I may not be in a mood for an Irish setting, but I have found a home in Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson world. There's nothing like turning to a comfort read at a time when life feels a bit overwhelming. Today is the perfect day for it. The realtor isn't available to take us out looking at houses, most of the baby preparations are complete and my body is telling me to take it easy (but, oh, how I need to clean and straighten the house! Not that I'm supposed to be doing that anyway per doctor's orders--but you know how it is.). Might as well take advantage of a little reading time now. It's back to work tomorrow . . .
What have you been reading lately?
This Week In Reading Mews:
Reading Now:
Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs
The Matchmaker of Kenmare by Frank Delaney
Christine Falls by Benjamin Black
Books Purchased:
The only book purchased this past week was a baby's memory book.
Reviews Posted:
From Book to Film: Tigerheart by Peter David
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much by Allison Hoover Bartlett
Posts of Interest This Week:
The Post in Which I Breakdown
Tuesday Tangents on Wednesday: The Like & Dislike Edition
© 2011, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
Forget the cleaning! Read away! You'll be looking back at free reading time wistfully once the baby is here! Enjoy your afternoon!
ReplyDeleteAh, cleaning is so overrated. You have to start again almost as soon as you finish. Much better to read a great book that will make you forget that the house is even dirty. ;-)
ReplyDeleteHappy reading!
I agree, forget the cleaning and curl up with a good book. I bought Brigg's first book. Hopefully I'll be able to get to it soon. Have a great week Wendy and take care of you!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with the others! Cleaning is never fun so read away especially when we are in the mood to do so! ;)
ReplyDeleteHope you have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading!!
You're not going to get too many more chances to kick back and spend a day reading - go for it!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds very good, Wendy! It was like that for me this weekend. The apartment needed dusting and cleaning but I decided not to do that but read instead. I had so much fun with Harry Potter and my favorite blogs!
ReplyDeleteRelax and enjoy yourself while you can!
ReplyDeleteYou will have the next 18 years to contend with messes and chaos, so live it up now! I love The Benjamin Black books...you are going to get hooked!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your reading! I listened to the first Mercy book on audio. I enjoyed it and really have to get back to that series.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are taking a break to do some reading! Enjoy your reading time!
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone else, put off cleaning for another day. Indulge in some rest and books :)
ReplyDeleteI had to do some cleaning as I could barely find my way around my studio but have also managed to get in some reading so that's always a good thing!
The dusting can always wait! :-)
ReplyDeleteI have been reading all day as well, even though there is housework to be done. I just finished Jane Eyre, and I was just so impressed and thrilled with it. I am glad to hear that you are giving yourself a break and taking it easy with a book today. You certainly need a day to unwind and relax!
ReplyDeleteI was sick all week with a cold, so I took the weekend off to try to recover. Housework? What housework? lol I'd rather be reading, too! I hope you did get to read today, after the week you've had, you deserve to relax and start to feel a little better again.
ReplyDeleteI have the fifth book in Patricia Brigg's series to read, I really love this series. Fingers crossed you do too!
Enjoy your rain. We're getting snow/freezing rain/then snow again tonight and tomorrow. It's too soon to look for spring, though I keep trying!
My friend just gave me the first one in the Mercy Thompson series. I must get to it quick!
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading "Super Sad True Love Story" (I know, I'm late) and I loved it. Now I'm onto Aminatta Forna's "The Memory of Love" - I guess I'm in a romantic nostalgia phase. I hope to have that book finished by this weekend though so I can get started on Sondheim's "Finishing the Hat." I just got it from my library and can't wait to dig into it.
ReplyDeleteI love Patricia Briggs! Her newest book should be shipping any day now. Very excited!
ReplyDeleteWe were expecting snow, but other than a bit of early morning rain on Saturday and some freezing cold temps, we didn't get rain OR snow. This meant that my stack of books got pushed to the side and I did errands (ugh). Why did I do that?
ReplyDeleteSo today, I am trying to put a dent in The Little Stranger. I read some at lunch and things are slow here so I may try to pull it out.
I agree- cleaning can always wait when there is a good book in need of reading!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading some 2011 releases and review books. no new books this week at all, LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm in a minor slump. I just finished The Weird Sisters, but I can't pick a new one.
ReplyDeleteI should be getting the new Mercy Thompson tomorrow and I absolutely cannot wait!
ReplyDeleteJust finished the newest Kim Harrison and was thrilled but dang... I want more!
I hope you had a good day of reading!
I realize it's almost time for another Sunday Salon but I've been wondering how you are doing so I stopped by.
ReplyDeleteI hope you were able to relax last Sunday and enjoy your comfort read. Sometimes there's nothing better than a book like that when life is chaotic and stressful.
I hope your week went well. Take care of yourself :o)
~ Amy
Just checking in to see if you're a mommy yet!! Hope all is well..
ReplyDeleteBeen reading Charlotte Bronte - mmm
ReplyDeleteCleaning and Reading are such unfair options, reading is always going to win. I have the same option but instead I'm checking out blogs *sigh*
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy, I keep checking to see if your daughter has arrived yet. Wishing you the best!