Sunday, December 31, 2023

Books Read 2023

[Books Read In 2023]

Schwab, V.E. - A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1) (2016) - Fantasy
Lea, Amy - Exes and O's (Influencers #2) (2023) - Romance
Telgemeier, Raina - Guts (Smile #3) (2019) - Graphic Memoir/Middle Grade
Adams, Sara Nisha - The Reading List (2019) - Fiction
Williams, Renaada - Find Her. Keep Her. (2022) - Poetry
Dreyer, Benjamin - Dreyer's English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style (2019) - Nonfiction

Coulson, Clara - Speaker of the Lost (Lark Nation) (2017) - Fantasy
Cosimano, Elle - Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun (Finlay Donovan #3) (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Cozy
Mulhern, Julie - The Deep End (The Country Club Murders #1) (Year Published) - Mystery/Suspense/Cozy/Historical

Raybourn, Deanna - A Perilous Undertaking  (Veronica Speedwell #2) (2017) - Mystery/Suspense/Historical
Warren, Nancy - The Vampire Knitting Club (#1) (2018) - Mystery/Suspense/Cozy/Paranormal
Shirahama, Kamome (translated by Stephen Kohler) - Witch Hat Atelier, Vol. 10 (2022) - Fantasy/YA/Manga
Ashley, Jennifer - The Secret of Bow Lane (Kat Holloway #6) (2022) - Mystery/Suspense/Historical/Cozy
Klune, T.J. - Under the Whispering Door (2021) - Fantasy

Endo, Tatsuya - Spy x Family, Vol. 9 (2022) - Mystery/Suspense/Thriller/Manga
Hotondoshineiru (translated by Christina Rose) - Uncle From Another World, Vol. 6 (2021) - Fantasy/Manga
Izumi, Mitsu (translated by Hiroto Hamada) - Magus of the Library, Vol. 1  (2018) - Fantasy/Manga
Lawson, Jenny - Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things (2015) - Nonfiction/Memoir
Bardugo, Leigh - Shadow and Bone (#1) (2012) - Fantasy/YA
Izumi, Mitsu (translated by Hiroto Hamada) - Magus of the Library, Vol. 2  (2018) - Fantasy/Manga
Bardugo, Leigh - Siege and Storm (Shadow and Bone #2) (2013) - Fantasy/YA
Bardugo, Leigh - Ruin and Rising (Shadow and Bone #3) (2014) - Fantasy/YA
Izumi, Mitsu (translated by Hiroto Hamada) - Magus of the Library, Vol. 3  (2019) - Fantasy/Manga
Izumi, Mitsu (translated by Hiroto Hamada) - Magus of the Library, Vol. 4  (2020) - Fantasy/Manga
Bardugo, Leigh - Six of Crows (#1) (2015) - Fantasy/YA

Bardugo, Leigh - Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows #2) (2016) - Fantasy/YA
DeLuca, Jen - Well Played (Well Met #2) (2020) - Romance
Salazar,Aida - The Moon Within (2019) - Fiction/Middle Grade
Raybourn, Deanna - Killers of a Certain Age (2022) - Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Messenger, Shannon - Keeper of the Lost Cities (#1) (2012) - Fantasy/Middle Grade

Sutanto, Jesse Q. - Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Cozy
Messenger, Shannon - Exile (Keeper of the Lost Cities #2) (2013) - Fantasy/Middle Grade
Weaver, Ashley - Playing It Safe (Electra McDonnell #3) (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Historical
Ross, Anna V.Q. - Flutter, Kick (2022) - Poetry
Messenger, Shannon - Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities #3) (2014) - Fantasy/Middle Grade
Penner, Sarah - The London Séance Society (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Thriller/Historical
Newman, T.J. - Falling (2021) - Mystery/Suspense/Thriller

Messenger, Shannon - Neverseen (Keeper of the Lost Cities #4) (2015) - Fantasy/Middle Grade
Sanders, Angela M. - Witch Upon a Star (Witch Way Librarian Series #4) (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Cozy/Paranormal 

