Saturday, July 09, 2016

Sunday Post: July's TBR Poll Winner, New to My TBR Pile & Favorite Fictional Couples

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and gives us all a chance to recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. 

Happy Sunday! I hope you are enjoying the weekend. It is one that comes on the heels of a lot of sadness, anger and frustration here in the United States. I would not even know where to start to describe what I am feeling and thinking. Change is desperately needed, and has been for awhile. It's time to stop just talking about the need for change and actually make it happen.

What are you up to this weekend? What are reading? Did you get any new books in the mail? Let me know!

What I Am Reading: I finished listening to In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware and reading Kate Horsley's The American Girl this past week. I am still enjoying The Fireman by Joe Hill, and looking forward to starting the winner of this month's TBR poll.

What I Am Watching: I am all caught up with Zoo and am now watching the 100. It reminds me a lot of Lord of the Fliesmeets Science Fiction with a little Island of Doctor Moreau and Lost thrown in.

New to My Shelves:  My Lit Box, celebrating diversity and authors of color, for July arrived this past week and I couldn't be more excited. The Theme of the box is Bridging the Gap.

Included in the box was a family tree, two buttons (the Adinkra symbols for Sankofa which means “return and get it”), a postcard, a compass notebook, and two books: Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi and We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

Around the Blogosphere:

What's Going On Off the Blog: My mom will be arriving into town this week. Fortunately, Mouse is over her conjunctivitis. I wasn't able to avoid it, and am on my last couple days of antibiotics. It made reading this past week difficult as my eyes felt like they were full of shards of glass for about three days. Mouse had assured me her eyes weren't hurting her when she was sick, but evidently that wasn't to be my fate. I'm doing much better now.

Last Monday (before I realized I had come down with Pink Eye and after Mouse's had cleared up), we went to Mouse's first minor league baseball game. We had a nice time. It was a great way to celebrate the Fourth of July.

Book Blogger Hop

Every Friday Coffee Addicted Writer from Coffee Addicted Writer poses a question which participants respond on their own blogs within the week (Friday through Thursday). They then share their links at the main site and visit other participants blogs.

Which is your favorite fictional couple? (submitted by Ruthsic)
I don't know that I actually have a favorite fictional couple. Here are the first five that came to mind:

Noah and Allie from The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
Anne Elliot and Frederick Wentworth from Persuasion by Jane Austen
Elizabeth Bennett and Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Celia and Marco from The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Clay and Elena from Bitten by Kelley Armstrong

Who is your favorite fictional couple?

This Past Week In Reading Mews:

Thank you for helping me decide what to read next!

My TBR List is a meme hosted by the awesome Michelle at Because Reading. It’s a fun way to choose a book from your TBR pile to read. The 1st Sunday of every month, I will list 3 books I am considering reading and take a poll as to which you think I should read. I will read the winner that month, and my review will follow. While I will attempt to post my review that same month, I make no promises--it may go up the following month. 

Some days I wish I could let you all choose all of my next books. It sure would make it easier when I'm on the fence about a two or three of them. So far, you haven't steered me wrong.  This month I asked you to choose between three novels with romance at their center, and 54.1% of you voted for the winner: 

'Til Death Do Us Part by Amanda Quick (20 votes!)

Kill without Mercy by Ivy Alexandra received 12 votes and Code Black by Tina Moss received 5 votes.

Thank you to everyone who voted!

I hope you all have a great week! Happy Reading!

© 2016, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Awww.... such a cute photo. Sorry about all of the conjunctivitis though!

    I hope the visit from your mother goes well and keen what you think of In a Dark Dark Wood. I've just read her latest but think In a Dark Dark Wood might be better as everyone seems to have loved it!

    1. Deborah - Thank you. :-) My eyes are doing much better. Just a couple more days of eye drops too. I'll be so glad when I'm done with those.

      I really enjoyed in a Dark, Dark Wood. I hope to write my review soon.

      Thanks for visiting and have a great week!

  2. I'm glad your daughter is feeling better, but sorry you ended up catching it :-/ Feel better soon! At least you got to have a good 4th of July before it hit you.

    That stuff you got in the My Lit Box looks so interesting! Have a great week and happy reading :-)

    1. Kristen - Thank you! We are all much better, thank goodness. Although my daughter's allergies are giving her a lot of trouble. I feel so bad for her. :-(

      I hope you are enjoying your week! I've been having a nice visit with my mom and haven't been able to be online much.

