Saturday, January 27, 2024

Weekly Mewsings: My Bookish Mewsings on The Witch With No Name, The Japanese Lover, and Legends & Lattes

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz  where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.

Hello! Anjin is playing Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, keeping me company while I spend time visiting with you. It was Girl Scout Cookie pick up day for our area today. Lots and lots of cookies. Too many cookies. Too much temptation in my house. Mouse and her troop decorated the U-Haul truck used to pick up the troop's cookies last night and enjoyed pizza after. Marty took her so I could have some alone time. I got in some reading while they were gone. 

There was another earthquake this past Wednesday, much closer to where I live, and so it felt bigger than the one earlier in the month even though they were the same magnitude (4.2). There was a moment in the middle of it that my husband and I looked at each other, wondering if we needed to get somewhere safer than our couch, but the earth settled back down within seconds so we stayed put. The cats weren't even bothered. It was not big enough to cause any damage fortunately. That is about the extent of anything noteworthy from my little speck of the world. 
Gracie is as cuddly as ever.

"The fence is mended? I'll find another way in!"

Guess what?! I completed by Goodreads Challenge! I was determined to make it happen in January, and I kept my goal low enough so it would. This is cause for a celebration. Maybe a trip to the bookstore . . .

2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Wendy has completed her goal of reading 6 books in 2024!

I currently am reading The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan. I have started meeting the residents of boardinghouse and think I will enjoy my visit with them. Plus, I am eager to dive more into the history of this grand estate and it's secrets! 
What are you reading right now? 

It was a record reading week for me. I am usually lucky to finish one book in a week, but it probably helped that I was already well into a couple of these. 
Neck craned, I squinted up between the shadowed apartments ~ Opening of The Witch With No Name
The The Witch With No Name
(The Hollows #13) by Kim Harrison

Harper Voyager, 2014
Fantasy; 433 pgs
Source: Purchased

The Hollows is one of my favorite urban fantasy series. I began the series in 2014, when I read the first book in the series, Dead Witch Walking, and it was all I hoped it would be. Kim Harrison created a world I could easily lose myself in, full of supernatural beings, magic, plenty of conflict and danger, mystery, and romance. Our witch protagonist, Rachel Morgan, grows considerably over the course of the books, in skill, power, and personal development. She is fiercely independent and very loyal to her friends. Her close friends and business partners, the vampire Ivy and Jenks, a pixie, have grown and evolved right alongside her. I have cried alongside Rachel when she lost friends and loved ones (a few whom I still miss), sat on the edge of my seat when the situation seems dire, and have cheered her on as she took down her enemies--or turned them into allies. Harrison has a way of making me like a character I once hated several books before. Which, given some of the characters, was not an easy task. Rachel has a strong moral compass but also realizes not everything is as clear cut as it seems. She often has to make difficult choices and decide which is the less of two evils. Her friends keep her grounded and always have her back--just as she always has theirs.

The Witch With No Name was to be the final book (the blurb on Goodreads still says so) in the series and it was the perfect ending. So much of what's happened in the earlier books has lead up to this thirteenth book. The stakes couldn't be higher with souls to be saved, as old enemies face off, and with the fate of all magic on the line--not just for Cincinnati, Ohio, but everywhere. While I did think this installment of the series took a while to get off the ground, all the set-up proved worth it when things began to heat up. Once it did, the tension never let up. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride this novel took me on. For a split second I wondered what it would be like if Harry Dresden and Rachel Morgan met up, but then immediately dismissed it. They are both too hard-headed and independent to work well together. 

