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Mouse loves to bring me books, climb into my lap and sit for a minute or two as I begin to read. Rarely does she stay long enough for me to get through an entire book, no matter how short or how much I abbreviate the story. Sometimes she'll join in the page turning and other times not. It depends on what she has on her agenda at the time. The books that do have her sticking around tend to be the more interactive books: ones with squeaky buttons to push or different textures to feel. And then I or my husband can expect to have her wanting us to read the book to her over and over again. It's fun to see her so animated about reading, especially after worrying she would never sit still long enough to enjoy it.
One of her current favorites is Squeak Squeak (written by Gabby Goldsack, illustrated by Marie Allen, concept by Fiona Hayes) about a puppy who is trying to figure out where the squeaky noise is coming from. He asks all his friends, including a snake and a bear if they are the ones squeaking. It's a fun board book, encouraging the reader (or child being read to) to push the black nose to make the squeaky nose. Mouse loves pushing the nose.
Perhaps more than Squeak Squeak, Mouse loves Quack! Quack!, a baby touch and feel book. Each animal inside the pages sports a different texture for the reader to touch. Mouse particularly likes to poke the pig in the nose. I can't tell you how many times Mouse has brought me Quack! Quack! to read, sometimes multiple times during the same sitting. Besides getting to know the feel and sounds of the different animals via the book, I have also been working on teaching her "nice touch", a lesson we've been going over for months in an effort to teach her to be gentle with the real animals (humans included) in the house. She's pretty good at it, although sometimes her enthusiasm gets the better of her--and now that she's bigger her slaps can carry quite a sting.
© 2012, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
She'll get there, Wendy. She's just so busy exploring everything now. As her attention span increases, she'll want to sit and let you read to her. I used to have a love/hate relationship with those squeaky books. LOL
ReplyDeleteI've discovered that she has favorite parts of some books and will want me to read to her up until we get to those parts--then she'll want me to either start over or read something else. LOL
DeleteMy baby's about the same, she'll bring me a book and then just sit for the first few pages. The only ones she sits through have textures, or singsong rhymes. Her favorite right now is a simple little "wheels on the bus" book which I sing with little actions- she'll often pick it up and insist I read it again three or four times in a row!
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love that? And sometimes hate it. LOL Mouse likes me to read the same books over and over and over.
DeleteOh my, yes! We had the touch and feel series, the one with the pictures/fur of cats, dogs, etc, and the kids couldn't get enough of it. Five Little Monkeys....Scaredy Squirrel, and currently: anything Star Wars for my youngest son, and Diary of a Wimpy School Kid for the daughter. I do admit to getting bored with the same book and trying to find something else, but most times they were right back with the same one every time. Kay is right, Mouse will get there - seeing you read is the best thing for getting her to read one day (other than reading squeaky books endlessly). :-D
ReplyDeleteSusan - She's so smart. She will go to her shelves and pull off books, toss the ones she doesn't want to read on the floor, and then bring me the books she does want to read. We end up reading the same books over and over again, often in one sitting. I love her enthusiasm but sometimes it gets tiring. LOL
DeleteI wish I could say it was me setting the good example for her by always reading my own books in front of her. The truth is I get no reading done when she and I are together other than the books she brings me to read to her. She demands my attention all the time--literally. The only reading for myself I do is at work or before bed after she's gone to sleep.
It sounds like Mouse will love books just like her mama in no time. Right now she's just too busy wanting to experience everything. Lol. We have a feature on our news each Thursday and quite often the book lady beings in interactive children's books and some of them are so cool. We didn't have such exciting books when I was a kid- I wish we would have. It's exciting though to watch little ones learn all these new things.
ReplyDeleteDarlene - It seems to be going in that direction. :-) I hope it's true! Her new thing is climbing. She's climbing everything.
DeleteSounds like you are raising a reader!
ReplyDeleteKathleen - It sure seems like it right now. LOL
DeleteWhere did you get Squeak Squeak!?!?
ReplyDeleteWe got a copy at Target in the dollar aisle around the holidays and it is by far and away my 1 year old's favorite book. We have to read it to him probably 10-12 times a day. But of course with him carrying it around so much, he's really torn it up. I've searched online and can not find it at all.
Rick - Our copy was a gift. I can't find it online either. I will keep looking and see what I can find.
DeleteWe're going through a big slap phase around here these days!
ReplyDeleteStacy - Oh no! Mouse isn't slapping as much right now, but I know we haven't seen the last of it. She's really into hair right now and I'm sure the hair pulling is not far behind.