Tuesday, December 03, 2013

A Little Bit of Everything: Where Is Your Bookmark?/Mouse's Corner

Every Tuesday Diane from Bibliophile By the Sea hosts 
First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where  
participants share the first paragraph (or a few) of a 
book they are reading or thinking about reading soon.

After reading A Study in Silks by Emma Jane Holloway and The Mysterious Case of Mr. Strangeway by Karina Cooper (reviews to come) recently, I was still in the mood for something of the steampunk variety.  My friend Sally from Books and Musings reminded me of Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate series, one I have on my must read list.  My introduction today comes from Soulless by Gail Carriger, an urban fantasy/steampunk/mystery/historical romance novel:
miss Alexia Tarabotti was not enjoying her evening.  Private balls were never more than middling amusements for spinsters, and Miss Tarabotti was not the kind of spinster who could garner even that much pleasure from the event.  To put the pudding in the puff: she had retreated to the library, her favorite sanctuary in any house, only to happen upon an unexpected vampire.
Would you continue reading?

*                     *                     *

As you can see from above, my reading recently has been more of the fantastical variety.  I did sneak in a nonfiction book, Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein, which is quite timely given the holiday season and my daughter's growing interest in none other than Cinderella (and Ariel).  It was an entertaining book, one I could relate to on many levels.

What are you reading right now?  Is it something you would recommend?

*                     *                     *

For those of you who celebrated the Thanksgiving Holiday last week, I hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends.  It was a mostly quiet week for us.  My mother was in town visiting, and Anjin and I had to work the first three days of the week.  Normally business in my office is slow during a holiday week, even when short staffed, but that couldn't have been further from the truth this year.

Mouse was thrilled to have her grandmother here, waking up each morning to find Grandma waiting for her. We visited the Children's Discovery Museum of the Desert, played at the park, took a walk in the rain, and went shopping among other things.  My husband and I took advantage of my mom's presence to go on a date, just the two of us.  It's a rare event, one we only get to do about once every three or four months.  Anjin and I enjoyed lunch out and followed it up with a movie.  Both of us were a little apprehensive about the new Thor movie, only partially liking the first. We ended up really liking the second movie, however.  My mom and I spent some quality time together as well, which was nice.  I'm sad we won't be seeing her for Christmas this year.  This year it is the in-laws' turn.  She'll be back in January though, so just a month away.

I have been debating whether Mouse is ready to take in a movie at the theater.  With Frozen coming out, I have been considering that one.  The PG rating gives me pause.  One of my mom's friends with a young child said it would be too scary for a 2 1/2 year old while others think Mouse would really like it.  I recently saw a trailer for an animated movie featuring the Coke bears that is rated G.  Maybe that would be better.  Or maybe we will decide to wait until she's older still.  I am pretty sure Mouse is at the point where she would be able to sit through an entire movie without too much trouble, but we won't know for sure until we try it.

At what age did you take your child to see his or her first movie in a theater?  Or have you?  And if you don't have children, do you remember the first movie you saw in a theater?  I was eight when I saw my  first theater movie.  It was the motion picture version of the musical Annie.  I remember being so impressed!  The second movie I ever saw in a theater was Tootsie, which I also really enjoyed. It was quite a year for movies in my little life.

I cannot believe it is December already.  This month is sure to fly by.  I hope you all are well and be sure and let me know what you are up to!

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Feeding the ducks, geese and coots. 

 Painting a car at the Children's Discovery Museum.

Playing catch. 

 Walking in the rain with Grandma (& trading umbrellas).

© 2013, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Vicki - You'd think I'd be tired of them, but I still enjoy a good vampire story. I know they aren't for everyone though. :-)

  2. Don't remember my age at my first movie, but I used to watch Abbot and Costello films at first. I have yet to get into a steampunk book and might try it sometime.

