I am listening to: In my car, Mouse and I have been enjoying You'll Sing a Song and I'll Sing a Song by Ella Jenkins, a childhood favorite of mine. I sought out the album hoping to share some of my childhood favorites with Mouse as she grows up. It sure brings back memories! One day when I was picking up Mouse from daycare, her daycare provider noticed the CD case in the car and mentioned that she plays it now and then for the kids too. How cool is that?
I am watching: Anjin downloaded a few episodes of the first season of Community for us to watch recently, and so we have been getting a few laughs from that show. We watched the finale of The All American Handyman earlier in the week and are caught up with Supernatural. We are continuing to enjoy the 5th season of How I Met Your Mother.
I am thinking: It was a difficult week. October 11th marked the one month anniversary of my father's death. It seems like so long ago and yet only yesterday.
I really need to write a book review of a book I read recently. I am having trouble getting started though. Don't you hate it when that happens? I've tried all my usual tricks--free flow writing, starting in the middle, and reading a couple of other reviews (something I do only as a last resort as I hate to be influenced by another's thoughts). Right now I'm just waiting for inspiration. I liked the book quite a bit so that isn't the problem. Ho hum. How do you motivate yourself to write a book review when you are struggling to get started?
Also on my mind recently is whether or not there is a correlation between handedness and the preference for one thumb over another--obviously a question for (former) thumb suckers. I googled the topic, of course. If it exists, someone has researched it already no doubt. I found nothing conclusive. Both my husband and I were thumb suckers. He sucked his right thumb and is right handed; I sucked my left and am left handed. Mouse sucks her right thumb.
I am grateful for: Baby gates, Fridays, and baby diaper genies.
I am reading: I just finished reading The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness and have started The Ask and the Answer, the second book in the Chaos Walking trilogy. Let me just say I am smitten so far. Will it turn into love? Let's see how things progress through to the end.
Around the house: Anjin and I are continuing our efforts to baby proof the house. Yes, we should have had this all done earlier, but it's more fun rushing around getting it done now. Yeah, right.
The child this week: Last Sunday marked Mouse's 7th month birthday. Can you believe it? I can't! Her favorite activity right now seems to be making messes. It's so much fun! She also has discovered the stairs and is quite adept at climbing them. Thank goodness for baby gates!
Plans for the week: My mother is driving down for a visit the end of the week. She hasn't seen Mouse since she and my dad helped us move into the new house last April/May. I am really looking forward to seeing her and giving her a long overdo hug.
On the blog: You can expect my review of Bossypants by Tina Fey this week in addition to a "From the Archives" review of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez.
I hope you all have a great week! Happy Reading!
Thanks to Suey from It's All About Books for sharing this format with me, and to Ibeeeg of Polishing Mud Balls for inspiring Suey's use of the format.
© 2011, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
I'm sorry you've had a tough week. I know from experience that it will get easier, but you'll have moments that are tough for quite a while.
ReplyDeleteFall made an appearance here too, but we're back to pretty warm days.
You have so much going on right now. I'm so sorry about your dad.
ReplyDeleteI understand about having difficulty writing a review. Is there a passage in the book that you really loved? Maybe you can start there.
Take care of yourself.
It does sound like there is a lot happening, and I wanted to let you know I was thinking of you the other day in relation to the loss of your dad. I am surprised to hear that Mouse is already 7 months old! time surely flies!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I have trouble writing reviews as well. When that happens, I tend to write a paragraph a day until it's all done. It can be hard sometimes to just get them started!
I hope that you have a wonderful week ahead, and that your visit with your mom is wonderful.
I can't imagine 100 degree weather in October - ugh! It's blessedly cool here in Oregon but not cold.
ReplyDeleteWhen I struggle with writing a review I just leave it be for awhile. Probably the reason that I'm always behind in reviews :) It sounds like you've got a lot going on right now so I'll keep you in my thoughts :) Hope you have a great week and a good visit with your Mom.
ReplyDelete(((Hugs to you, Wendy!))) I'm thinking of you during this tough time.