  3. I hope you like The 100. That show changes a bit over the first season as it becomes less about teen rebellion lol and more of a survival sci fi show. At least I think so. I didn't think I was going to like it and I got hooked- and especially liked season two. And I just watched the S2 premiere of Zoo- I liked the first one alst year but not entirely sold on this years yet.

    Glad you had a nice 4th, sorry to hear about the conjunctivits though! Hope your week ahead is a good one. :)

    1. Greg - I'm caught up with the first two seasons of the 100. Now I just have to wait for the third to come out on Netflix. There was a definite difference between the first and second seasons, I agree. I like how the dynamics changed when the adults landed. I didn't expect to like it was much as I do either. As for the Zoo, I'm behind an episode right now, I think. That one really does require a suspension of disbelief, doesn't it?

      I hope you enjoy your week (and enjoyed this past one!).

  4. Very glad that you are now recovering from pink eye - it seems to vary. My son and I both suffered a great deal of pain with it, but my daughter didn't. Glad you managed to have a good celebration on 4th, though my thoughts are will you all after the latest terrible events:(. I love your Lit Box. Have a great week and hopefully your eyes will feel completely back to normal. Nothing worse than trying to read with sore eyes!

    1. Sarah - Thank you. I just know I hope we don't get pink eye again!

      It seems as if the news is full of tragedy around the world. Very sad news of late.

      I hope you have a great week too! Thank you for the well wishes. :-)

  5. One of my favorite fictional couples is Nick and Nora Charles, created by Dashiell Hammett in his novel The Thin Man. And I absolutely loved the movies that were made starting William Powell and Myrna Loy!

    1. Linda - I haven't had a chance to meet Nick and Nora Charles--at least not in the book. One of these days. :-) The movie is pretty good, I agree!

  6. Glad the conjunctivitis is all cleared up! Double Ugh there! Hope you have a good week and enjoy your Quick read!

    1. Melissa - Thank you! It wasn't pleasant, but we survived. :-) I still haven't started Amanda Quick's novel yet. I have barely gotten any reading done this past week with my mom's visit. When I have been able to read, I've been reading The Fireman.

  7. I feel like I'm in mourning for our country. I agree that we need to stop talking about change and do something to make change happen. We need a great leader to step forward soon.

    1. Kathy - Still. A week later and the news is still bad. :-(

  8. I read a couple of the 100 books and wasn't much impressed, but I think it might be more suitable as a show. I might give it a try.

    Glad the conjunctivitis is on its way out, Wendy!

    1. Jenclair - I didn't know the 100 show was based on books. I am not sure I will go back and read them, and will take your word for it. I wasn't too sure about the show in the early part of the season, but it grew on me. It's definitely action packed and pretty violent.

  9. Love the picture of your Mouse! Pink eye is a mess and glad you guys are about over it. Enjoy your visit with your Mom!

    1. Kay - She was giving her kitty a kiss. :-) Thanks for the well wishes! We've had a nice visit with my mom. She's leaving tomorrow, and I know Mouse will miss her quite a bit.

  10. I'm glad Mouse is doing better, bummer it transfered to you.. And these things always seem to be worse as an adult. Probably why your eyes hurt and hers didn't. Enjoy the 100, I liked it a lot as the show started but the last season I haven't even started. Have a great week :)

    1. Berls - It was unavoidable, I suppose. Mouse is a very affectionate child. At least it was temporary. After the second season's finale, I'm not sure where the show will go from here. Each of the seasons have been so different so far. I hope you have a great week too!

  11. I believe I picked that book! Yay! I hope you enjoy it!

    Pink Eye is no fun and since you usually get it in both eyes, I just infected my other eye at the same time as my other eye so both eyes had it. Just because I wanted it over in one shot. It was not fun and it hurts.

    I am glad things are clearing up. Have a great week, Wendy! Happy Reading! ox

    1. Michelle - I hope to start the Amanda Quick book this week. :-) I'm looking forward to it.

      The doctor told both my daughter and I to take the drops in both eyes even though we were only showing signs in one eye at first. Well, she was showing signs in one eye. I got it in both right away. Go figure. Hopefully we're done with it for a very long time to come. Thank you for the well wishes!

