Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday: Haunting License / Secrets of Rose Briar Hall / The Bitter Truth / Murder at the 42nd Street Library

The New
Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by the marvelous Tressa at Wishful Endings to spotlight upcoming release we are excited about that we have yet to read.

Here are three upcoming releases that caught my attention and immediately ended up on my wish list I am looking forward to reading all of them. 

Haunting License
(A Haunted Haven Mystery #3) by Carol J. Perry

Release Date: June 25, 2024 by Kensington Cozies
When a fisherman is murdered, Florida innkeeper Maureen Doherty must cast a wide net to catch a killer—with a little help from her ghostly tenants . . .

It’s June in Haven, Florida, a “between seasons” time in the tourism business, and Maureen’s Haven House Inn is feeling the pinch. There are plenty of ghosts in residence, but Maureen needs living guests to pay the bills.

Inspired by an old brochure she finds in a trunk she inherited along with the inn from her mysterious benefactor Penelope Josephine Gray, she gets the brilliant idea to revive a June fishing tournament from twenty years ago, hoping to reel in anglers who’d love to catch the Gulf Coast’s popular kingfish and take home a trophy.

But one fisherman won’t make it to the tournament. While walking on the beach with her golden retriever Finn, Maureen discovers a body. When Officer Frank Hubbard arrives, he recognizes local charter boat fisherman Eddie Manuel.

Now it’s up to Maureen and her spirited sleuths to sort through the red herrings and bait a hook for a killer before someone else ends up sleeping with the fishes . . .
[Goodreads Summary]

Secrets of Rose Briar Hall
by Kelsey James

Release Date: June 25, 2024 by A John Scognamiglio Book
In this Gilded Age gothic homage to “Gaslight” starring Ingrid Bergman, a wealthy young newlywed in early 20th century New York is isolated within her opulent, yet ominously empty mansion by the charismatic and controlling new husband plotting to undermine her sanity…

1908, Long Island: For Millie Turner, the young and beautiful wife of a powerful New York stockbroker, Rose Briar Hall—a gleaming edifice of white marble on the North Shore—is more than a home. Every lavish detail speaks of Charles Turner’s status and wealth, and its stylish interior is testament to Millie’s sophistication. All that’s left is to prove her worthiness to be his bride. What better way than to throw a grand party for New York’s social elite?

After painstaking planning, the night of the event arrives and all is perfection—until Millie wakes to a cold, eerily quiet house, and a gray cloud where her memory should be. Can it be true that she has been in and out of consciousness for weeks, ever since the party took a terrifying turn? Millie recalls nothing. But her friends have shunned her, and it soon becomes clear that if she can't find out what really happened that night, much more than her reputation will be at risk . . .

As the house that promised so much happiness begins to feel more like a prison, Millie wonders whether a woman alone, even a wealthy one, can ever be entirely safe. And if she succeeds in finding the truth, will it bring relief, or shake her marriage, and her life, to the core?
[Goodreads Summary]

The Bitter Truth
by Shanora Williams

Release Date: June 25, 2024 by Dafina
An upstanding political candidate. A determined stalker. A shattering lost weekend. Now, when his worst secret comes calling, how far will one man’s elegant, all-too-devoted wife go to uncover the truth . . . or bury it?

For Jolene “Jo” Baker, the least she can do for her adoring husband, Dominic, is give unwavering support for his North Carolina gubernatorial run. He is not only the love of her life, he's also helping her prove that she's far more than just a pampered trophy wife. With huge crowds showing up at Dominic’s speeches and the polls consistently in his favor, she's never been happier to stand proudly by his side . . .

Until she and Dominic start seeing the same, strangely ominous woman turning up all along the campaign trail. Until their tour starts becoming a nightmare of botched events, crucial missed information, and increasingly dangerous “accidents.” Suddenly Jo can't get any answers from Dominic—or understand why he is acting so paranoid and terrified . . .

What Jo can do is start digging into his past—one she's never really questioned beyond his perfect image and dazzling accomplishments. What results is an alarming series of events that leave her Good friends turn into enemies, truths are revealed to be lies, and all clues lead back to one secret, shattering weekend that changes Jo’s entire life. With her world splintering into pieces, can Jo risk trying to set things right? Or will hiding the bitter truth by any means necessary destroy her as well?
[Goodreads Summary]

Do any of these books interest you? What upcoming releases are you looking forward to reading?