This being the final book, there was a fairytale epilogue that made me smile--a bow to wrap up the ending. Oh, but wait! Kim Harrison decided she wasn't ready to give up on Rachel and the Hollows just yet after all--much to her fans' relief. I hope to start the 14th book, American Demon, soon. 
When Irina Bazili began working at Lark House in 2010, she was twenty-three years old but already had few illusions about life. ~ Opening of The Japanese Lover 
The Japanese Lover
by Isabel Allende
translated by Nick Caistor and Amanda Hopkinson, 
narrated by Joanna Gleason
Simon & Schuster Audio, 2015
Fiction/Historical; 338 pgs (9h 7m)
Source: Purchased

Isabel Allende's The House of Spirits has long been on my TBR and one day I will read it. I wasn't too fond of Ripper, her attempt at a thriller, which I read a few years ago. But I thought perhaps something more in her usual wheelhouse might work better for me. The Japanese Lover was lingering in my Audible library, and I decided to give it a try. It is a sweeping novel spanning decades, taking readers back in time to 1939 through World War II and beyond to present day. 
In 1939, as Poland falls under the shadow of the Nazis, young Alma Belasco's parents send her away to live in safety with an aunt and uncle in their opulent mansion in San Francisco. There, as the rest of the world goes to war, she encounters Ichimei Fukuda, the quiet and gentle son of the family's Japanese gardener. Unnoticed by those around them, a tender love affair begins to blossom. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the two are cruelly pulled apart as Ichimei and his family, like thousands of other Japanese Americans are declared enemies and forcibly relocated to internment camps run by the United States government. Throughout their lifetimes, Alma and Ichimei reunite again and again, but theirs is a love that they are forever forced to hide from the world.

Decades later, Alma is nearing the end of her long and eventful life. Irina Bazili, a care worker struggling to come to terms with her own troubled past, meets the elderly woman and her grandson, Seth, at San Francisco's charmingly eccentric Lark House nursing home. As Irina and Seth forge a friendship, they become intrigued by a series of mysterious gifts and letters sent to Alma, eventually learning about Ichimei and this extraordinary secret passion that has endured for nearly seventy years. [Goodreads Summary]
The Japanese Lover is so rich with history. Isabel Allende is a gifted story teller, weaving together stories from the past with the present. And narrator Joanna Gleason captures it all in her narration so beautifully. At it's heart, this is a love story: of first love, forbidden love, lost love, and found love. It is about friendship and family. It is about hope and overcoming adversity. There was much I liked about The Japanese Lover. The characters are well fleshed out, very human in their imperfections and struggles. The characters face prejudice and discrimination. There are moments of celebration as well as great loss. The suffering the Fukuda family went through in the Utah internment camp and the impact it had on  their family was devastating. Irina's backstory is gut-wrenching. What she endured . . . It's no wonder she struggles with human connection. Alma has held her own secrets close for so long, her history with Ichimei, included. I did not warm up to Alma the way I might have wanted, but I still cared about her and felt for her. 
So much happens in The Japanese Lover, so much that I admit I wondered if the author stuffed too much into it (the above is just the tip of the iceberg--I do not want to spoil anything though). But it was hard not to appreciate the different stories, including the side stories of secondary characters like Nathaniel, Samuel, and Lenny. Especially their stories. Even though in the backdrop, the time period plays a large part in this novel, shaping the way the lives of these characters play out. Taking the reader from present to past and back again, The Japanese Lover was a compelling novel. I look forward to reading more by Isabel Allende.


Vic buried her greatsword in the scalvert's skull with a meaty crunch. ~ Opening of Legends & Lattes

Legends & Lattes
(#1) by Travis Baldree
Tor, 2022
Fantasy/Cozy; 296 pgs
Source: Purchased

Legends & Lattes won my January TBR List Poll, and I loved this delightful novel more than words can say! Thank you to all who voted for it. I understand the "cozy" label. It was like curling up on the couch with a blanket, my cat on my lap, book in hand, wearing my favorite PJs, and with a mug of hot chocolate topped off with whipped cream by my side. Sorry, Viv, I am not a coffee drinker. Even so, I would love one of those cinnamon rolls! 

Viv, an orc, has decided to give up her life as a mercenary in order to open a coffee shop in Thune where no one has even heard of the drink. While some things seem to come together for her better than she could have hoped, unfortunately that doesn't hold true on all fronts, and she has to decide how best to confront new and old rivals. 