      I hope you have a great week!

  12. Hope you feel better entirely soon! Enjoy your visit with your mom. :)

    1. Kelly - Thank you! We're all back to feeling normal again, thank goodness. My mom's had a great visit. I think we're all going to be sad when she leaves.

  13. Oh, so sorry about the conjunctivitis. I remember getting it when I was a teenager...but not since. I can't even remember if any of my kids had it, bad mommy here. But it's been years since they were young. They are all in their forties now. LOL.

    I am eager to read your thoughts on The American Girl.

    Enjoy your week, and your visit with your mom. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain - Thank you. I don't remember ever having conjunctivitis before, although I probably did as a child. Hopefully my daughter won't remember having it when she's my age either. :-)

      I enjoyed The American Girl, although it stretched believability at times. My review should go up in another week or so.

      I hope you have a great week too!

  14. I like your description of The 100. I'll have to check it out. Glad Mouse's conjunctivitis cleared up but so sorry you came down with it. It's been years since I've had it but I do remember it hurting. And it being impossible to read. My Lit Box looks so interesting! I'll definitely have to check it out. Of course I don't need a new subscription but I don't have any bookish ones currently! Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - The 100 has a definite YA vibe to it, and it's very entertaining. It's pretty violent though. I really like My Lit Box. I just need to make time to read the books. So far, they've all sounded good. I hope you are having a great week!

  15. Love your Lit Box! We love to go to the minor league baseball games here (we have the Royal's Triple A team in Omaha) and I think they're great places to take young kids - Mom and Dad get some baseball and there is always a lot going on for the kids. Plus you're not out that much money if the kids get bored and you have to cut out early.

    1. Lisa - Thank you! It's the best one I've found so far, I think. This was our first minor league game in a while (for my husband and I--we used to go all the time). Our local teams are all single A division. Mouse had fun, although, of course, she was more interested in the jumpers they had in the family area. We broke out her tablet about the sixth inning because she was bored. Because we wanted to see the fireworks, we didn't want to leave early. It was a fun time. I was surprised by all the food choices available! The soccer games we used to go to didn't sport as many choices.

  16. Hi, Wendy!

    This is definitely a time of "a lot of sadness, anger, and frustration here in the United States." Very well put! I think the events of the last few days highlight even more the need for stricter gun control. I don't think we should get rid of guns entirely, but we should certainly have MUCH stricter background checks! And we definitely need to build bridges between the various ethnic groups in this country.

    On that note, I was happy to see that your Lit Box stash celebrated authors of color. I have an ebook copy of Adichie's "We Should All Be Feminists", which I know I need to get to! (And I would like to own the print copy, as well.)

    I LOVE that you highlight book blog posts from around the blogosphere. So I'll be checking out Book Riot's post, "10 Fantasy Books with Excellent Feminist Heroines"! Sounds AWESOME!! Thanks for the heads up!! :)

    How nice that your mom will be visiting this week! That means she's in better health, so she can travel. And I'm very happy to hear that Mouse is over her pink eye, and that you're getting over it yourself. I can tell you, from my own experience, that this condition is NO fun, especially for us avid readers!!

    Now, on to your fictional couple list! Of the books you've mentioned, the only one I've read is "Pride and Prejudice". I have to be honest -- I much prefer Edward Rochester and Jane Eyre, from Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre". Yes, I know Rochester has a dark side, but heck, he's SO romantic and passionate! And you are so right, as you commented on my own BBH post, that he's a perfect match for Jane! They're both passionate, romantic, and have very strong wills! Ah, fireworks!!! :)

    As for the other couples and books listed, I avoid Nicholas Sparks like the plague, because all of his books have sad endings. I do need to read "The Night Circus", which I've heard is AMAZING. Besides, the book has been sitting on my shelves for a while now. I will also try "Persuasion". And I REALLY want to read "Bitten"! I do have a marked preference for fantasy and paranormal romances, lol.

    I see that most of the TBR voters picked the Amanda Quick book. YAY!!!!! That was the one I picked! I KNOW you will really enjoy it!!

    I'll be checking out your review of "The Lost Garden", too!