    Book Dilettante

    1. Harvee - The Abbot and Costello films were so funny. :-)

      I'm still finding my way through steampunk, but I like the concept and so far am enjoying the books I've read.

  3. Your pictures are fun! Yes we had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Sheila - I am glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving! We did too, as you can see. :-)

  4. Sounds good to me. I still like vampires even though there are so many books out there with them in it.

    1. Yvonne - Yes, I imagine we would never be able to get to them all even if we tried--or wanted to. :-)

  5. I have a feeling Grandma had just as much fun as Mouse did. I'm not sure how old Vance was when I took him to see his first movie but, remember, you can always walk out if it's too much for her.

    1. Kathy - I think you are right. :-) My mom had a blast with Maggie.

      Yes, you are right. We can just walk out if we need to. I always forget that when I go to the movies.

  6. Your tree is pretty Wendy and all the pics of the little one are just so cute.

    I like that intro, even though I've sworn off vampire stories:)

    1. Diane - Thank you! Mouse is fascinated by the tree this year. She can reach the light switch the lights are attached to and loves to turn the lights on and off. We haven't put any presents under the tree yet. I'm almost afraid to with the kitten and with Maggie. I'm not sure how long they'll stay wrapped.

  7. Beautiful photos! It sounds like everyone had a wonderful week. My kids were just a little bit older when they went to their first movie… probably around 3. But like Kathy says, you can always leave.
    P.S. I'll pass on the vampires ;-)

    1. JoAnn - Thanks! It was a nice week. I was sad to see my mom go, and I know my daughter was too. She's still asking about her and is disappointed when I tell her Grandma had to go home to her house.

  8. I loved Soulless and I cannot wait to hear what you think of it! It looks and sounds like you have had a really nice holiday week :) I have no clue how old my kids were when they saw their 1st movie except for my youngest and he was 3. He did really good with it if that helps any. Have a great week!

    1. Samantha - I finished it last night--I was just pages away from the end when Mouse decided to throw a tantrum, so I had to stop reading for a bit to calm her down so she could brush her teeth. It never fails . . . There is always something that delays my finishing a book when I'm so close to the end. I hope you have a great week too.

  9. Very captivating! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  10. Love your Christmas tree! I believe my first cinema trip was when I was five; I'd say with the right film Mouse would be okay. I want to read Carrigar at some point, so yes, I would continue reading.

    1. Charlie - Thank you! I really enjoyed the Carriger book. I finished it last night. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

  11. Hmm, of course I'd keep reading but then I'm stubborn like that.

    Busy reading another seasonal novel, I can't say I'm impressed with it so far but, hey, I'll keep reading.

    Another great selection of photos, thanks.

  12. I think I am going to want to read both of those books when you get around to reviewing them! I also really must get back to the Carriger series... I read the first two. Love the pictures!

    1. Kelly - My husband bought me a collection of the five books in the series for my Kindle (there was a sale). I thought about jumping right into the second, but I promised another book it could be next (okay, so, yes, I sometimes talk to my books).

  13. I've got Soulless on my shelves waiting to be read. Too funny, I was browsing my library's digital catalog recently and I saw Cinderella Ate My Daughter there.
    As far as the movies, I think I took my youngest when she was about two years old to see an animated film. I remember her fidgeting too much though. But it all depends on the child. Have fun when you take her!
    Nice pics!

    1. Naida - How funny! I'll be curious to know what you think of Orenstein's book when you get to it. I am in the process of writing up my review--although I think it's less of a review and more just me rambling about my own experiences.

      I worry about that too, that Mouse might not be able to sit for that long. If she's interested, she will definitely be able to. But if she's bored, there's no way she will.

  14. I loved the first in the Parasol series and loved it. Read several of the others, but eventually abandoned the series.

    I don't remember the first movie I took my kids to see, but I took Erin to see the play Song of the South--by a marvelous group called The Peter Pan Players. She was three and totally enchanted. Amelia's first play was also by the Peter Pan Players. She talked about Snow White for years.

