Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday: Come Shell or High Water/ The Lions' Den / A Daughter of Fair Verona / Club Monstrosity

The New
Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by the marvelous Tressa at Wishful Endings to spotlight upcoming release we are excited about that we have yet to read.

Here are three upcoming releases that caught my attention and immediately ended up on my wish list I am looking forward to reading all of them. 

Come Shell or High Water (A Haunted Shell Shop Mystery, #1) by Molly MacRae

Release Date: June 25, 2024 by Kensington Cozies
When widowed folklorist Maureen Nash visits a legendary North Carolina barrier island shell shop, she discovers its resident ghost pirate and the mystery of a local’s untimely death . . .

As a professional storyteller, Maureen Nash can’t help but see the narrative cues woven through her life. Like the series of letters addressed to her late husband from a stranger—the proprietor of The Moon Shell, a shop on Ocracoke Island, off the coast of North Carolina. The store is famous with shell collectors, but it’s the cryptic letters from Allen Withrow, the shop’s owner, that convince Maureen to travel to the small coastal town in the middle of hurricane season. At the very least, she expects she’ll get a good story out of the experience, never anticipating it could end up a murder mystery . . .

In Maureen’s first hours on the storm-lashed island, she averts several life-threatening accidents, stumbles over the body of a controversial Ocracoke local, and meets the ghost of an eighteenth-century Welsh pirate, Emrys Lloyd. To the untrained eye, all these unusual occurrences would seem to be random misfortunes, but Maureen senses there may be something connecting these stories. With Emrys’s supernatural assistance, and the support of a few new friends, Maureen sets out unravel the truth, find a killer, and hopefully give this tale a satisfying ending . . . while also rewriting her own.
[Goodreads Summary]

The Lions' Den
by Iris Mwanza
Release Date: June 25, 2024 by Graydon House
A missing boy. A corrupt system. A case that could change everything…

When young queer dancer Wilbess “Bessy” Mulenga is arrested by corrupt police, fresh-from-the-village rookie lawyer Grace Zulu takes up his cause in her first pro bono case. Presented with a freshly beaten client, Grace protests to the police and gets barred from accessing Bessy, who then disappears from the system—and the world—without a trace. As she fights for justice for Bessy, Grace must navigate a dangerous world of corrupt politicians, traditional beliefs, and deep-seated homophobia.

With the help of a former freedom fighter and the head of her law firm, who’s rallying for one last fight as AIDS takes its toll on him, Grace brings together a coalition of unions, students, and political opposition to take on the corrupt administration of President Kaunda. But will justice prevail in the face of such overwhelming odds?

The Lions' Den is a gripping and enduring novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. With unforgettable characters and a thrilling plot, Iris Mwanza has announced herself as a major new talent in fiction. 
[Goodreads Summary]

A Daughter of Fair Verona
by Christina Dodd

Release Date: June 25, 2024 by A John Scognamiglio Book
Knives Out meets Bridgerton in Fair Verona, as New York Times bestselling author Christina Dodd kicks off a frothy, irreverent, witty new series with an irresistible premise—Romeo and Juliet’s daughter as a clever, rebellious, fiercely independent young woman in fair Verona—told from the delightfully engaging point of view of the captivating Rosie Montague herself…

Once upon a time a young couple met and fell in love. You probably know that story, and how it ended ( badly). Only here’s the That’s not how it ended at all.

Romeo and Juliet are alive and well and the parents of seven kids. I’m the oldest, with the emphasis on ‘old’—a certified spinster at twenty, and happy to stay that way. It’s not easy to keep your taste for romance with parents like mine. Picture it—constant monologues, passionate declarations, fighting, making up, making out . . . it’s exhausting.

Each time they’ve presented me with a betrothal, I’ve set out to find the groom-to-be a more suitable bride. After all, someone sensible needs to stay home and manage this household. But their latest match, Duke Stephano, isn’t so easy to palm off on anyone else. The debaucher has had three previous wives—all of whom met unfortunate ends. Conscience forbids me from consigning another woman to that fate. As it turns out, I don’t have to . . .