Schwab, V.E. - A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic #2) (2016) - Fantasy 
Khavari, Kate - A Botanist's Guide to Flowers and Fatality (Saffron Everleigh Mystery #2) (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Cozy/Historical
Novik, Naomi - The Last Graduate  (Scholomance #2) (2021) - Fantasy/YA
Ellicott, Jessica - Murder at a London Finishing School (Beryl & Edwina Mystery #7) (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Cozy/Historical
Calonita, Jen - Flunked (Fairy Tale Reform School #1) (2015) - Fantasy/Middle Grade

Messenger, Shannon - Lodestar (Keeper of the Lost Cities #5) (2017) - Fantasy/Middle Grade
Whitehead, Colson - The Nickel Boys (2019) - Fiction/Historical
Kimmerle, Erin - We Carry Their Bones: The Search for Justice at the Dozier School for Boys (2022)  - Nonfiction/Historical
Thorne, Sally - The Hating Game (2016) - Romance
Fawcett, Heather - Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries (#1) (2023) - Fantasy

Messenger, Shannon - Nightfall (Keeper of the Lost Cities #6) (2017) - Fantasy/Middle Grade
Simon, Nina - Mother-Daughter Murder Night (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Wilton, Traci - Mrs. Morris and the Witch (Salem B&B Mystery #2) (2008) - Mystery/Suspense/Cozy
Harrow, Alix E. - Starling House (2023) - Thriller/Horror
Kuang, R.F. - Yellowface (2023) - Fiction
Yew, Samara - Murder by the Seashore (California Bookshop #1) (2023) - Mystery/Cozy

Penney, Elizabeth - The Fatal Folio  (Cambridge Bookshop #3) (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Cozy
Messenger, Shannon - Flashback (Keeper of the Lost Cities #7) (2018) - Fantasy/Middle Grade
Carpenter, Callie - Death by Demo (Renovations Mystery #1) (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Cozy
Izumi, Mitsu (translated by Hiroto Hamada) - Magus of the Library, Vol. 5 (2021) - Fantasy/Manga
Izumi, Mitsu (translated by Hiroto Hamada) - Magus of the Library, Vol. 6 (2022) - Fantasy/Manga

Endo, Tatsuya - Spy x Family, Vol. 10 (2022) - Mystery/Suspense/Thriller/Manga
Mandel, Emily St. John - Station Eleven (2014) - Fiction/Science Fiction
Hotondoshineiru (translated by Christina Rose) - Uncle From Another World, Vol. 7 (2022) - Fantasy/Manga
Hotondoshineiru (translated by Christina Rose) - Uncle From Another World, Vol. 8 (2022) - Fantasy/Manga
Chevalier, Tracy (edited by) - Reader I Married Him: Stories Inspired by Jane Eyre (2016) - Fiction/Short Stories
Damour, Lisa - Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood (2016)  - Nonfiction/Psychology/Self-Help
Wells, Martha - All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries #1) (2017) - Science Fiction
Swanson, Peter - The Christmas Guest (2023) - Mystery/Suspense/Thriller/Holiday
Robb, J.D. - Immortal in Death (#3) (1996) - Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Robb, J.D. - Rapture in Death (#4) (1996) - Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Loui, Kenny, illustrated by Yamawe - Life Lessons from a UFO Catcher: An Autobiographical Manga, Vol. 1 (2023) - Nonfiction/Graphic Novel
Yamada, Hitsuji - The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again, Today Vol. 1  (2019) - Manga/Fiction

© 2023, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. What a great year of reading! I saw several of my favorite books on your list. :D Happy New Year!

  2. You did very well. You read some of my favorites and also some I plan to read.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Anne - There were a lot of books I didn't get to that I wanted to, but I am very happy with what I did read.

  3. What a wonderful year of reading. Let's hope 2024 is just as good.

  4. Looks like you'd a great reading year in 2023, Wendy! Here's to another good reading year in 2024!


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