    Love the pics of Mouse!

    1. Jenclair - The first in the Parasol series was very good. I am looking forward to reading the other four books in the series. I hear she's writing a series set abroad, although I don't know if it will be all new characters or share some of the ones from this first series.

      I would love to take Maggie to a play when she's older. And a musical or two. Actually, I'm hoping she'll enjoy musicals as much as her dad and I do. :-)

  15. You always take the most perfect pictures. Your tree is gorgeous and I love the pic of your mom and Mouse. How precious! How awesome that you and hubby got to go on a date. I bet that's nice once in a while to do that.

    I don't remember the first time I went to see a movie but I have always had a hard time sitting still for them. Lol. Maybe for her first movie a G rating would be a better idea just in case. You don't want her first experience to be a bad one.

    1. Darlene - Thank you! I wish we had more opportunities to go out, just the two of us, but we have so few resources available to us, child care wise. The price of living so far from family, I suppose.

      If the way Mouse watches TV is any indication, I think she'd be able to sit still during a movie as long as it kept her interest. LOL

  16. I'm not sure I'd continue reading because I don't like vampires but I think Alexia Tarabotti sounds like a fun and entertaining character. I hope you enjoy Soulless.

    When my cousins were little I used to take them to the movies quite a bit. The youngest was Mouse's age when we started going and, usually, I took them to a Disney animated movie, something all 4 of them could enjoy (the oldest was an 8-year old girl). I don't remember any problems, they loved the entire movie-going experience! I hope Mouse enjoys the movies, I have a feeling she will.

    It sounds like you had a really nice time with your mom visiting. I'm glad you and Anjin got out on your own while grandma and Mouse got to spend some quality time together. I just love your photos, thank you for sharing them!

    1. Amy - Alexia Tarabotti is a force to be reckoned with. LOL She may sound a bit like your typical strong heroine, but she's actually quite unique in her own right, and I really like that about her.

      I hope Mouse will enjoy going to the movies too. :-)

  17. We took Gage to see Puss in Boots at the theater this summer. They had old kids movies showing every morning at 9:30 for $1 so I figured I couldn't lose. It was a movie he already loved and we sat in the last row. He made it an hour and then when he couldn't stay in the aisle, we left. I considered it a trial and a success. So, he was maybe around Mouse's age now or a few months older. I would not consider taking him to a busier time with lots of people because he cannot sit still, but this summer I hope to take him once a week to the $1 kid movies :)
    As for the rating, someone mentioned to me recently that she wouldn't let her 5 year old see Puss in Boots because it was scary and PG. It is one of Gage's 3 favorite movies and I do not feel guilty about it :)

    1. Stacy - I love that your move theater does that! I wish there was one around here that did. I'm still not sure about the movie thing. Hubby and I need to talk about it some more, I think. I found out the bear movie is a short film, so it won't be one we see in the theater unless it's a preview for something else.

      Mouse is so fixated on her favorite shows. I can't ask her if she wants to see something else without her saying no. I have to just start it and see if she's interested. She hasn't been exposed to too many movies as a result.

  18. We took our oldest to his first movie when he was three - Little Mermaid. It was the longest he had ever sat still! We were concerned that he would get scared but surprisingly he wasn't at all but then very little scared him. I think it has a lot to do with the child. He was surprisingly aware that it was only make believe.

    1. Lisa - I am glad your oldest did so well his first time out to the movies! Part of me things Mouse would be just as attentive, given the environment and if the movie is interesting enough. Mouse was a little afraid while watching The Little Mermaid. I the storm bothered her more than Ursula.

  19. Frozen was lovely and I watched it in the cinema with my family. :)

    Love the pictures! Mouse is so big now. She's growing up as a lovely girl.

    1. Alice, we still haven't had a chance to see it. Maybe once it's out on DVD.

      Yes, Mouse is growing way too fast. She's changed so much over the past year.


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