Monday, January 15, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2024

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana at The Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Bookish Goals for 2024. I am not participating in any reading challenges this year (unless you count the Goodreads Challenge, which I purposefully rigged so I would complete the challenge early in the year--I'm half way done already!), but I do have nine personal reading goals this year I would like to accomplish. 

Read a classic novel that has been on my to read list for longer than I can remember ~ I failed to meet this goal last year, but this year I hope to make it happen. Maybe I will finally read a Daphne du Maurier book or get to Jane Austen's Mansfield Park

Read a Big Book that has been on my TBR shelf awhile (over 700 pages) ~ Frank Herbert's Dune comes to mind or maybe I will finally read Margaret George's The Memoirs of Cleopatra, which has been on my TBR an embarrassingly long time. I also have been considering Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch, Anathem by Neal Stephenson, Drood by Dan Simmons, or 2666 by Roberto Bolaño as options too.

Read at least one nonfiction/fiction pairing ~ I read one nonfiction/fiction pairing in 2023 and it was such a good experience. I want to do it again this year. 

Listen to more audiobooks ~ Audiobooks are not my preferred reading format, admittedly. I am easily distracted, frequently interrupted, and prefer reading words on a page over hearing them read to me. Even so, I do enjoy audiobooks from time to time and want to integrate them more into my life. I listened to four audiobooks last year. I want to raise that to six this year.  

Continue catching up on my series reading project ~ A never-ending project considering how many series I am in the middle of and all the news ones I start. I for sure want to catch up on Kim Harrison's Hollows series and Shannon Messenger's Keeper of the Lost Cities series this year. 

Read at least three books my daughter recommends to me ~ Mouse and I have very similar tastes in books, and I can't wait to see what she picks for me. 

Read my TBR List Poll winner each month ~ I already do this but have never listed it as a goal or challenge--which technically it is. Why not make it official? At the beginning of each month, I list three books from my TBR for you to vote on, and then I read the winner. It's fun to see which book my blog visitors will pick of the three choices each month. 

Catch up on posting my backlog reviews ~ I used to have a feature on my blog called From the Archives in which I shared thoughts about books I read during my pre-blogging days--all books I had written about in my reading journal. The last two or three years, I fell behind posting reviews of some of the books I have read more recently. I would like to at least post mini reviews based on the journal notes I kept. 

Stay on top of my review writing ~ Just as I want to catch up with posting my old reviews, I want to stay on top of posting my thoughts on this year's reading as well.  

Do you have any reading goals for this year? 

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  1. If I had one bookish goal it is to review all my challenge books. We will see how that goes.

    Good luck with your goals.

    1. Marg - I needed that goal last year. Although I probably wouldn't have succeeded. I hope you are able to review all your challenge books this year! Thank you for visiting!

  2. A great list of goals. I want to read Rebecca this year but we shall see. I have to write my reviews as soon as I have finished reading that book. I have bad baby brain and with sleepless nights, I just wouldn't remember what the story was about😂
    Have a great week! And good luck with your goals!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

    My post:

    1. Emily - Every year I tell myself I will read Rebecca. Maybe this will be the year. I know what you mean about having a short memory sometimes. It's why I keep a reading journal to jot down notes. I tend to finish books at the most inopportune times for review writing. So jotting down notes is often the best I can do in the moment. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I hope you make all of these goals.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


  4. "Read my TBR List Poll winner each month" this sounds like fun!

    1. Rebecca - It's my favorite one. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  5. I like these goals Wendy. We all have different things which work for us. I only started listening to audio in 2015 when I was moving from MN to NC. (And I started with CDs!) It was apparently a hit because I listen to around 150 audiobooks a year and sometimes I listen to 6 audio books in a week! I hope these goals all work for you and help you enjoy more reading this year.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Anne - I think it's great you are able to fit in so many audiobooks and make that format work for you so well. I've got one in so far this year, which I think is a big win for me. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. I always have an audiobook going and think it's especially handy for rereading favorites!

    1. Stephanie - I want to re-read the Dresden Files via audiobooks. I've listened to the first two as re-reads, I think, but that was years ago. I'm not much of a re-reader though. I definitely have to stick to books in which it doesn't matter too much if my attention strays or I have to hit pause a lot--because both inevitably happen. We'll see how I do with my six this year. Hopefully there won't be any that take me over four to six months to get through like last year. LOL Thank you for visiting!

  7. Back before ebooks, I remember carrying around a hefty copy of Mansfield Park for weeks. I also remember really enjoying it!

    I was very slow to embrace audiobooks and I'm still pretty selective, but I do enjoy the experience. They're great company when I walk.

    1. Joy - I know what you mean. I have been known to buy e-books of the bigger books I own print copies of just so I don't have to carry around that giant book. I enjoy audiobooks too. I am hoping I can fit them into my life more effectively this year. Thank you for stopping by!

  8. 'Stay on top of my review writing' is one I can definitely identify with!