ReplyDeleteI seem to have tough times writing my thoughts lately too. I think I'm getting burned out! I'm glad that your mom is coming to visit you and your sweet little family. I hope you all have a wonderful time!
Wendy, I was thinking about you this week. Glad to hear your Mom is coming for visit. Hugs to you about your Dad. Sigh. It does take time, doesn't it? And then you keep getting surprised by grief - just something triggers the feelings again and there you go.
ReplyDeleteI am struggling completely with writing reviews, with reading, with the blog in general. Not ready to throw in the towel, but feel things morphing into a different sort of blog perhaps.
I hope you have a peaceful week. Give that sweet one a kiss for us. She sounds busy, busy, busy. LOL
Hi Wendy - I'm sorry about your loss. Oh my, it's been such a year of wonder and sorrow for you, hasn't it? Hugs to you and Mouse, I'm so glad to hear you are all doing fine and enjoying the new house and babyproofing it! As for book reviews, I'm so slow sometimes! My problem is if I don't write about them as soon or shortly after I finish them, then I don't seem to get to them at all even if they are fabulous books.
ReplyDeleteHave fun with your mother visiting! Mine is due in three weeks for her annual visit, too.
I think that each anniversary is going to stick in your mind, and holidays are hard too. I think only time takes care of these things. But that is the beauty of babies...they bring you back into the now. I had to laugh at your being thankful for Diaper Genies! At one point, I had two in diapers and boy did was brutalize that thing!
ReplyDeleteI just read Bossypants myself. It was pretty good. I am glad you are enjoying the Patrick Ness trilogy!
ReplyDeleteI think we are skipping autumn this year! I like the nice weather, but a bit cooler would be nice.
ReplyDeleteYou are going to have so much fun this year with holidays and the babe. You are going to see if all from her eyes now.
Kelly - I am really impressed with the Patrick Ness trilogy. It's much darker than I anticipated. I am not too far into the second book, but already I hate to have to set it down.
ReplyDeleteTi - It does seem like autumn has taken a vacation this year! I can't believe it was 104 the other day. If it were to stay in the low 80's, I'd be happy. :-)
I'm really looking forward to the holidays with Mouse. My mom is going to spend Christmas with us (since we can't get off work to travel up north that week). It'll get her out of her house and she'll get to spend Mouse's first Christmas with Mouse.
Sandy - Now that Mouse is eating solids, the diaper genie has been a blessing! LOL I've been debating whether to invest in a second one since we keep the one we have upstairs. And now that we have the baby gates set up, getting up and down the stairs is such a pain. As much as I am enjoying Mouse at this age, there are certain things I definitely will not miss when she's older. LOL
Most days I am okay, but occasionally my dad's death hits me hard. I know it's normal though. I just need to get through it. Mouse definitely helps with that. She's such a joy. I say that a lot, I know, but it's true. :-)
Susan - Thank you, Susan. It has been quite the year! A part of me will be so glad when it's in the past and yet another part wants to stretch certain parts of it out for as long as I can (namely Mouse's growing up!). I tell you, those bab gates may be a safety necessity for the baby, but they sure are a safety hazard to me! LOL
I'm like you. If I don't write a book review right away, I tend to forget the book all too quickly. I think that's why I agonize over it taking me so long in the first place. I did get a skeleton review written today. Hopefully I can fill it in over the week. I'm not going to stress over the fact it's not the best review. At this point, I'm just happy to get one written at all!
I hope your mother has a nice visit when she comes.
Kay - Thank you, Kay. It'll be good for my mom to spend some time with her granddaughter, I think. And good for me to see my mom again. You are so right--the grief just sneaks up on you sometimes. I could be having the best day ever and suddenly a breeze through the trees reminds of my dad and I feel so sad.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard keeping up with blogging. I'm trying to at least get three posts up a week right now, but it's not always easy. If I don't have something pre-written for the week, forget it.
Busy is a good word for Mouse. LOL She is quite busy. All the time. LOL
Staci - Thank you, Staci! I am trying to focus on the good things in life, especially Maggie. She's the best. To me anyway. :-)
Burn out seems to come in cycles, doesn't it? I hope we both find that creative bug again so we can put our bookish thoughts onto the screen soon.
