Monday, June 27, 2016

Where Is Your Bookmark? (06/28/2016)

I forget sometimes that it takes me longer to read a nonfiction book. Particularly the book I had been reading, as I stopped to take notes periodically or reread a passage. With that book behind me, I can give my full attention to The Magician's Lie by Greer Macallister, which I featured last week here on my blog. Today I thought I would share a taste of the book I hope to start on next, a crime fiction novel by Kate Horsley called The American Girl.

Goodreads Summary:  
From a bright new talent comes a riveting psychological thriller about an American exchange student in France involved in a suspicious accident, and the journalist determined to break the story and uncover the dark secrets a small town is hiding.

Every Tuesday Diane from Bibliophile By the Sea First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where participants share the first paragraph (or a few) of a book they are reading or thinking about reading soon. It is also where I share my first impressions about the book I am sharing.

Video Diary: Session 7
[Quinn, a girl of seventeen, sits on the edge of a hospital bed wearing a white gown. As she talks, her bare legs kick the frame of the bed and monitors beep softly in the background.]  
You ever have one of those Magic 8-Balls as a kid? Yeah, pretty retro, I know. I remember asking mine if Adam Epstein was planning on taking me to the senior prom. It said, Don't count on it, so I sat on my little pink bed with the daisy-pattern comforter and shook it again and again until I got the answer I wanted. 
Um, my mind keeps circling. Back to that Magic 8-Ball. See, if I can remember those details--my room, the pattern on my comforter--then why can't I remember all the other things that are so much more important? The therapist who gave me this camera told me to keep a diary. He gave me some exercises and helpful advice too: "the mind is a mysterious place" kind of thing. But in the end, I guess, he found it just as frustrating trying to get inside my head as I do. Everyone seems to.

Every Tuesday, Jenn from Books And A Beat hosts Teaser Tuesdays at which time participants grab their current read, open to a random page, and share two (2) "teaser" sentences from that page while avoiding any spoilers.

Teaser from page 44 of The American Girl:
The only things taken were my notes on the case, though actually, it was that choice that worried me. Why would anyone break into a car, not to steal it, not even to take the GPS--still sitting brazenly on the dash--but to take my lousy papers?

What do you think? Would you keep reading?  

Just reading the bits I did of this one have pulled me in. I ended up reading the first chapter. It was hard to pull away. The book is told from the perspective of Quinn, an American exchange student in France, through video and blog entries as well as Molly Swift, a Boston journalist. At least from what I can tell so far. I can't wait to read this one!

What are you reading at the moment?  Is it anything you would recommend?

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely ladies at Broke and Bookish.

This week's  Top Ten Tuesday is a Freebie, and I thought it would be fun to ask my husband to share his list of favorite books with you. I had my doubts he would actually take me seriously, but the next thing I knew, he handed me the list.

1. The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams

2. Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein

3. The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul by Douglas Adams

4. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

5. The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler

6. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

7. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark

8. Homicide by David Simon

9. Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden

10. Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh

I have only read four of the books on his list (Pride and Prejudice, Black Hawk Down, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, and Catch-22), all of which I agree are pretty awesome. Sue Grafton almost made his list, but was bumped off at the last minute. She's one of our shared favorite authors.

What about you? Have you read any of his favorites?

© 2016, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Tell your husband I am impressed that not only is P&P one of his favorites but that he's man enough to admit it.

    1. I don't know if he likes them, but I just found out a few minutes ago that they are releasing an audiobook version of The Dragonbone Chair on Audible next Tuesday.

    2. Thanks for the heads up, Jeanene. I'll let him know!

  2. Aw I love that your husband shared! :-)

    1. Chrissi - I was surprised he actually did it. :-) I am glad he shared too.

  3. The American Girl is on my to-read list. I've heard lots of good recommendations. I like the intensity of those beginning paragraphs.

    Tell your husband: Good job on the list. I've also read four although we only share Pride and Prejudice.

    1. Margot - Doesn't it sound good? I'm anxious to read it.

      I'll let my husband know, thank you! I feel like I should read the rest of his list now that he's read Jane Eyre for me. :-)

  4. Thank you for introducing me to The American Girl - this is just the type of story I enjoy particularly the journalist trying to get the story.

