Monday, August 24, 2015

Where Is Your Bookmark? (08/25/2015)

I am feeling a bit frazzled as I write this. The week has gotten off to a busy start after a relatively busy weekend. Work has picked up considerably with the start of the school year, I have evaluations due, and, now that swim classes have come to an end, I am working later into the evenings again. My health has been giving me some trouble of late as well, which I have mostly been trying to ignore.

Many thanks to all of you who kept Parker in your thoughts and sent well wishes our way. We still are not sure what is wrong with him exactly. As I write this (Monday night), my husband and Parker are in the emergency room, and I am waiting for an update. It's more of a precautionary measure than a true emergency--at least we hope. I will update my blog when I know more. [Update: this really isn't much of an update. Parker has a tumor. He'll be seeing his regular doctor later this week to see about getting it removed.]

I finished reading Death in Brittany by Jean-Luc Bannalec this past weekend, the first in a mystery series featuring a French detective. My review is written, and I hope to have it up soon. I also spent time over the weekend reading Wet Silence by Sweta Srivastava Vikram, a book of poetry about Hindu Widows' experiences, which I will be reviewing this coming Thursday.

I am determined to finish listening to Paula Hawkins' Girl on the Train this week, which I have had in the background for months now. I made some progress on it the last couple of days.

Just yesterday, I dived into The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts by K.C. Tansley, a young adult paranormal/time travel mystery about a girl who can communicate with ghosts. Both Kat and her research partners visit a haunted island where they are pulled into the past to solve a 129 old murder and the reason behind a deadly family curse. I am not too far in at this point--maybe a quarter of the way through--and am not quite sure what I think yet.

Take a peek at the opening paragraph of The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts:

Two weeks leading up to finals were the perfect time to do research at Gilman Library--if you needed to be surrounded by people. Bustle and noise didn't distract me anymore. I was much more likely to be disturbed by quiet. Or, at least, what the quiet conjured up. Old buildings like Gilman were the worst.

Here is a random teaser from The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts from 5% on my Kindle

Cold air blew against my neck. The ghost was so close to me. I didn't turn around.

and a bit of humor at 16% on my Kindle:

"She is rather pale. She might catch fire in the sun," Evan said.
"Vampires don't catch fire anymore. They sparkle," Morgan said.

What do you think? Would you keep reading?  

I admit the opening paragraph did not grab me right away. but it does set up the scene to come. Kat is trying desperately to keep the ghosts at bay.  Being among a lot of people often does the trick.

What are you reading at the moment?  Is it anything you would recommend?

© 2015, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Although I don't often read young adult or paranormal books, this sounds like a good one. I didn't know vampires sparkled!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

    1. Sandra - We have Stephanie Meyer to thank for sparkling vampires. :-)

  2. Ghosts are normally off my reading list but I'm quite intrigued by this one that is involved in such an old murder investigation...

    1. Cleo - I like ghost stories, but it was the mystery that made me decide to read this one. :-)

  3. The premise of The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts sounds intriguing. I agree the opening isn't grabbing and hopefully that will change once the pace starts to pick up. Looking forward to all your reviews.

    1. Melody - I was intrigued by the premise too. It's gotten exciting now that the group is on the island.

  4. Hope you are feeling better; don't neglect your own health, Wendy. Also hope Parker is home soon.

    I do enjoy ghosts and vampires and ancient murder mysteries, so maybe. :)

    1. Jenclair - Thank you. It was a rough night, but today has not been too bad. Parker is home. We go see his regular vet on Friday. He's taking it all in stride, which means he definitely isn't feeling well. :-(

      I'll let you know how The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts goes. I'm liking it more now than I did at first when I was still feeling on the fence about it.

  5. I have been meaning to read GIRL ON A TRAIN. It seems every time I get it It is time to go back to the library. Oh well, one of these days I will get around to it.

    1. Hillary - I've been listening to the audio book of Girl on the Train for months now. I'm so pathetic. I'm determined to finally finish it though.

