I am listening to: The wind dancing with the trees. I love how quiet it is outside. At our old house, the traffic and trains were a constant. Here, we have the occasional jet, sometimes the laughter and screaming of kids playing in the neighbor's pool, but mostly just quiet.
I am watching: We've completed the fourth season of How I Met Your Mother and are just waiting for the first disk of the fifth season to arrive in the mail via Netflix. Or Quickster. Whatever their name is now. I saw the first episode of the new Charlies' Angels show. Just because. Anjin and I also saw the first two episodes of the new season of Supernatural. We're finally all caught up! So far, it looks like it will be a good season.
I am thinking: That I need to get started on the laundry. Actually, I have been giving my blog a lot of thought. Ideas are starting to pop into my head for future posts, however fleetingly. Not all of them are as good as they seem upon first thought.
I am grateful for: Hot water.
I am reading: I finished Madelyn Alt's The Trouble With Magic early last week, a witchy cozy mystery. Now I've moved onto Bossypants by Tina Fey, an unusual choice for me for two reasons. Number one, I don't especially care for celebrity memoirs and so rarely read them. And number two, it's in audio book form. Yeah. It's hard to believe, isn't it? I found the perfect time to listen finally. Not sure how long it will last though as the situation is only temporary.
Around the house: So much still to do! When does the unpacking end??
The child this week:

Plans for the week: Mouse had her doctor's appointment last week and I have mine this week. I am a strong believer in making those annoying female exams less painful by turning them into a fun day. So, I will be taking the day off from work and will be treating myself to a little shopping, including a visit to the bookstore, picking Mouse up from daycare early and spending the afternoon playing and cuddling with her. The rest of the week will be filled with the usual: work, sleep, eating. You get the idea.
On the blog: This past week I managed to post a review of Cover-Up by Michele Martinez and talked about the top five songs currently playing in my head. This week look for my review of Madelyn Alt's The Trouble with Magic and the story that's made Mouse quite famous--afterward you will be able to guess what she'll end up with lots of on her first birthday (because I'm the mean mommy who won't let her have it just yet)!
Thanks to Suey from It's All About Books for sharing this format with me, and to Ibeeeg of Polishing Mud Balls for inspiring Suey's use of the format.
© 2011, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
I love it when the wind dancing with the trees. Especially when it is a nice breezy feeling :) I don't like the new change for Netflix. Even the new names for mailer envelopes. And your beautiful baby girl is growing so fast! Last time I seen her photo she was new born :)
ReplyDeleteI like Supernatural, but I am thinking we will never catch-up! There is too much to watch and not enough time for it all... That applies to reading, too...
ReplyDeleteHappy October! What a beautiful picture of Mouse in front of your bookshelves!
ReplyDeleteSupernatural definitely is looking more promising than last season! That picture is adorable!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how big Mouse is! She looks so busy and intent on what's she doing.
ReplyDeleteI love it when they get to the age where they make a serious business of playing. She is becoming her own little person!
ReplyDeleteMouse looks so adorable standing there playing like that! It sounds like you are enjoying the peacefulness of fall, and I am glad that you will get the chance to have a day off with cuddling time soon because you deserve it. Have a great afternoon with the little one!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how big Mouse is getting already!!! I've seen that a lot of people are reading/have read Bossypants so I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts on it when you finish. Hope you have a wonderful week!
ReplyDeleteOoooohhh, Mouse looks adorable! So sweet.
ReplyDeleteBossypants was my very first audiobook, a few months ago, and it was a perfect way to read it - I hope you love it! And Mouse is really growing (and looking so at home near your bookshelves :-D).
ReplyDeleteHave a great week, Wendy!
I love those days when anything seems possible! Look at Mouse! She is getting so big!
ReplyDeleteOoh, I love the picture of Mouse! She looks so sweet and adorable!! I hope you all have a great week ahead, Wendy!
ReplyDeleteI loved the Tina Fey book! That was so funny. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness the time has passed so quickly. I was shocked to see your daughter standing up. It seems like just yesterday you were announcing her birth on your blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for my Mouse fix! She gets more beautiful every time I see her. And I love your bookcase! What a great place for photo!
ReplyDeleteJulia - Nice breezy is good, I agree! I don't especially care for the stronger winds though. I'll be dealing with those soon enough, I'm afraid. I'm not too keen on the changes Netflix is making either. I understand the company wants to eventually go 100% streaming. If that's the case, hopefully they will have more options available than they do now. Mouse is growing way too fast for her own good. LOL I tell her every day she needs to slow down and enjoy this time while she can. Not that she listens. :-)
ReplyDeleteKelly - I didn't think we'd ever get caught up with Supernatural, but we eventually did. I agree though--too much to watch and read and not enough time for any of it!
Marie - Thank you! Same to you, Marie! I thought it was a very fitting picture to start the month off with. :-)
Trisha - I'm with you. Supernatural has gotten off to a good start. Last season wasn't one of the best ones.
Kathy - She's a very intent child! LOL She loves playing with that particular toy--I think more so because she gets to stand up to play it. That's all she wants to do these days, stand up.
Sandy - It's so fun to see her taking an interest in her toys beyond just shoving them in her mouth. LOL She still does a lot of that, but I can definitely see the little wheels in her brain turning as she tries to figure things out now.
ReplyDeleteHeather - It's hard not to scoop her up and hug her all the time. I love how focused she can be when playing. We had a nice afternoon together yesterday--although Mouse still isn't feeling well. She threw up for the first time (I noted that in her memory book so she'd know) that morning and so I tried to make her take it easy the rest of the day--not so easy to do as she wanted to play, play, play. Which we did a lot of. :-)
Samantha - Hopefully I will get my review of Bossypants up this next week. I really enjoyed it. I hope you are having a wonderful week too!
Joy - Thanks! I agree; Mouse is adorable. Not that I'm biased or anything. Haha!
Florinda - I am glad I decided to listen to it. Tina Fey does a great job of narrating, which I knew she would. Mouse does like the bookshelves. Mostly for pulling books off and trying to eat them. :-)
Staci - Days like that are wonderful, aren't they? I can't believe Mouse is nearly 7 months old already. It doesn't seem possible.
ReplyDeleteMelody - I hope you have a great week too, Melody! And thanks! Mouse is a sweet girl. Although we try not to tell her that too often. Wouldn't want it going to her head. :-)
Yvonne - I really enjoyed it too. I'm so glad I broke out of my comfort zone to listen to it.
Kathleen - I can't believe she's standing already too. I'm not ready for her to grow up yet!
Linda - You're welcome! :-) And thank you. I really like the bookcases too. If I ever get organized, I'll post before and after photos.
AND STANDING?? Oh Wendy--doesn't it break your heart how fast they grow (but at the same time it's so exciting).
ReplyDeleteDoes it make you feel better that I still have a load of laundry in the dryer from Sunday?? It's the babe's so every night I pull out a sleeper for her and in the morning some pants if she needs them. Will finally have to fold them tomorrow when I start laundry all over again. Sheesh! ;)
Hope it's been a good week for you!
Trish - It's very exciting--and yes, heartbreaking too. I swear she changes a little bit every day.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I always have laundry going. LOL It's never ending. I do the same thing. It's often still in the basket or dryer and we pull out what we need. LOL