With the opening line “It was a dark and stormy night. . .” begins the fifth annual Readers Imbibing Peril (R.I.P.) Challenge hosted by Carl V. of Stainless Steel Droppings. Participants are asked to read books that fall into the following categories
Depending on the challenge level, readers can choose their own level of commitment. There's little stress and a whole lot of creepy fun. The challenge began on September 1st and will end on October 31st. What better way to welcome in the autumn season than by reading books that keep the reader on the edge of his or her seat?
Dark Fantasy
Dark Fantasy
Depending on the challenge level, readers can choose their own level of commitment. There's little stress and a whole lot of creepy fun. The challenge began on September 1st and will end on October 31st. What better way to welcome in the autumn season than by reading books that keep the reader on the edge of his or her seat?

Read four books, any length, that you feel fits my very broad definition of scary. It could be Stephen King or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Ian Fleming or Edgar Allan Poe…or anyone in between.I confess my mood at the moment is leaning more towards mystery/suspense novels, but I hope to make an effort to read books from a couple of the other categories as well. I haven't quite settled on which four books I will be reading for the challenge, however, I couldn't resist making a tentative list of books I am considering, with room to read other books not listed as well.
White Night by Jim Butcher
Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo
Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell
Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe
Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist
I'd Know You Anywhere by Laura Lippman
The Devil's Company by David Liss
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
Of Bees and Mist by Erick Setiawan
Daughters of the Witching Hill by Mary Sharratt
Drood by Dan Simmons
Echoes From the Dead by Johan Theorin
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters

I also plan to sprinkle my short story reading with peril filled tales throughout the next two months. I am not committing to reading a set number of short stories, at this time. If time permits, I'd love to read Joe Hill's 20th Century Ghosts, even if just a couple of stories from the collection. I have another ghost story collection that is mighty tempting as well, The Virago Book of Ghost Stories, edited by Richard Dalby I might give a try. Perhaps another Edgar Allan Poe story. I never tire of those!
Are you joining in the R.I.P. V Challenge too? If so, What are you most looking forward to reading?
What books or short stories would you recommend for a challenge like this? Have you read any of the ones on my tentative list? If so, what did you think?
What books or short stories would you recommend for a challenge like this? Have you read any of the ones on my tentative list? If so, what did you think?
© 2010, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
I haven't read any of those titles but am interested in Her Fearful Symmetry.
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm reading Think Twice by Lisa Scottoline and it's scaring the daylights out of me because the main character is buried underground and I almost can't breathe reading those sections.
Isn't this the best challenge? Heart-shaped Box and Let the Right One In are two very high on my list, but I don't know if I will get to them this time around. Of course, the best book on that list has to be Fingersmith. THat book is AMAZING.
ReplyDeleteLinda - Think Twice does sound scary! I sure wouldn't want to be buried alive. I look forward to your final thoughts on the book, Linda.
ReplyDeleteSandy - I think I've only participated in RIP once before and had fun. I wanted to read Fingersmith at some point this year. Maybe this is a good excuse to finally get to it.
I am SO looking forward to this challenge. I would also love to read Cranford (I missed the PBS series but hope to catch it on netflix sometime) and Drood has also been on my list for a while (I just know I couldn't possibly read that chunkster this go around).
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I just have not had the energy to pick up even a short story this weekend, which truly saddens me. I so appreciate the kind message you left on my blog, and sharing your personal story. I believe that stranger was an angel in disguise for your sweet grandmother.
I didn't realize that Cranford would be a RIP book. I have it here to read, so that is great news.
ReplyDeleteFingersmith is awesome - enjoy!
Happy fall Wendy!
I have to add that Heart Shaped Box was one of the best books I've ever read. Actually, I listened to it on the audio version.
ReplyDeleteIt was suspenseful and a highly crafted mystery. Spooky too but not horrific.
I was hoping to see it in a movie version someday.
You could read Her Fearful Symmetry like me! =D I hear such wonderful things about Fingersmith, too, I should maybe resurrect that from my neglected shelves....
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoy whatever you choose to read!
Happy reading :) You've got a great list. I really enjoyed Heart-Shaped Box.
I've only read one of the books on your list - Drood - and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Have fun with the challenge!
ReplyDeleteWhile I won't be participating in the challenge I will be following all of you and getting loads of good ideas for future reads. Carl's challenge is my favorite of the year!
ReplyDeleteI'm joining this challenge too after seeing everyone have such fun with it last year. I like your list of books ... I have a bit of crossover with yours and some I've read already. Have fun with it!
ReplyDeleteI like your list Wendy! I committed to one novel and at least one short story this year. Trying not to over commit; though since I like this challenge and type of reading so much I'll probably read more than that. The short stories commitment is new for me. I'm not a big short story reader but I've managed to read one already. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteGreat list, Wendy! I'm so happy you're participating also. I enjoyed Heart-Shaped Box and I hope you do too. Have fun!
ReplyDeleteThe only one I've read from your list is Her Fearful Symmetry. I enjoyed the first 60% of it.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of books on this list that look really good! I've just joined the challenge.The book I'm most looking forward to reading is Amulet 3, a graphic novel. Good luck and happy reading!