    Thanks for always commenting on my blog posts, and being such a GREAT book blogging buddy!! <3 :)

    Hope you're all having a nice, quiet Sunday,and that your week will be GREAT!! (((((HUGS!!!))))) <3 :)

    1. Maria - It seems like every time I tune into the news, there's another tragic story. If it's not one thing it's another. It makes me glad my daughter is so unaware of what's happening in the world right now. I am saved from having to have those difficult conversations, which I am sure will come soon enough.

      I have been wanting to read "We Should All Be Feminists" for awhile now and am excited to have a copy to read.

      Thank you for the well wishes! We are all feeling much better, thankfully. My mom had a very nice visit and especially enjoyed her time with her granddaughter. She's talking again of moving down our way, which would be nice. I hope she will. I worry about her making the 450+ drive down here by herself (well, with her dog).

      I've only read the one book by Nicholas Sparks. I admit some of his statements in interviews have put me off reading more by him. My mom loves his books though. I don't mind sad endings--as long as they fit the tone of the rest of the book. I have only listened to the audio version of The Night Circus and just loved it. I need to go back and read the print version. I love Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series. I hope you do get a chance to read Bitten! There's a television show with the same name that ran for three seasons based loosely on the book. It isn't nearly as good, admittedly.

      I'm looking forward to starting the Amanda Quick book. Hopefully this week. I've been reading The Fireman when I can catch a moment to read, which hasn't been often this past week and weekend.

      I hope you have a great week, Maria! Hopefully I will get back into my regular blog rhythm this next week.

  17. P.S. LOVE that photo of Mouse holding the stuffed kitty, by the way!! Just ADORABLE. <3 :)

    1. Maria - Thank you! I really like that photo of her too. :-)

  18. Hope you are feeling better about now, and thanks for the shout-out!

    Did you see The Lake Elsinore Storm play? That is a minor league team we have in southern Riverside Co. and I don't know if you have another one closer. We've been to a couple of games there.

    I also want to read The Homegoing. It looks like a wonderful read. The Lit Box sounds like a fun idea!

    Enjoy your week! I'm going to pop into the blogosphere off and on during my hiatus. Does that mean I'm not on hiatus--lol? Have fun.

    1. Rita - We are all feeling much better, thanks! How was your visit with your family? I hope you all are having a nice time. :-) My mom left today. I am not sure how much catching up I'll be able to do--I'm behind on everything blog related right now.

      We actually went to see the San Bernardino team. It's closer to where we live. My husband and I used to do go to the Storm games regularly (pre-child) when we lived on the other side of town. This was our first time at the San Bernardino stadium.

      Homegoing does sound really good. I hope we both get a chance to read it sometime soon-ish.

      I hope you have a great rest of the week! I should be back to blogging next week, I think.

  19. That's an adorable picture of your daughter. I love the Lit Box package. How do you like this subscription? There are so many subscription companies I'm not sure which one to try lol.

    I hope you feel better and have a nice a visit with your Mom.

    1. Kathy - Thank you! She's giving her kitty a kiss. :-) I've looked into quite a few subscription boxes, trying one other. I am very happy with My Lit Box. I like having the option of getting just the book or the goodies too.

      Thank you for the well wishes! We had a nice visit with my mom. We were sad to say goodbye this morning. Hopefully it won't be long before our next visit.

  20. I am glad to hear you had a great fourth of July and I hope you're feeling better soon!

    Sounds like this book won by a large majority, I hope you'll enjoy it.

    Oh and I like you new design, it looks great! Have a great week!

    1. Lola - Thank you! We are all feeling much better. Yes, Quick's book did come out ahead by quite a lot of votes! It's a definite sign I should read it. :-) I hope you have a great week too!

  21. Super cute picture!! But sorry about the pink eye. As a teacher, I live my life in fear of pink eye and head lice! They FREAK me out!

    1. Samantha - Thank you! I hope you never get pink eye or lice! My daughter's teacher has yet to catch either from her kids, fortunately.

  22. Oh bummer about the pink eye, hope it goes away quickly. That looks like a fun way to spend the 4th!

    Hope you enjoy your TBR list book!
    Week in Review

    1. Stormi - I was hoping I'd be in the shorter end of the pink eye healing scale, but it could have been worse. We had a very nice 4th of July. :-) Now that things are calming down on the home front, at least for the rest of the week, hopefully I can get in some quality reading time, which has been sorely lacking recently.