At our betrothal ball—where, quite by accident, I meet a beautiful young man who makes me wonder if perhaps there is something to love at first sight—I stumble upon Duke Stephano with a dagger in his chest. But who killed him? His late wives’ families, his relatives, his mistress, his servants—half of Verona had motive. And when everyone around the Duke begins dying, disappearing, or descending into madness, I know I must uncover the killer . . . before death lies on me like an untimely frost. 
[Goodreads Summary]
Do any of these books interest you? What upcoming releases are you looking forward to reading?

The Old(er) 
Carole of Carole's Random Life in Books has given me the perfect excuse to spotlight those unread books on my TBR in her Books from the Backlog feature, reminding me what great books I have waiting for me under my own roof still to read!

These past few months I have been featuring books on the losing end of my TBR List Poll, all books which are on my TBR shelves. This one was one of the options in my August 2016 poll that I have not managed to go to yet.

Club Monstrosity
(Monstrosity #1) by Jesse Petersen

(Pocket Star, 2013)
Natalie’s one of Frankenstein’s creations and works in a New York City morgue. So of course she needs therapy. She and her friends—er, fellow monsters—have formed the world’s most exclusive, most dysfunctional support group. What could go wrong?

Undetected in the modern world and under pressure to stay that way, Natalie Grey, Dracula, Bob the Blob, and others (including the fetching wolfman Alec) meet regularly to talk about the pressures of being infamous in the Big Apple. Topics include how long it’s been since their last sighting, how their “story” creates stereotypes they can’t fulfill, and—gasp—sometimes even their feelings. But when their pervy Invisible Man, Ellis, is killed in a manner reminiscent of the H.G. Wells novel, it’s clear someone’s discovered their existence and is down for some monster busting.

Led by Natalie—and definitely not helped by Hyde’s bloodthirsty tendencies—the members of Monstofelldosis Anonymous band together for security and a little sleuthing. And maybe—maybe—if they don’t end up dead, they’ll end up friends somewhere along the way. 
[Goodreads Summary]
Have you read Club Monstrosity?  Does this book sound like something you would like to read? 

© 2024, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Club Monstrosity! Oh, I love this kind of monster retelling and the idea of the support group amuses me no end! This one is a must have for me.

    1. Jenclair - Doesn't it sound good? I really shouldn't put off reading it much longer. Thank you for visiting!

  2. A Daughter of Fair Verona looks right up my alley. I hope you enjoy these when you get to them :)

    1. Lillian - I hope it will be good! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. The Lion's Den sounds really good.

  4. I'm reading a cozy mystery right no - Framed For Murder
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Sherry - That sounds like a good one! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Ooh nice! Those are all new to me ones. I hope you enjoy them once you get to read them!

    Thanks for visiting my CWW!

  6. Come Shell or High Water is on my list to review. It looks really good. I hope you enjoy your books.

    1. Yvonne - I hope we both enjoy it when we read it! Thank you for visiting!

  7. These all sound like great choices Wendy! I hope that you enjoy them all.

  8. I haven't read any of these but they sound good.

    1. Mary - I am looking forward to finding out. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  9. Thank you for the reviews on the books. I like the Mwanza book particularly.

    1. Mystica - I hope Mwanza's book will be good! It sounds like it will be. Thank you for visiting!

  10. I just added Come Shell or High Water to my wishlist. It sounds like such a fun cozy mystery. I read Club Monstrosity years ago and liked it a lot. I hope you enjoy it! :)

    1. Ashley - I hope you enjoy Come Shell or High Water when you read it (and me too!). I am so glad to hear you liked Club Monstrosity! You are the first person I know who has read it. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  11. I've got Come Shell or High Water coming up on my reading list and I can't wait. It looks like such a fun cozy!

    1. Katherine - I hope we both love it when we read it. Thank you for visiting!

  12. Knives out meets Bridgerton is quite the combo, lol

    1. Blodeuedd - Hopefully it will live up to the comparisons. LOL Thank you for stopping by!


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