I love the world Travis Baldree has created in this novel as well as the characters. Viv is awesome in her strength and heart and I adore all her new and old friends. And Amity! I want an Amity in my life. If only just because. Legends & Lattes is such a heartfelt story. You can bet it will not be long before I pick up Bookshops and Bonedust, the prequel. I need more!

Have you read any of these three books? If so, what did you think? 

I read two short stories this week. Both happened to be tacked onto a couple of the full-length novels I finished. 

"Sudden Backtrack" by Kim Harrison (Harper Voyager, 2014; Fantasy, 21 pgs) is a little gem of a story that came in the back of my copy of The Witch With No Name. It's the story of how the elf and demon war began. Unlike the other books in the series, this short story is told from a demon's point of view. In earlier books, the demons are often painted as the bad guys but it really isn't as simple as that. At one time, the demons were treated like slaves to the elves, kidnapped and forced to do their bidding. In "Sudden Backtrack", Al helps Newt spin a curse to turn the tables on the elves, setting the stage for the war. This story offers a side to Newt I had yet to see before; it only makes me admire her more for her strength and courage--and better understand why she is the way she is throughout the series.

I was so excited to find a short story at the end of Legends & Lattes because I was not ready to leave Viv's world. Pages to Fill by Travis Baldree (Tor, 2022; Fantasy, 33 pgs) is the story of how Viv came to enjoy her first cup of coffee. She and her team of fellow mercenaries are on a job in the gnomish town of Azimuth,. Their prey proves to be a hard one to catch and gives them a run for their money. From the sounds of it, Viv has been considering leaving the mercenary life for some time, just not sure what direction to go. I like that Baldree shared this moment in her life with us--the realization of her dream. I also enjoyed seeing Viv in action, working alongside her colleagues. This was a fun story--a little extra taste of the world Baldree shared with us in the novel. 

Have you read any short stories lately? If so, let me know!

This Month In Reading Mews

I hope you have a great week! Let me know what you have been reading!

© 2024, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. The Japanese Lover is on my TBR since it is a book club selection for a future month. Glad you liked it.

    1. Anne - I am glad I took a chance on it. I hope you and your book club enjoy it when you read it. Thank you for visiting!

  2. I LOVED Legends & Lattes so much! Congrats on making your goal!. Have a great week. :)

    1. Maree - Legends & Lattes was so good! I am glad you loved it too. Thank you and I hope you have a great week too!

  3. I won a copy of the Japanese Lover but never got around to reading it, sigh. One of these days. The Djinn cover is intriguing and eyecatching. Hope you enjoy it. Have a good reading week.

    1. Harvee - "One of these days" seems to be a common phrase in my vocabulary when it comes to my TBR shelves. Haha! When you do get to The Japanese Lover, I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. Legends and Lattes was so fun. I've got a library hold on The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years.

    1. Sarah - I hope you like The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years when you read it. So far, I am enjoying it. I am hoping for some quality with it today after we get home from running our errands. Thank you for visiting!

  5. Oh wow, another earthquake? I do the same thing, pause for a second to see if it's going to be worth getting up for, lol. I'm glad it wasn't. And I'm glad you enjoyed Legends & Lattes:-) Have a good week, Wendy!

    1. Tammy - It stands out that we've had two noticeable earthquakes so close together. It's a good reminder that I need to check my emergency supplies. I hope you have a good week too! Thank you for stopping by!

  6. I have a copy of Legends & Lattes here, but I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet. Glad to hear how much you enjoyed it.

    You are wise to set your Goodreads goal low enough to quickly meet it. Yes, celebrate with a bookstore visit!

    1. Deb - I hope you like Legends & Lattes when you read it. I haven't taken the Goodreads Challenge seriously in awhile, but I do enjoy watching my total rise over 100% over the course of the year. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  7. I'm glad that the earthquake passed quickly and that your cats weren't even bothered! I also have Legends and Lattes on my TBR and you're making me want to read it sooner. It sounds so good!

