While the summer heat hasn't quite taken hold this season, my husband and I still seek refuge in the movie theater now and then, escaping reality for a couple of hours at a time. We've yet to see a movie that has blown us away, but we found something enjoyable in each one.
The Killers (Romantic Comedy, Action - 2010; rated PG-13; directed by Robert Luketic; written by Bob DeRosa & Ted Griffin) ~ An assassin (Ashton Kutcher) who gives up killing for love. Only, getting out of the business wasn't as easy as he expected. There is now a contract on his head and he and his new bride (Katherine Heigl) are forced to go on the run. The Killers had its funny moments; however, Katherine Heigl's character was a bit uneven. This movie felt like it was trying to hard to be another Grosse Pointe Blank. Do yourself a favor and rent the John Cusack movie if you are interested in a romantic comedy about an assassin.
Knight and Day (Romantic Comedy, Action - 2010; rated PG-13; directed by James Mangold; written by Patrick O'Neill) ~ Another on the lam movie about a secret agent (Tom Cruise) who draws an innocent woman (Cameron Diaz) into a web of espionage and gun fights. This was an enjoyable movie, even if a bit predictable. Tom Cruise as action hero has become his signature role and he convinced me yet again that I would rather have him protecting me in a pinch.
The A-Team (Action Adventure - 2010; rated: PG-13; directed by Joe Carnahan; written by Joe Carnahan, Brian Bloom & Skip Woods) ~ An updated version of the 1980's popular television show with the same title about four military fugitives convinced of crimes they didn't commit. The movie version hasn't gotten the best of reviews, but I loved it. It was funny, fresh, while at the same time playing homage to an old favorite TV show. I will be among the first in line to see the sequel if ever one is made.
The Karate Kid (Family Drama, Action - 2010; rated PG; directed by Harald Zwart; written by Christopher Murphey & Robert Mark Kamen) ~ I had reservations about a remake of an old favorite; but after reading several positive reviews, my husband and I decided to give this one a try. We were not disappointed. Jaden Smith is coming into his own and it's hard not to see his father in him. Jackie Chan's performance was understated as the maintenance man, and Kung-Fu instructor, which was perfect for the role. If you grew up watching The original Karate Kid movies, you will see much which is familiar. Don't let that stop you from catching this version though. It's well worth it.
What movies have you seen recently?

© 2010, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
I haven't watched any of those, but I heard The Karate Kid was good, so I might want to watch that soon (if not in the cinema, then we shall have to catch it on DVD).
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great week ahead, Wendy!
I can probably count the number of movies I have seen in a theater in the past decade on both hands - isn't that pathetic?
ReplyDeleteI am hoping to remedy that soon. I have just discovered that the local theater charges $5 for any movie shown Monday - Thursday. That sounds like a reasonably priced date night to me :)
Hope you have a great week, Wendy!
It is funny because those are the exact movies we haven't seen (Ashton drives me crazy in a bad way, which is probably closed minded). We've seen Eclipse, Toy Story 3 and Descpicable Me, all worth your movie-going dollar.
ReplyDeleteI took my daughter and her friend to see The Karate Kid, and they absolutely loved it. I loved that it was set in China, and now my daughter (who is Chinese) is bugging us to make plans to go there.
ReplyDeleteWe also saw Toy Story 3, which really doesn't have to be in 3D but it's a wonderful, suspenseful story and made me cry at the end.
i have yet to see any movies this summer but would like to see eclipse (don't laugh!) at some point soon. oh, scratch that. i did see 1 summer movie--i took my nephew to see the 3-D toy story 3 movie. it was cute but i hadn't seen the other two so much of the storyline was lost on me. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy!!
ReplyDeleteI watched an old favorite, 'Little Miss Sunshine'. Also, wanted to wish you a happy anniversary! I need to visit you more here and keep up with your blog:)
love, jody
Oh, I just loved The A-Team! And Bradley Cooper isn't too hard on the eyes either!! I am hoping to see Knight and Day soon as well, and am glad to hear that it was pretty good!
ReplyDeleteI can't handle this 80s retred they seem to be doing lately. I may see the A-Team but the Karate Kid will be a skip, as will be Footloose, Arthur, Red Dawn and the sequel to Tron.
ReplyDeleteI love Grosse Point Break - what a fun movie. I think I'll still rent Killers, just to see it since the previews did interest me. I want to see Knight and Day too. Not sure if I'll see it in the theaters though. I go out to see a movie once a month with a friend and this month he picks the movie, and I know Knight and Day and the A-Team are both on the list of possible movies for this month.
ReplyDeleteKarate Kid - I'm glad so many like it but I can't bring myself to want to see it..I liked the originals too much.
I loved the A-team too!
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen any of these but the family is interested in a couple: A-Team and Karate Kid mostly. Looking a little more forward to them now. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see Knight & Day when it comes to Germany. Last movies we saw were Splice (which we HATED) and The Messenger (which we liked.)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the movie reviews! I have put the A-Team and The Karate Kid on my list since you found them to be quite good. I am very interested in seeing Cyrus and So Low, both indies that look interesting and quirky!
ReplyDeleteI am happy to hear that you live in one of the few areas in the USA where the heat hasn't invaded yet. I might have to move to your neck of the woods! lol
What's next on your list to see?
~ Amy
After seeing the original Karate Kid a zillion times. I hope I am not disappointed with this remake.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the list and thoughts. :)
A friend and I like to go to lunch and a movie from time to time and we just haven't found anything we want to see in a while. This summer's movies seem to be mediocre.
ReplyDeleteKarate Kid and A-Team are going on my list for sure!
ReplyDeleteWe've seen a lot of kid's movies. We just watched Despicable Me, which was pretty predictable, but fun for the little ones (and not terribly annoying for the grown-ups, which was a plus).
