I was at my mailbox last Friday evening and was told I didn't have anything ruin my day--I'm in too good of a mood for that). The other two packages were from Amazon and I just knew they were from the SantaThing exchange (hosted by LibraryThing). I signed up my husband this year too, not wanting to leave him out of the fun of receiving a book in the mail. He hadn't a clue so was much surprised when he got home from work that evening.
Try as I might, I couldn't wait until my husband came home to open my Book Blogger Holiday Swap gift. Such wonderful presents awaited me! The snowman stocking was overflowing with goodies and then there was a rectangular shaped package that looked and felt an awful lot like a book.
My Secret Santa this year was Pooch from Yarn-Knit-Read-Lit and did she ever spoil me! She gave me heavenly smelling candles in a beautiful cloth bag, lavender lotion, note cards, a journal, a Christmas magnet, and an ornament for the tree. And then there was a book, Midnight Never Comes by Marie Brennan. I let out a squeal of joy at the sight of it! It's been on my wish list for awhile now.
I cannot thank Pooch enough for her thoughtfulness (thank you, Pooch!). Everything is perfect.
Parker insisted on getting in the photo. If you look closely in both the above pictures, you can see Anya under the glass of the coffee table.

It was a good day, that Tuesday, the 15th.Full of the holiday spirit after a fun afternoon, I decided to swing by my mailbox on my way home. I had three packages waiting for me. Well, two were for me. One was for my husband. In the corner of one of the boxes was a note saying it was for the Book Blogger Holiday Swap. I also noticed that according to the sticker, it had arrived the week before (but I won't let the fact that I was at my mailbox last Friday evening and was told I didn't have anything ruin my day--I'm in too good of a mood for that). The other two packages were from Amazon and I just knew they were from the SantaThing exchange (hosted by LibraryThing). I signed up my husband this year too, not wanting to leave him out of the fun of receiving a book in the mail. He hadn't a clue so was much surprised when he got home from work that evening.
Try as I might, I couldn't wait until my husband came home to open my Book Blogger Holiday Swap gift. Such wonderful presents awaited me! The snowman stocking was overflowing with goodies and then there was a rectangular shaped package that looked and felt an awful lot like a book.

I cannot thank Pooch enough for her thoughtfulness (thank you, Pooch!). Everything is perfect.

As hard as it was for me, I did wait for my husband, Anjin, before opening my SantaThing package so we could open ours at the same time. My husband's Santa, Clue, sent him a copy of Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1930s & 40s. It's the perfect gift for him. He loves noir and enjoys reading short stories. My Santa, Boblinfortino, sent me copies of Anne Rivers Siddons' Off Season and The Girls by Lori Lansens. Both are new-to-me authors, and I look forward to giving them a try. Many thanks to both Clue and Boblinfortino for the books!