    1. Haze - My cats do not make a good early warning system. Haha. I hope you enjoy Legends & Lattes when you read it. Thank you for stopping by!

  8. I loved A Witch With No Name and I think the books in the continuing series are even better! I did a Read-along of that series in 2014 - my first RA.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - I am so glad Harrison decided to continue the series. I am glad you have enjoyed the later books as well. Thank you for visiting!

  9. Bravo on meeting your Goodreads' goal! :) Glad the earthquake didn't amount to anything serious. They are always so unnerving. I don't miss them or tornadoes!

    1. Les - Thank you! Having two decent sized earthquakes so close together does make me nervous. I don't think I could deal with tornadoes. We get them now and then, but they are usually small, rarely touch down, and don't cause damage. Thank you for stopping by!

  10. Congratulations on finishing your Goodreads challenge, that is awesome!

  11. Now that you have completed your Goodreads challenge, will you up the number or leave it? I hope you have a great week and congratulations for completing your goal :)

    1. Cindy - I always leave it. I purposefully set it low and now I can watch the percentage rise over 100% the rest of the year. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  12. Oh, Girl Scout cookie time brings back memories! Our house was always the "cookie station" too, but we never had to rent a U-Haul. A few minivans usually took care of things... your troop must have sold a LOT of cookies!!
    Legends and Lattes is far from my usual reading, but everyone seems to love it. And it really does sound like fun. Congratulations on finishing the goodreads challenge!

    1. JoAnn - A U-Haul saves the troop from having to have multiple minivans pick up the troop's cookies. :-) It's all the cookies they will be selling at the store booths this coming February and into March as well as the cookies the girls sell individually. Mouse doesn't tend to sell a lot on her own--she's one of the lower sellers in her troop. We do what we can though, and I end up buying and giving away a lot so she can at least meet her goal. Luckily, she sets it low. LOL

      Legends & Lattes was quite different from the fantasy I usually read. The cozy description fits if very well. I thought it was perfect for what it was--and what I needed. Thank you for stopping by!

  13. Congrats on already surpassing your Goodreads goal for 2024. I think it's hilarious that you set it so low on purpose. :D And Legends and Lattes sounds so fun; I definitely want to read that one this year. Have a good week!

    1. Lark - Thank you! It's at least one goal I would for sure finish. :-) I hope you do get a chance to read Legends & Lattes! I hope you have a good week too!

  14. Oh wow. I wonder if the earthquake you had can be considered an aftershock. I'm not sure since it's already been a month since the last one. I'm glad it wasn't very big and that nothing was damaged. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Jenni Elyse - I doubt it could be an aftershock since it was not really centered in the same location. But two moderate earthquakes within the same month does make me a little nervous. Enough to make me want to make sure I have my emergency supplies in order. Thank you for visiting!

  15. I saw that LA had 2 earthquakes but I am too far away to have felt them. I hope these little tremblors mean no big one is coming!

    1. Helen - Both were closer to where I live than they were to L.A., but I heard they had felt them out that way too. I am hoping they aren't a sign of something bigger coming too! Thank you for stopping by!

  16. I read two really good books both reviewed on my blog. The stuff I’m reading now is an anti climax as it were. Hot humid weather not helping, chores needing to be done too. Putting off stuff doesn’t help!

    1. Mystica - I hope your current reading picks up for you. It can be disappointing to come off a great read or two only to read something that isn't so good. I hope you are finding ways to stay cool. Take care and thank you for visiting!

  17. I'm so glad you liked Legends & Lattes! I need to read the later books in the Hollows series. About 12 years ago, I met Kim Harrison at a book signing. She's very nice.

    1. Victoria - I am too! That is cool that you got to meet Kim Harrison! I am looking forward to trying her new series. Thank you for stopping by!