    1. Cathy - It can be such a challenge. Thank you for visiting!

  9. Good luck with your goals, Wendy! I especially love the one where Mouse suggests books for you to read. Lovely!

    1. Kay - Thank you! Mouse isn't sure she is up to the task, but I told her she has time to think about it. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  10. These are great goals. I want to read some classics this year as well. Here is my list of goals for the year:

    1. Kasey - I hope you are able to fit in a few classics this year as well! Thank you for visiting!

  11. Lovely goals! What are fiction/nonfiction pairings? I've never heard the term before but it sounds interesting. It is reading a nonfiction + a novel set in the same time period?

    1. Laure - Something like that. The books can be centered around the same event or person, for example. Or maybe similar subjects--or, as you said, the same time period. This past year I read Colson Whitehead's The Nickel Boys and We Carry Their Bones: The Search for Justice at the Dozier School for Boys by Erin Kimmerle. They complimented each other well. Thank you for stopping by!

  12. So many people have added keep up with their reviews as a goal for this year. I guess we would rather read than write reviews. I will recommend a fiction/nonfiction pairing, Wendy. I read Demon Copperhead (F) and paired it with Hillbilly Elegy (NF). Just a suggestion. Good luck with all your goals this year.

    1. Carla - I know I would rather read than write reviews more often than not. :-) Thank you for the fiction/nonfiction pairing recommendation! And thank you for visiting!

  13. Nice list! These are such good goals. The polls are so fun. Hope you enjoy reading those picks. Good luck with your goals.

    1. Cheryl - Thank you! I look forward to seeing which books my visitors recommend I read!

  14. These are some great goals. I love reading books my son recommends to me, then we get to discuss them and it helps him truly appreciate books. Good luck with these goals.

    1. Sarah - Oh, yes! I really enjoy the book discussions my daughter and I get into about books we've both read. Thank you for stopping by!

  15. These are very similar to mine and I am not doing reading challenges this year either. Good luck!

  16. I want to post more reviews of backlist books this year. Last year, the majority of reviews I posted were for ARCs. When I first started blogging, I wrote reviews of everything I read. I am hoping to find the perfect balance, especially as I'm trying not to request as many ARCs this year.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Pam - That sounds like a great goal. I wish you luck with it! Thank you for visiting!

  17. I should make it a point to read some classics this year. I want to read more Christie too. We'll see if that happens :)

    1. Greg - If you read more Christie, you'll have the classics covered too. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  18. That's a great list of bookish goals you've there, Wendy! For me, I just want to meet my Goodreads Reading Challenge, considering I didn't meet my goal last year despite I didn't set a high number, lol. Let's see if I'm able to meet my goal this year. :p

    1. Melody - You can do it! I wish you luck with your goal! Thank you for visiting.

  19. I've really embraced audiobooks over the last few years. I always have one going to keep me entertained while I drive, do housework, exercise, etc. It helps make those tedious tasks easier while also helping me reach my reading goals. Good luck with all your goals!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Susan - Listening while doing housework definitely makes chores more fun. Thank you for stopping by!

  20. I set my Goodreads goal to 50 books this year.

    1. Mary - Good luck with your Goodreads goal! Thank you for visiting!

  21. You have a good list. I will try to reach my Goodreads goal but don't have other goals per se. Just to read more widely and diversely. You mentioned The Goldfinch which is excellent. Love Tartt, and someday she will have another novel. I read Goldfinch in 2019 so it hasn't been that long, also her novel The Secret History which I read twice. Pretty good stuff.

    1. Susan - Thank you! I'm really close to finishing my Goodreads goal for the year. Hopefully by the end of the month. I am glad to hear you liked Goldfinch. I have been wanting to read it for some time now. Good luck with your reading goals this year. Thank you for stopping by!

  22. Thanks for an interesting post. Your goals are all do able.

    1. Mystica - That is what I am counting on. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  23. Love your goals...especially trying to catch up on series. I'm working on that one this year, too. And I hope you get a chance to read Mansfield Park one day. I really like that one. Fanny Price is like Austen's version Cinderella. :D

    1. Lark - I definitely do want to read Mansfield Park at some point. Thank you for stopping by!

  24. Ah, the goal for reading recommendations from your daughter sounds great! Me and my mum are always trading recommendations, too, we have very similar taste. :D

    1. Nicky - That is great that you and your mom exchange recommendations. Sometimes my mom and I do too. Thank you for visiting!

  25. I love your goals! I'm intrigued by the nonfic/fiction pairing especially. How does that work? And which books did you read last year for it? I'm so curious!

    1. Haze - In my case, I read a related fiction and nonfiction book back to back. I chose to read Colson Whitehead's The Nickel Boys and We Carry Their Bones: The Search for Justice at the Dozier School for Boys by Erin Kimmerle, both of which were very good. They complimented each other very well. Thank you for stopping by!

  26. Great goals! I especially love that Mouse is recommending you books. Audiobooks saved my reading last year and the more I listen to them the more I enjoy them. Hopefully you'll enjoy them more as you go along. I love the idea of a nonfiction/fiction pairing. I might have to borrow that one! Good luck!

    1. Katherine - Thank you! I enjoy audiobooks, but finding the time to listen is a challenge. And when I do, I'm constantly being interrupted. I really enjoyed the nonfiction/fiction pairing. I hope it works out well this year too. Thank you for visiting!


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