(Note: I was assigned to send a gift to Teresa of Shelf Love this year. I had such a fun time shopping for her. She received her gift this past week. I'm happy to say her cat Sophie liked her gift as well.)
© 2009, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.
If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
You were blessed this year! What great gifts, and they all came at once! I had that happen a few weeks ago. It is almost more excitement than one body can handle!
ReplyDeleteYou have also triggered some memories in my brain on the whole secret santa thing at work. We did it over a period of a few weeks before Christmas, each SS leaving little gifts every day or every week, then culminating with a big lunch and reveal. I had some really good Secret Santas (the motherly older lady) and some really bad Secret Santas (the hot hispanic guy). I laugh when I think about it!
Such nice, thoughtful gifts! I have Off Season on the shelf and hope to read it in the next few months.
ReplyDeleteWhat great gifts --- and I love the holiday stocking!
ReplyDeleteI have not read any of the "noir" books, but I think I would like to try one in that genre in 2010. Perhaps your husband can post a review when he finishes it?!
What great gifts! Such fun to share with the blogging community!
ReplyDeleteYou certainly were spoiled! Enjoy your goodies!
Diary of an Eccentric
ReplyDeleteMy, my you were spoiled. I loved shopping for my secrete santa and plan to participate in more exchanges next year. I like the idea that we can put a smile on someone's face even though we do not know them.The blogging community is filled with wonderful people, this is a great way to get to know more of its members.
Happy Hollidays
I saw how you spoiled Shelflove but hey, you got spoiled yourse;f as well! Sounds fair to me :))
ReplyDeleteOoh I loved The Girls! Enjoy :D
ReplyDeleteWow Christmas did come early and you got some great gifts. I'm waiting to open my holiday blogger gift, but I'm in the minority on that one.
ReplyDeleteI haven't received my library thing stuff yet...hmmm...
What a lovely gift, I wish I had signed up!
ReplyDeleteAnne Rivers Siddons wrote one of my top ten of all time books- Heartbreak Hotel. I read it 10+ years ago and yet have never managed to go back and read another book by her.
You did celebrate Christmas early! I think it's funny that Pooch was Literary Feline's Secret Santa!
ReplyDeleteSuch great presents; enjoy. Don't you just love getting packages, and not knowing what is in them?
ReplyDeleteSuch great gifts - and very sweet of you to sign your hubby up for LT Secret Santa, too!
ReplyDeleteI received a nice thank-you note from my Book Blogger Holiday Swap "Santee," but haven't opened my gift yet - I'm waiting till we put up the tree. (Santas and Santees weren't supposed to get each other's names, but we did happened - a genuine "exchange"!)
We're not doing a gift exchange at work, but my boss is taking us all out to lunch at the Thai place down the street :-).
Enjoy all your goodies, Wendy!
What fun gifts Wendy! I love that you signed up your husband... I am sure he enjoyed that! Enjoy your gifts!
ReplyDeleteSandy - It really did feel like Christmas had come early. LOL
ReplyDeleteThe Secret Santa at my work is just a simple gift exchange. We draw names from a hat and just get one gift for our Santa which we exchange over lunch. My mom and her fellow teachers do the whole elaborate sneaking gifts to each other throughout the week or however long and then do a big reveal at the holiday part. I think that would be fun too.
In my case, we submit little pieces of paper and include three things we like or would want to help our Secret Santas out. It makes things a bit easier. :-)
Mary - Off Season looks like it will be good. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Molly - Isn't the stocking great? Very festive. :-)
I haven't read all that much noir--definitely not as much as my husband. I like it and hopefully you will too if you give it a try. I'm sure he'll post a review on his blog. I'll be sure and link it on my own so you won't miss it. :-)
Teresa - I've enjoyed seeing what everyone's gotten this year. Gift exchanges are so much fun, aren't they?
Anna - Yes, I definitely was spoiled. LOL
Sari - I am not a big shopper, but when it comes to books and buying gifts, I always seem to have fun. Like you, I like the idea of making someone else happy, even someone I don't know. I've definitely picked up new friends from these exchanges.
GnoeGnoe - Yes, it all worked out very well. :-)
Lu - The Girls sounds like it will be good. I'm glad to hear you loved it. :-)
ReplyDeleteSerena - Now I'm afraid there won't be anything to open come Christmas morning! You're wise to wait. :-)
Lisa - There's always next year. :-) I'm looking forward to reading the Anne Rivers Siddons book. I've heard good things about her writing--and knowing one of her books is your favorite is even more reassuring.
Kathy - Isn't that great? I wonder if that was completely random or if someone thought that would be a fun combination. LOL
Diane - I do love getting packages. I'm looking forward to putting all my gifts to good use. :-)
Florinda - I felt so bad last year that he didn't get anything and I did. He was so surprised. I think he wishes I had let him help chose the books for our Santees though. LOL Maybe next year.
Your lunch for work sounds like it will be nice. Have fun!
Kristie - He was happy I signed him up too. :-) Thanks!
A stocking! Why didn't I think of that?! Glad to see you were so spoiled :)
ReplyDeleteWow, what a wonderful day you had! I wish I would have thought to put my Secret Santa gift in a stocking...that never crossed my mind!
ReplyDeleteLenore - The stocking was a wonderful touch. I love it. :-)
ReplyDeleteKathleen - I wish I had thought of it too, Kathleen. The stocking's a great idea.
You're right! Christmas did come early for you. I love the stocking.
ReplyDeleteWhat a neat idea.
I didn't participate in any exchange because one year long ago, I did an exchange and mine never came. I was so depressed. So now I never enter these. How sad is that?
What wonderful gifts! Christmas did come early for you. :)
ReplyDeleteThe stocking is a fun idea...clever Santa!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed The Girls when I read it last year. The characters are so interesting and likable, even aside from their unusual circumstances.
ReplyDeleteTi - I'm sorry you didn't get anything the year you participated in an exchange. That really sucks. :-( I think this year the hosts of both these exchanges went to and are going to extra lengths to make sure everyone gets something if the Secret Santas turn out to be flakes. That really does ruin the fun of it.
ReplyDeleteCarrie - I'm quite pleased. :-)
Jill (Softdrink) - It's such a nice stocking too!
Lesley - I'm glad to hear you enjoy The Girls, Lesley. Then hopefully I will too. :-)
Christmas did come early!! What great goodies from your Secret Santa!!
ReplyDeleteStaci - Pooch did a wonderful job. :-)
ReplyDeleteWow, Pooch was an awesome Santa! And your and your husband's Santathing books sound great. I am anxiously awaiting my packages for both swaps :)
ReplyDeleteNymeth - Yes, Pooch did a great job. :-) I hope you get your swaps soon, Nymeth. I can't wait to hear what you got.
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome. I appreciate your kind words. So happy that you hadn't gotten the book already!!
Pooch - I made sure to update my wish list before I linked it on my application for a Secret Santa. :-) I'm really looking forward to reading the book. I just love that cover.
ReplyDeleteThank you again for all the wonderful gifts!
You did good!!! Nice.
ReplyDeleteWendy, what fun!! It looks as though you received lots of fun goodies! You deserve such delights, that's for sure!! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!
ReplyDeleteBeth - It was a good day. :-)
ReplyDeleteApril - Thank you! I can't wait to see what's under the tree Christmas Day. LOL Actually, I'm more eager to see what my husband things of his gifts. I hope he likes what I got him!
Sound like you had awesome day Wendy! I hope that you have more excitment and surprises as the days get closer to Xmas! Enjoy your goodies.
ReplyDeleteJulia - Thank you. :-)
ReplyDeleteWow! Lucky girl :)
ReplyDeleteWhat great gifts you received. I notice that kitty is keeping an eye on the gifts.
ReplyDeleteStacy - I feel lucky!
ReplyDeleteEsme - Thanks! Yes, my cat couldn't help himself. :-)
I know I'm awfully late reading this but wow, did you ever get a lot of great gifts. Awesome for you!
ReplyDeleteI think you'll really enjoy The Girls. I read it a couple of years ago and still remember it. It was one of those I had to keep reminding myself was fiction because the characters were just so real.
ReplyDeleteDar - Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMelissa - I'm glad you enjoyed The Girls. I'm looking forward to reading it.