  18. I loved The Hollows series, and I’ve been meaning to pick it back up with the newer ones but haven’t yet.
    Good luck in the face of cookie temptation

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - I hope we both enjoy the newer books as we read them. Oh my gosh. The cookies. I am trying to stay strong. LOL Thank you for visiting!

  19. Congrats on hitting your goal! You know, if you bump it up to, say 12, I bet you can do it again in February.

    1. Mark - Thank you! I did consider it! Thank you for stopping by!

  20. The Japanese Lover does sound good to me!

  21. Glad to hear you had no damage from the earthquake. Congratulations on the Goodreads challenge. That is the only one I can seem to stick with. I haven't read any of these, but hearing lots of good things about Legends & Lattes. Just finished reading a great Amish romance short story collection. Hope you have a nice week.

    1. Cheryl - Thank you! It's nice to have one goal complete. :-) I am glad you are enjoying your reading! I hope you have a good week too!

  22. I have Legends & Lattes on my Kindle. You've convinced me to put it on my calendar and actually read it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I hope you enjoy Legends & Lattes when you read it! Thank you for stopping by!

  23. The Japanese Lover looks good. I'll have to check it out. Have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - I hope you enjoy it if you do! I hope you have a great week too!

  24. Oh that dog is so cute.. naughty little fella.

    1. Hena - It was a pleasant surprise though looking out the window and seeing her face under the fence. :-) But, yes, very naughty! Thank you for visiting!

  25. Enjoy the cookie sales! I remember those well. (And kind of don't miss them - ha!)

  26. Congrats on finishing your Goodreads goal! I set mine at 30 because I want to finish it pretty quickly too. I hope you have a great week with no more earthquakes.

    1. AJ - Thank you! We do what we have to do. :-) I noticed someone I follow on Threads set their goal for 4000 knowing they wouldn't come close. As tempting as going that direction might be, I kind of like the satisfaction completing it--even if I make it easy for myself. Thank you for visiting!

  27. Dead Witch Walking was recommended to me a while ago, but alas, my local library doesn't have a copy. I went to add Legends & Lattes to my want to read list and discovered my library has a copy. Of course, with 22 holds, it will be some time before I get it.

    1. Cheriee - That is too bad the library doesn't have Dead Witch Walking. Legends & Lattes seems really popular right now from the sounds of it. Hopefully the people ahead of you are fast readers so you won't have to wait terribly long. Thank you for stopping by!

  28. I also loved Legends and Lattes! I'm waiting for Hoopla, or my my library's Libby to get Bookshops and Bonedust. ❤

    I hope you had a goodstart to your week. ☀

    1. La La - I hope they get it soon so you can read it! Thank you for visiting!

  29. Thx for your thoughts on the Allende novel. I still need to read Allende after all these years! Somehow Lisa See and Isabel Allende are sort of in that same category for me. And I've read more See. I hope you are spared anymore earthquakes as those are always unnerving to experience. We lived in San Marino in 1971 during the big 6.6 one -- and I remember it shaking the heck out of everything. Luckily I was young & didn't know much about what was going on.

    1. Susan - I hope the earthquakes subside too, especially with this big storm coming. I've been through a couple of big quakes that left a lot of damage behind, and hope I don't experience that again. It's so scary. I'm glad you don't remember much about the one in San Marino. If you do try something by Allende, I hope you enjoy it. I've read more by Lisa See so I don't know if it's fair to say it, but I like Lisa See's books more, I think. Thank you for stopping by!

  30. A few of my friends live in California and have been talking about the quake there.

    1. Mary - I'm just glad they weren't big ones! Thank you for visiting!

  31. All of these look gorgeous but I'm especially curious about The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years. It sounds really interesting. Good to know about the Allende. It's on my TBR so I'll will keep the somewhat over-filled issue in mind when I read it!

    1. Katherine - It was interesting. I enjoyed it, but I don't think it will make my favorite's list for the year. Thank you for stopping by!


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