  6. I love ghostly tales. This one looks fun. And I also love the 'sparkle' as opposed to the 'fire' about vampires. Tongue-in-cheek humor. The author has met Edward! LOL

    Hope things go better for you, Wendy. Answers regarding Parker and please take care of yourself. :-)

    1. Kay - Things have definitely picked up in my book and I'm enjoying it more now. :-) The banter between the characters is fun. I loved the Twilight reference. Haha

      And thank you for the well wishes. This too shall pass.

  7. I like the library setting and description, which would make me read a bit more.

    Hope things quiet down for you as you transition into this busy time of year. Our new semester starts on Thursday--I'm bracing myself for all those new and returning students who will come through the library doors.

    1. Catherine - I wouldn't mind spending more time there, especially given the history of the building. :-)

      Thank you. Good luck with the start of the new semester!

  8. 'The Girl who Ignored Ghosts' sounds like a lot of fun, with a good mix between humour and danger! I hope it helps take your mind of things a little bit! I hope all is well with Parker and also with yourself! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!
    My Tuesday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Juli - Yes, it's definitely got a mix of both. Escape reading is definitely in order these days. :-S Thank you for the well wishes. We're hanging in there. Have a good week too!

  9. Quietness, you have to know how to handle it, or it can turn in to an

  10. I don't usually read books with ghosts or paranormal activity, but this one sounds like one I could enjoy. Loved the excerpts. Thanks for sharing...and enjoy.

    Hope you are feeling better soon, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain - It is good so far. I like the author's sense of humor. :-)

      And thank you for the well wishes!

  11. I'm not a big paranormal fan, so would probably not continue with this one. Hope you enjoy it, though!

    1. Sarah - I am. It got off to a slow start, but I'm quite engaged with the story and characters now.

  12. Oh no! I hope everything is OK with both you and Parker. Sounds like you're all in need of a bit of R&R. Hope the rest of the week is a bit more calm for you.

    1. Trish - Thank you. I am very worried about Parker and hoping I can look back on this and realize how silly it was to worry so much. :-) R&R would be nice. Or just a break from anything stressful or bad health related. I'd take that.

  13. You have been very busy but with time to read as well! Hope Parker recovers soon.

    1. Harvee - Reading is saving my sanity. LOL Thank you for the well wishes--I hope so too!

  14. I hope Parker is okay. We started school here too and I got some not so great news at my doc appt last Friday so I can relate to the health issues. I really felt like crap today. My headache will not let up bu I dragged myself to work since it's only day 2 of classes and guess what? My BOSS called in sick. Makes me mad. I am leaving early today to take The Teen for his senior pics so I hope all the people she directed to me don't go looking for me when she knew I'd be out. I am going to disconnect my work email.

    1. Ti - Thank you. He is so special to us, and I hate seeing him in pain. I He's older so that whole line of thinking about how far do we want to take this comes into play as well. I hate thinking about it. This could be nothing and an easy (but expensive!) fix--and I hope that's the case. But my mind takes me to the worst case scenario all too easily.

      I am so sorry to hear you've been struggling health-wise too, Ti. I hope that headache is gone. They can be so miserable making. :-( I'm glad you disconnected your work e-mail. Now that I have work smartphone, it can be so tempting to check on my Fridays off. My boss is known to sometimes call on our days off with questions. I try not to check it though--my days off are mine and my family's time and I hate to take away from that.

  15. I'm afraid the opening paragraph didn't grab me. Ghosts aren't really my thing in any case. I'm sorry you're having a rough patch right now. Please take care of yourself.

    1. Margot - It's not the strongest opening paragraph, I agree. The book has really taken off now though and I'm having fun reading it.

      Thank you. I got a little better night's sleep last night--probably because I was so tired. :-S

  16. This is not a genre I'd normally read, but I like the opening. Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon!

    1. Monica - Thanks, Monica! I am enjoying the book so far. I wish I could spend the day reading it. Or any book for that matter.

  17. I hope you and Parker get to feeling better very soon. I'm in line for the audio of The Girl on the Train but it will probably be awhile. I'm really curious about it as I know the characters are all pretty unlikable.

