On another note, I took several more bags of books to the office recently. I never guessed they would be such a big hit! Several people have come to me to thank me, and I thought I'd share one e-mail that made my week:
What makes this particular e-mail even more meaningful is that Christine is not a reader. She decided to give one of the books a try to see what it was I loved about reading so much.Wendy -Thanks again for all the wonderful books you donated. I just finished "The Five People You Meet in Heaven". Remember Eddie, the 83 year-old maintenance man who feels his life is meaningless and then suddenly dies, meets these five people, and realizes his significance in life. Love, love, love it.Candace just recommended that I read "Tuesdays with Morrie" written by the same author Mitch Albom. - That's what I'm going to do.Christine.
Several of my workmates have approached me to ask for recommendations among the books I brought to the office. I always start off by asking them what it is they like to read. I tend to be shy about recommending books. Sometimes I find it easy to match books with tastes, but other times, not so much. There's always a risk when recommending books to people that they will not like them.
My darling husband is a much more discerning reader than I am, which makes him a bit difficult to buy books for. It doesn't stop me from giving him recommendations now and then, however. I think he's still wondering why I recommended The Hunger Games trilogy (because I wanted to discuss it with him in more detail), which he did like but wondered what all the fuss was about. And he was less than enamored by Robin Hobb's Assassin's Apprentice (and for the record, I haven't actually read this one myself yet--he just happened to get to it first). I'm not even sure he finished the book.
Anjin recently read and reviewed An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, a book I slipped into his TBR stack this past summer. I was a bit nervous about what he would think given it's not his usual type of book to read. I do hope you'll mosey on over to his blog and read his thoughts on the book.
What was the last book you recommended to someone? What did the person think of the book?
As to the packing, the number of boxes full of books continues to grow. At last count we were up to 31 boxes--and these are the keepers. Included in the boxes are most of my TBR collection as well. We still have several more shelves to go before all the books will be packed away. Minus my "just in case" books, of course. Talk about a book obsession . . .
I hope you all have a wonderful week. Happy reading!
© 2011, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.