    1. Cleo - I love these types of books too. Hopefully I will be able to get to it very soon!

  5. Your husband has excellent taste in books! Love the teasers from The American Girl, too.

    1. Karen - Thank you. :-) His tastes are more discerning than mine in general, but I have found I usually like the books he likes.

  6. The American Girl looks good, I like this trend towards using blog entries and video stuff etc to tell the story or enhance. And I like your husbands list- the Dragonbone Chair is one I liked a lot too. I heard recently that they're continuing the story- Tad Williams is writing new books set in that universe.

    I'd like to read The Big Sleep too.

    1. Greg - I can't believe I haven't read The Big Sleep yet. I really need to. I don't know why I haven't tried Williams' books before. One of these days. Especially if the author plans to write more books set in that universe.

  7. I LOVE that P&P is on your husband's list! My husband is not a big fiction reader, but my son is, so that gives me hope that he'll enjoy Austen. :D

    1. Selah - My husband reads both, although lately he has been reading more nonfiction. He's really into Walt Disney right now and has been reading biographies of his life.

      I love that he likes Pride and Prejudice so much. He's read a couple of her other books as well.

  8. It's nice to see what books men like. Wish we had more male book bloggers!

    1. Deb - There are some great male book bloggers out there (like Greg from Book Haven), but it would be nice if there were more, I agree.

  9. I like the the opening of American Girl. I'll have to add it to my list. I somehow missed. it.

    1. Beth - I almost passed American Girl up, but am glad I didn't. I can't wait to dive in. Hopefully this weekend . . .

  10. The book you are teasing sounds good. I'll have to add it to my list. My YA teaser this week comes from my review stack - This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I have been wanting to give Schwab a try. This Savage Song sounds good!

  11. I love your husband's list - the one's I've read are all thumping good reads. Did he catch the TV adaptation of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell? It's worth watching! This is my TT...

    1. Sarah - We haven't yet seen the TV adaptation of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. We need to get our hands on it. I am glad to hear you liked it!

  12. I love the diversity of his list. I've only read P & P.

  13. The American Girl sounds good... I'll keep an eye out for it.

    Great idea to share your husband's favorites. Love that his list includes P&P!!

    1. JoAnn - I hope The American Girl continues to be as good as it starts.

      My husband was evidently worried I would be disappointed not to see Jane Eyre on his list. I'm not. I am happy to see Pride and Prejudice there though. :-)

  14. I wish my husband was one who read books not just news and periodicals:( I do love a good thriller Wendy so I would definitely read more.

    1. Diane - His love of the written word is what initially drew me to him. :-) While he isn't quite as book obsessed as I am, it is nice to be able to talk about books with him.

  15. The American Girl recently came on my radar screen and I've added it to my wish list. Nice top ten list from your husband!

    1. Catherine - I hope you get a chance to read The American Girl too. I shouldn't have to wait too much longer. :-)

  16. I keep meaning to read Tad Williams and haven't yet. Must get on that!

    1. Kelly - I haven't tried any of his books yet either. One of these days. :-)

  17. Liking the sounds of The American Girl. I had better step up my game if I intend to read all the books I am interested in. I have only read Catch-22 from your husband's list, but we saw the movie, Black Hawk Down!

    1. Judy - I know what you mean. There are so many books I want to read. How to get to them all?! The Black Hawk Down movie was very well done.

  18. Pride and Prejudice and Catch 22 are brilliant choices. Great topic choice. Sadly no one else in my family read.... I know crazy to imagine but true :) My TTT

    1. Sue - I agree. I loved both books, especially Pride and Prejudice. My husband and I both come from families of readers. I just hope my daughter will be one too. :-)

  19. The American Girl is the kind of book I love, with all the secrets, lies, and forgotten moments. Sometimes it's hard to tell what is forgotten...and what is just covered up. Definitely one to keep reading.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain - Yes! The American Girl has all the makings of a fun read. :-) I'm looking forward to reading it soon.