ReplyDeleteI've read Fearful Symmetry and Deliverance Dane, neither of which rocked my world.
ReplyDeleteI love this challenge, even though I'm probably the lone hold out this year. The thought of getting organized for a challenge is more than my brain can handle right now. :-D
Molly - I'm not sure how up to a chunkster I am either . . . I may be able to manage one in the next two months.
ReplyDeleteIt would be impossible for me to concentrate on much of anything if I had to deal with everything you took on this weekend, Molly. I do hope that everything will be okay for your mom.
Elizabeth - I'm not sure it is. I just associate Gaskell with Gothic and went with it. LOL It is a book I want to read though.
I've heard such great things about Fingersmith and now would be a good time to dive into it.
Carla - I've ben wanting to read Heart-Shaped Box for so long now. I am glad you liked it so much!
Megan - I should, shouldn't I? I need to dig all these books out of my TBR room so I can actually read some of them.
Naida - Thanks! I'd really like to get to Heart-Shaped Box for this challenge.
Kathy - Drood sounds like one I will really enjoy. I am glad you did, Kathy!
Kathleen - Adding books to that ol' wish list is a must for a challenge like this, isn't it?
Jenners - Yay! We don't want to be left out of the fun, do we?
ReplyDeleteTerri - That's probably all I should have committed to. I'm good at over-committing. LOL
I read an Edgar Allan Poe story today, which hopefully I'll be reviewing this week. Which short story did you read?
Alice - Thanks! It will be a lot of fun. I look forward reading your thoughts on your picks.
Charley - I've heard a lot of people were disappointed by the end. :-(
Vasilly - I hadn't thought of adding graphic novels to my list--what a great idea! I wonder what my husband has on his shelf . . . Good luck to you with the challenge, Vasilly!
Jill - You mean I have to be organized? I made my list of books and I haven't even pulled most of them off the shelf yet. They're lost somewhere in my TBR room. I hope I can find them. LOL Well, if I find four, I've got the challenge covered, right?
Your list looks fantastic -- I am thinking that I need to join this as well!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining in. I think you have a fantastic list of potential reads. I myself am hoping to get in a few mystery books during the challenge. I also need to get back to Heart-Shaped Box and finish it. I read half of it last year and then got distracted by some other shiny new book that was calling my name and ended up sending Hill's book back to the library as it had holds on it. As for recommendations, I haven't read them all but I really enjoy Charles Todd's Ian Rutledge mystery series. Poe and Lovecraft are always good short story authors in my book. Also the short story collection, The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter. There were also a couple of stories--The Disappearance of Elaine Colmen, and The Room in the Attic that were in Steven Millhauser's collection, Dangerous Laughter, that were suitably creepy short stories that would be great to read for RIP.
ReplyDeleteI'm more in the mood for mystery and suspense this year too, though that doesn't preclude other genres if something takes my fancy. I love Jim Butcher's books, they are such fun, but Her Fearful Symmetry is one of my top books this year, which surprised me because I'm one of the odd people who didn't like The Time Traveller's Wife.
ReplyDeleteHadn't heard of Of Bees and Mist but I like the title - a quick look on Amazon and I've added it to my wishlist.
Wasn't crazy about the Physick Book or Her Fearful Symmetry; abandoned Of Bees and Mist. If you like a good classic dystopian, I Am Legend fills the bill as both, but can't say I loved it either. Wow, what a negative list.
ReplyDeleteHaven't read Echoes From the Dead, but Theorin's The Darkest Room was good and spooky.
I read "The Old Nurse's Story" by Elizabeth Gaskell. I even reviewed it already! I'm not usually that quick with posting reviews.
ReplyDeleteFingersmith was a really good book!
ReplyDeleteCoffee & a Book Chick - Yes, you definitely should join! :-)
ReplyDeleteCarl - Thank you for hosting the challenge again this year. I'm already veering away from my list, but I definitely do want to get to Joe Hill's book this time around. I've been wanting to read Charles Todd's series . . . You're adding to all those tempting choices not on my list! Thank you too for the short story suggestions!
GeraniumCat - I figure Jim Butcher's books will combine the magic, dark fantasy and mystery for a great read. I really do need to catch up with the Dresden Files series. I've missed spending time with Harry.
I am glad to hear you enjoyed Her Fearful Symmetry. It's gotten mixed reviews, but I really like the premise. I haven't read The Time Traveler's Wife. I admit I keep dragging my feet because it doesn't really appeal to me as much as I feel it should given the hype.
Jenclair - Haha! Better to be honest. I think I've heard mixed opinions on all of the ones you mention, so it'll be interesting to see where I fall. I won't go in with really high expectations.
Terri - I really want to read that one now, after reading yours and Melody's reviews!
Kelly - I'm looking forward to reading that one. Hopefully I can fit it in.
Good luck with this challenge!
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't plan to participate in this challenge myself, I will be reading 20th Century Ghosts next month.
Kris - Thanks, Kris! I hope to read at least one of the stories from 20th Century Ghosts this week so I can post a short review. Hopefully. LOL