Samantha - I think leaving it over the weekend helped some. I managed to get something down on paper today. Hopefully I can polish it throughout the week so it'll be ready to go up soon.
Alyce - It's ridiculous, how hot it's been here! It looks like the temperatures are cooling off some though, so that's good.
Heather - Thank you for your kind words and support. I'm just taking it one day at a time. Mouse certainly helps. She's such a ray of sunshine. :-) I can't believe she's 7 months old already either. She seems to grow every day.
I was able to jot down some thoughts about the book today and will go back to it tomorrow, I think. I'd like to add more but think I am tapped out for now. Or maybe I'll reread it tomorrow and think it's fine the way it is. That sometimes happens too! I think you actually read and reviewed the book on your blog recently!
Vasilly - Thank you so much. And thank you for the idea for getting started on the review. I wish there had been a passage I loved--I'm so terrible about remembering stuff like that, especially since I don't keep my reading journal up like I used to. I really need to get back into that habit. I think that will be a good place to start though for my current read!
ReplyDeleteKathy - What is it with the weather lately? I do like the nice weather, but I am looking forward to some wet ones too. Just as long as the strong winds stay away. I doubt I'll be so lucky though. :-)
Most days are good ones fortunately. It's just a small few that aren't. Thank you for your support, Kathy!
I'm sorry you had a rough week last week. I understand and remember having difficulty for a while after my dad died. It will get better in some ways, easy to say but it is true. Just take care of you now. And look at your beautiful Mouse, her eyes are something!
ReplyDeleteI often have a terrible time starting reviews. You'll get there.
I want to read the Patrick Ness trilogy. I was going to a few months ago and then read a review or summary or something and then the book didn't appeal to me. Now I realize it was a very dumb reason not to read the books.
I'd love to know what you think of them.
I hope you have a better week this week. Hang in there, Wendy. You're in my thoughts.
I totally understand what you've been through, Wendy. As the others say, time will heal.
ReplyDeleteI've read lots of rave reviews on "The Knife of Never Letting Go" but just haven't got around to reading it; I need to remedy that!
Hope you have a great week, Wendy!
Gage turns 1 in a few days and we're STILL babyproofing!! It never ends!
ReplyDeleteI've been having troubles with the reviewing as well. And I'm doing more listening than reading so move on quickly to the next book. Last week I asked for questions and actually received some. Helped me write one review this week and think it'll help me write two or three more!!
ReplyDeleteSeven months! Goodness. Mouse'll be walking before you know it.
Enjoy your visit with your mom. And get all of the hugs you can! Are you finding yourself looking at your mother differently now that you are also a mother?
Trish - After Bossypants I thought for sure I'd jumped on the audiobook bandwagon, but I haven't listened to one since. I am doing a lot of reading on my nook though--"a lot" being relative to my current lifestyle. I like the idea of having people ask questions about the books you read. I thought it worked out very well for you! Definitely a way to kick start that review writing.
ReplyDeleteMy mom's visit was way too short. I tried talking her into staying longer but she couldn't right now. She said maybe for the next visit (which will be Christmas).
Stacy - I can't believe Gage is already one! I remember when you first announced he was born. I am both relieved and saddened by the fact that babyproofing never ends. LOL
Melody - Thanks, Melody! I hope you do get a chance to read The Knife of Never Letting Go. It's so good. I'm currently reading the final book in the trilogy and can't wait to see how everything comes to an end.
Amy - Thank you, Amy! Mouse definitely does bring a smile to my heart and face. She's been a life saver the last few weeks.
Ness's trilogy is very dark. I am enjoying it but confess there are times I wish for some let up to the darkness. It's all so bleak and not very hopeful. I am planning to review the trilogy as a whole once I'm finished with it.
I've heard so much of the trilogy and I hope to get a chance to read it one day. I have A MONSTER CALLS in my Kindle but did not take it home with me for the two-week long stay. Hmmm...
ReplyDeleteMouse is becoming more and more mobile. HURRAH!