  20. Of course, Pride and Prejudice and Catch 22. My daughter is reading Hyperbole and a Half, so different books reach out to different readers. I did like your Tuesday Intro. Here's Mine

    1. Paulita - Yes, very different books. I want to read Hyperbole and a Half. I hope your daughter enjoys it!

  21. That thriller set in France sounds like a good one!

  22. What a great thing to do - asking your husband. I have only read Hyperbole and a Half which I absolutely loved. Do you know she has a new book coming out soon?

    1. Barb - I was having trouble thinking up my own topic, and so that seemed the safer way to go. :-) I'm just glad he agreed! I had heard about Bosch's new book. It looks like it will be good too.

  23. I've seen The American Girl around and have it on my radar, so yes I would definitely pick this one up. I wonder if it is in any way related to a fictional version of Amanda Knox's situation. I read her memoir after reading a fictionalized version someone wrote about that case. Anyway, even if it's not the same, I would definitely enjoy this.

    By the way, I'm so glad your hubby took the time to give up a list of top 10! I like to get a man's perspective. I read a different title by Tad Williams that I enjoyed. Thanks for sharing all of this.

    1. Rita - I wondered about the Amanda Knox situation when reading the description of this one too. That's a good question--if the two are related.

      I am glad my husband was opening to sharing his list with you all. :-)

  24. I am here for teaser tuesday but looking at the list your husband made and it has Pride and Prejudice, just impressed me a lot!
    Check out My TT

    1. Priyanka - I think his favorite movie list would surprise people too. :-)

  25. Such a great idea to ask you husband for his favorite books! My husband's not much of a reader, but I'm glad you get to share some of that bookish love with your husband! :) I've only read Pride and Prejudice from his list, but I really enjoyed that one!

    1. Lindsey - I am glad he likes to read as well. It makes talking out my thoughts on books I read before writing reviews easier. LOL

  26. Vicki - I always wanted a Magic 8-Ball as a child, but never had one.

  27. The beginning pulled me in so I would keep reading. Your top 10 list has some interesting books. Enjoy!

    1. Heather - I am glad you think so too. :-) My husband's list gives you a good idea of the types of books he likes, I think.

  28. I love the cover and I would probably keep reading. Girl Who Reads

  29. OMG, I loved Hyperbole and a Half! Funniest book ever! You should read it! Great list idea! Here's mine. Happy reading!

    1. Kim - I really do want to read Hyperbole and a Half. I've enjoyed what work of hers I've seen online quite a bit. I am glad to hear you liked it!

  30. The American Girl sounds intriguing! I'm curious to hear what you'll think of it. :)

    1. Melody - It's good so far! Hopefully it will continue to be. :-)

  31. Great list! Your husband has good taste. :D

  32. Some interesting choices from your husband. I loved Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. A pity the recent dramatisation wasn't half as good.

    1. Tracy - We haven't yet had a chance to see it. I imagine we will at some point.

  33. I really liked another book I read by Kate Horsley -- I'm looking forward to your review of American Girl. LOVE your husband's list.

    1. Stephanie - This will be my first by Kate Horsley. I am glad to hear you liked a previous work by her. :-)

  34. Yes, I would keep on reading 'The American Girl'.
    I've read only three of the top ten books, Pride and P, The Big Sleep and Catch 22. I re-read Catch 22 not long ago, having been impressed by it when it first came out but I didn't enjoy it as much second time around.
    Miss Cellany.

    1. Miss Cellany - Some books don't live up to our first reading of them, do they? I wonder if it's time or expectation. Maybe a bit of both.

  35. Your snippets of The American Girl have me intrigued- generally I skip thrillers, but that one sounds interesting.
    I have some of your husband's favorites on my TBR shelf- he has pretty eclectic taste! I was also surprised by his inclusion of Pride and Prejudice. I think my oldest brother would read that (he's actually in a women's fiction class), but not many other men I know would. I don't know too many male readers, though.
    ~Litha Nelle

    1. Litha Nelle - I think people miss out when they won't try certain books because they think they are meant for another gender or other type of person. It's too bad really.


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