ReplyDeleteThe only one I've seen is the A-Team and I liked it too. I do want to see Knight & Day.
ReplyDeleteIt has been far too long since I've seen a movie in the movie theater. I'd be interested in the Tom Cruise film and the Karate Kid one too.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you enjoyed these! We haven't been to the movies in a while and there's really nothing that's grabbing my attention. I did want to see a couple of indie movies but I swear those only showed for like two weeks and I missed them. Oh well, let's see what new movies come up soon.
ReplyDeleteI still haven't watch KARATE KID and I want to! I don't think I've watched all the others on your list too. :)
ReplyDeleteMelody - There a couple movies we're a little more excited about seeing in the theater this summer than the ones we've seen so far. I do hope you get to see The Karate Kid movie!
ReplyDeleteMolly - If you can get to the theater on a week day during the lower priced time, then I say go for it! My husband and I try and aim for the early showing on Saturdays or Sundays because the cost is lower than even a matinee. We never pay full price for a movie at the theater if we can help it. Besides, I'm not a huge fan of the evening crowds.
Sandy - I do want to see Eclipse, but it will likely be once it's out on DVD. Toy Story 3 is on our list to see this summer. Can't say I have any interest in Despicable Me, although I've heard from others it's good.
Karen - I really do want to see Toy Story 3. We probably won't see it in 3D since my husband isn't a fan of 3D movies. I'm sure I'll end up in tears at the end.
Do you think you would be able to swing a trip to China for your daughter's sake at some point? It sounds like it would be a great opportunity, although costly.
Nat - No laughing from me, Nat. I've seen both Twilight and New Moon and definitely plan to see Eclipse (even if only on DVD).
I loved the first two Toy Story movies and so am looking forward to seeing the third. I hope it's still in the theater when we're ready to go see it!
Jody Thank you, Jody, for the anniversary wishes! My husband and I celebrated our 12th year of marriage this year. I wish I could say we did something special, but I wasn't feeling too well this past week and so it limited our celebration.
Little Miss Sunshine is such a great movie. I rarely tire of that one.
Heather - Haha! No, Bradley Cooper is pretty nice to look at. :-) I am glad I am not the only one who enjoyed The A-Team. :-)
Ryan - I've been a little skeptical of quite a few of the remakes myself. If The Karate Kid hadn't gotten so much praise from friends, that's one I would have for sure have skipped. I didn't know they were remaking Footloose. I'll have to wait and see how it stands with fans when it comes out. Arthur was never one I cared much for originally, so I may not see that one. I am curious about Red Dawn though and to see how they change it up. Of course, it's on hold right now so who knows if it will ever see the light of day. I'm not at all familiar with Tron. My husband was a huge fan when he was growing up though and is curious about the movie. I imagine we'll see it for his sake.
ReplyDeleteKris - Gross Pointe Blank is such a fun movie. That's one I could watch over and over again.
I was surprised my husband wanted to see The Karate Kid. He didn't like any of the original movies and showed little interest in the remake. Like me though, he was caught up in all the love it was getting from a few of our friends who had seen it.
Jess - It was such a fun movie! I really like how they brought it up to date. It's still totally unbelievable, but you expect that with The A-Team, you know?
Andi - Hopefully you will enjoy them if you do watch them. None of them are award winning, to be sure, but if you don't go in expecting much, they're worth seeing.
Lenore - I had to look up Splice because I couldn't remember what that one was about. I hope you don't have to wait too long to see Knight and Day.
Amy - As soon as I wrote about the lack of heat, we were struck by 100+ temperatures several days in a row.
I'm not sure what we'll be seeing next. We really want to see Toy Story 3 and my husband wants to see Inception. I'd like to see Salt and one other one whose name escapes me at the moment. We have a few DVD's backed up from netflix we need to watch as well. We've been catching up on our DVD tv shows instead of watching movies this summer, I'm afraid.
Wisteria - I didn't go into The Karate Kid expecting much and I'm sure that helped my enjoyment of it. I was worried it wouldn't live up to my memories of the original either. It isn't the same, to be sure, but it was entertaining.
Kathy - This year's movie list hasn't been all that exciting. I can always find something though that I want to see. :-)
ReplyDeleteStaci - I hope you enjoy them if you see them!
Alyce - Haha! Yes, the "not terribly annoying for the grown-ups" is a plus, I'm sure. :-)
Stacy - I'm not a huge Tom Cruise fan, but I do enjoy his action flicks now and then.
Kathleen - It's a great way to get out of the heat and get away for a little while!
Iliana - I know what you mean. There were a couple of indies I really wanted to see but if they came to town, I completely missed them. For many of those types of movies, I'd have to go to L.A. to see them and it's not always worth the energy and drive. I really have to want to see it.
Alice - I still find it funny that they called it The Karate Kid when it has nothing to do with Karate. :-)
My dad loved Knight & Day--he said it was really funny. Although my dad is prone to laugh at parts of movies that weren't intended to be funny but just strike him as so ridiculous that he just has to laugh. So it's always best to get another opinion!
ReplyDeleteThe only movies I've seen this summer are: Sorcer of the appentece (Spell right?) and Despictable me (spell?). I have heard that Karate Kid was good. I'm looking forward to watch that one. I also heard that Toy Story 3, Knight and Days, The A-Team was good too. So maybe if I don't watch it this summer I will Netflix it. Have you watch Inspection yet?
ReplyDeleteLisa - LOL I've been known to laugh at inappropriate moments in movies as well--particularly horror movies.
ReplyDeleteJulia - I will probably catch The Sorcerer's Apprentice on DVD. My husband wasn't too interested in that one, I'm afraid. We did catch Inception at the theater recently. If I can organize myself enough, I will be posting my thoughts on it tomorrow.