    1. Katherine - Thank you. I'll be curious to know what you think of The Girl on the Train when you get it. I've really gotten back into it finally and am anxious to see how everything turns out. I think I may have read a little spoiler--someone not careful about what was written. :-(

      The characters aren't very likable, it's true, but I feel sorry for them more than anything. At least two of the characters narrating the story anyway. The one I just plain don't like.

  18. I'm not a YA reader but I liked the intro -- hope you love this one.

    Good luck to Parker.

    1. Diane - Thank you for the good luck wishes for Parker!

      I am not sure I will end up loving this particular book, but I am enjoying it.

  19. I hope you and Parker are feeling better.

    The book sounds like a good one.

    1. Yvonne - Thank you! I hope we'll be feeling better soon too.

  20. That is so creepy. Love it. Here is my TT

    1. Nadene - It is creepy! I am not sure I would want to be in the main character's shoes.

  21. Hope you and Parker are both feeling better tonite.
    I think I'd continue with your book, altho I'd probly go with an audio.
    Just finished "A Nice Little Place on the North Side:Wrigley Field at 100" and downloaded a new one from the library online, "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry.
    From the first book: Life is what happens-whatever it is. Anticipation of what might happen next is part of the fun. And life, which has its ups and downs, is leavened by the pleasure of passing time in nice places. Like the little one on the north side.

    1. Carla - Thank you. I had a better night this past night, but I am not sure Parker did. He came and laid on my chest for a little while in the middle of the night, which was nice for both of us. I could hear and feel him purring. :-)

      I love the teaser you shared. :-)

  22. I'll be keeping your family in my thoughts & hoping for good results for Parker! I was never a cat person until our son insisted on getting one & now I can't imagine not having Cheerio curling up with me every day.
    On to the TT side of things, I love a good ghost story so look forward to seeing what your final thoughts on it are! My TT is from a ghost story/mystery, too --

    1. Karen - Thank you! Friday can't get here soon enough. I hope they can do the surgery right then, but I know there's a possibility we'll have to wait yet again. I hate seeing him in pain. Cats can be wonderful, can't they? I was a latecomer to the cat lover side too. :-) Cheerio sounds adorable.

      I enjoy a good ghost story too, and so far this one has some good ones!

  23. Ooh! Sparkling vampires are one of my literary pet hates.

    Hoping today finds you feeling less frazzled.

    I'm currently reading Jodi Picoult's Handle With Care.

    1. Tracy - Haha! It d does make for a funny joke to include that interplay between the characters. Fortunately, no sparkly vampires in this book--no vampires at all, actually.

      I think I'm stuck feeling frazzled for awhile, unfortunately. :-S

      I hope you enjoy Handle With Care. I haven't read that one by her.

  24. It's an interesting premise. Hope you enjoy it. Best wishes for Parker's health. Here's Mine

    1. Paulita - It's good so far! I'm at the part where they've recently gone back in time. It's quite intriguing. Thank you for the well wishes for Parker!

  25. Vicki - Thank you for the well wishes. I am enjoying the book so far. :-)

  26. Interesting teaser! I'm not sure about the sparkling vampire thing; it sounds too much like Twilight to me and I prefer my vampires to be scary. The rest sounds interesting though.

    1. Yvo - The good news is there are no vampires in the novel. That was just a joke between characters describing one of the girls in their group. :-)

  27. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. I hope reading has been a nice distraction from it all. How's Parker doing?

    1. A.M.B. - Parker is hanging in there. He has surgery later this week and we're hopeful it will go well.

  28. I like ya paramormal reads and this one sounds like fun. How you're feeling better.

    1. Sharon - I tend to favor paranormal or fantasy YA over other YA categories. I'm hanging in there--thanks!

  29. I hope Parker is feeling better! I am so sorry about the tumor. Did his doctor get it removed?

    1. Athira - More tests were run over the weekend and Parker will be having surgery to remove the tumor soon.


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