Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Reading Confession (Anniversary Edition)

My favorite kind of reviews are of the casual variety. The ones that read more like a conversation I would have with someone over lunch. I especially like it when the reviewer adds a personal touch. Reading is such an intimate activity. When I read, I step inside the pages of a book and that world becomes mine for a short while. Therefore, I like to know how a book impacted the reader.

Length is of no importance to me. Some of the best reviews I have come across are one sentence long while others go on for pages. I don't mind a little synopsis (no spoilers please)--in fact I prefer having it. I am one of those readers who likes to know what a book is about before I decide to read it. A pretty cover or clever title may catch my eye, but I won't bother reading a book if it doesn't sound good to me.

I like to know something about the characters--are they well developed and relatable? I want to know where the story is set and if it plays an important role. Does the story flow? And is it plausible within the world created by the author? The writing style can make or break a book as well.

I like reading positive and negative reviews. I don't mind snark as long as it isn't cruel. Sometimes a negative review can turn me onto a book more than a positive one can.

My favorite book reviews are book blogger reviews.

What kind of book reviews are you drawn to?

© 2011, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. I love reading reviews by fellow bookbloggers; I love the voice they carry through the reviews and make me feel as if we are talking even though we've not met in person.

    I don't mind reading long or short reviews, or even a negative one. In fact I'm drawn to those because they've certainly piqued my curiosity! :P

  2. My favorite reviews are also those of fellow bloggers, and prefer shorter reviews to longer ones. I'm especially interested in character development, setting and writing style. I also love when reviewers use a rating scale.

  3. I prefer shorter reviews. A small blurb about the book and then the reviewer's opinion. I think bloggers write the best reviews out there :)

  4. I prefer shorter reviews that reveal just enough to intrigue me but not so much they spoil the plot for me.

  5. I am happy with reviews as long as they don't spoil things for me. As a result, if I am planning to read a book I tend to avoid reviews of it until afterwards...

  6. I like reviews with a lot of meat in them that tell me how the book made the reviewer feel, and speculate on the motives behind the characters actions. I dislike spoilers a lot and hate it when I come across one. My favorite reviews come from book bloggers as well.

  7. I like medium-length reviews that tell me what the book's about and give me a good sense of the reviewer's reaction to the book. I also like some critical analysis of the writing, themes, and other lit-class stuff, but nothing overly academic. And I find that book bloggers write the sort of reviews I like best.

  8. I love the short ones with emotions!!

  9. I am not a fan of long reviews. I am usually moved to read a book by a review that allows me to understand how I might personally connect to the story.

  10. I like conversational reviews best, but am open to different formats. The biggest turnoff to me is a super-long review, especially if it is in a tiny font.

    I'd rather see personal reflections on a book than something resembling an analytical college essay.

    My biggest pet peeve though is when someone summarizes the book but doesn't really say whether or not they like it.

  11. I love chatty reviews as well and I especially love to read reviews of books that I have already read. In fact, those are the reviews that I like best. But I also just love to read an honest review by a book blogger :)

  12. Honest reviews, that tell it from their heart. I know in paid book reviewing circles that is a big no no, but for me it speaks to me better. Lets face it most of the time its emotion that determinds a book and sometimes you cant say why you loved or hated a book you just did.

  13. i like relatively short and succinct reviews, honest and persuasive.

  14. I prefer book blogger reviews too. I don't even read those in the paper or magazines etc.

  15. Thank you everyone for your comments! It seems like many of us prefer book blogger reviews over other kinds. Short reviews seem to be the most popular.


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