  23. I'm glad to hear Mouse is over her pink eye but oh no, what a bummer that you caught it. Hopefully it'll all be gone in time for your mom's visit. I'm so glad you'll add the Amanda Quick novel to your reading. It was a good one!

    1. Iliana - Fortunately the pink eye was cleared up before my mom's visit. Thank you. :-) I am glad to hear you enjoyed Amanda Quick's novel. I am looking forward to starting it very soon!

  24. I love the lit box you received and have signed up. Those are two great books and a great way to discover some much needed diversity in literature. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy!

    1. Heather - I hope you enjoy My Lit Box too! I've been pleased with the selections so far.

  25. Sorry you've been suffering. I dealt with that a few years ago, and it was NOT fun. The Lit Box looks really interesting. Hope you enjoy your new reads!

    1. Tiffany - I'm so paranoid we're all going to get it again soon. I don't think the door knobs and light switches have ever been cleaned quite so often. I'm really looking forward to reading the My Lit Box selections!

  26. Ugh, pinkeye. Bummer.

    I'm not sure I've got a favorite literary couple either. Maybe Tommy and Tuppence? Oh, well, I like Vierran and Mordion from DWJ's Hexwood, I'll pick them.

    1. Jean - Of all the Agatha Christie I have read over the years, I don't believe I have read anything featuring Tommy and Tuppence. Someday I will get around to reading all of her books (and rereading the ones I have read). It'd be a fun project, I think. I only first started hearing about Diana Wynn Jones in the last year or so, isn't that awful?

  27. My grandson got pink eye and thankfully I was able to avoid getting it. I want to read Dark, Dark Wood. The Lit Box is awesome. Have a great visit with your mom.

    1. 'Nise - I'm so glad you were able to avoid getting pink eye. It's no fun, trust me. We had a very nice visit with my mom. My daughter's heartbroken she had to leave. :-(

  28. I hope you get better soon, Wendy!

    I can't think of too many favourite fictional couples right now but yes, Elizabeth Bennett and Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice is definitely one of them! :)

    I'm enjoying reading In a Dark Dark Wood and The Fireman, too. But I'm a bit slow when it comes to the latter; I suppose the thick volume kinda looks intimidating, lol. That said, it's still a good read so far.

    Hope you've a great week!

    1. Melody - Thank you! We're feeling much better now. It was hard to think of a favorite fictional couple. Just as it would probably be hard for me to name a favorite character. Darcy and Elizabeth are definitely up there though.

      I am glad you are enjoying In a Dark, Dark Wood and The Fireman. I have barely gotten any reading done the past week or so, being sick and then with my mom's visit. Hopefully I can get in some good reading time now that she's on her way home. I hope you have a great week too!

  29. Your lit box looks awesome; I like that it comes with two books. Sorry to hear about the conjunctivitis and hope you can get back to reading soon. Audiobooks? :)

    I'm silly happy for knowing four out of your five fictional couples and would probably pick Elizabeth and Darcy myself as one of them. Difficult to choose for definite but probably Sean and... Katie, I think... from Shannon Stacey's Yours To Keep. It's romance so maybe an easy choice, but I love her writing of those two particularly. Most of Elizabeth Chadwick's couples.

    On letting us choose all your books - an idea for a month project, perhaps? It's fun seeing which you choose as options and which gets the vote, and you've definitely a knack for picking good books.

    1. Charlie - The two books was a nice surprise this month. Usually it's only one. I ended up binge watching television while I was out, which probably wasn't the best for my sore eyes, but it wasn't nearly as painful as trying to read proved to be.

      I haven't read Yours to Keep or any of Elizabeth Chadwick's books. Romance novels would seem to be a good place to find favorite fictional couples. :-)

      I try to only pick books I really want to read for the polls--ones I won't groan about if it wins. Maybe I should think about doing one for books on my TBR pile I keep avoiding . . . Haha

  30. Wow! You got really good seats! I am thankful I have never had Pink Eye, and I hope I never do. That does not sound like it was easy to deal with.

    1. Charlie - I was surprised how good they were. I didn't remember selecting such good ones when I first got the tickets. I hope you never get pink eye either! It's no fun.

  31. Vicki - It's been years since I read The Notebook, but I still think of Noah and Allie often. :-) I haven't read or seen The Choice, but I hear it's good.


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