The Old(er) 
Carole of Carole's Random Life in Books has given me the perfect excuse to spotlight those unread books on my TBR in her Books from the Backlog feature, reminding me what great books I have waiting for me under my own roof still to read!

These past few months I have been featuring books on the losing end of my TBR List Poll, all books which are on my TBR shelves. This one was one of the options in my September 2016 poll that I have not managed to go to yet.

Murder at the 42nd Street Library
(#1) by Con Lehane

(Minotaur Books, 2016)
This first book in a series that introduces librarian and reluctant sleuth Raymond Ambler, a doggedly curious fellow who uncovers murderous secrets hidden behind the majestic marble façade of New York City’s landmark 42nd Street Library.

Murder at the 42nd Street Library follows Ambler and his partners in crime-solving as they track down a killer, shining a light on the dark deeds and secret relationships that are hidden deep inside the famous flagship building at the corner of 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue.

In their search for the reasons behind the murder, Ambler and his crew uncover sinister, and profoundly disturbing, relationships among the scholars studying in the iconic library. Included among the players are a celebrated mystery writer who has donated his papers to the library’s crime fiction collection; that writer’s long-missing daughter, a prominent New York society woman with a hidden past, and more than one of Ambler’s colleagues at the library. Shocking revelations lead to the traumatic events that follow―the reading room will never be the same.
 [Goodreads Summary]
Have you read Murder at the 42nd Street Library?  Does this book sound like something you would like to read? 

© 2024, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. I love the sound of Haunting Licence! But all three promise to be page-turners. I hope you enjoy them, Wendy:)).

    1. Sarah - I enjoyed the first book in the series and have some catching up to do, but I look forward to it. Thank you for visiting!

  2. These all look good especially Haunting License. And sigh at my never-ending TBR mountain lol. I'd have to read all day everyday to make a dent. Happy reading!

    1. Naida - That never-ending TBR mountain continues to grow doesn't it? Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Haunting License has such a cute cover! Secrets of Rose Briar Hall looks right up my alley. Hope you enjoy all of these :)
    My WoW: https://momwithareadingproblem.com/2024/06/wow-273-the-thirteenth-child/

    1. Lillian - I love the covers for the entire series. :-) I can't wait to read Secrets of Rose Briar Hall. Thank you for visiting!

  4. I like the gothic overtones in the James book.

    1. Mystica - That is what appeals to me most about that one, I think. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I think Secrets of Rose Briar Hall looks interesting. Hope it's a good one. No, I haven't read that Con Lehane book, but I've known of it. Will watch and see what you think. I love the cover with the lion. I'm excited about a new Vera book by Ann Cleeves. I love that series.

  6. They all sound interesting but they are all new to me.

    1. Mary - I hope they will be as good as they sound. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. While they all sound good, Haunting License speaks to me most…and that cover! I hope that you enjoy them all Wendy.

    1. Jodie - I enjoyed the first book in the series quite a bit and look forward to catching up to this one. Thank you for visiting!

  8. These all sound good. I want to read them all. I hope you enjoy them when you get a chance to read them.

  9. Well having a librarian that's a sleuth is a nice perspective in the 42nd Street Library book ... and let us know how The Bitter Truth turns out ... another political candidate with some baggage, secrets, and lies right? That might be too close to real life now, lol.

    1. Susan - I enjoy cozies with librarian protagonists. :-) I know what you mean about the political thriller maybe being too close to reality. LOL Thank you for stopping by!

  10. All of these sound so good! I'm especially drawn to Secrets of Rose Briar Hall. I love the Gilded Age! Hope you enjoy! :D

    1. Ashley - I love that time period too. I am looking forward to reading Secrets of Rose Briar Hall. Thank you for visiting!

  11. I've got the Shanora Williams book to read, too. Oh yes, the pile of non-winners from back when I used to do a TBR pile vote to choose my next one- I do have a few of those.

    Sophia Rose

    1. Sophia - I hope we both enjoy Shanora Williams's book! Some months I read all three poll options, but more often than not those that don't win end up back on my TBR shelf and have to wait longer. Thank you for stopping by!

  12. Secrets of Rose Briar Hall sounds good. That cover makes me long for cozy winter nights (instead of 100° like it is right now!).

    1. Diana - It's much too hot right now, so I'm with you. A nice winter setting is ideal this time of year. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  13. I just read Haunting License and enjoyed it! Secrets of Rose Briar Hall sounds amazing. Gaslight is one of my favorite movies (especially since there is a very young Angela Lansbury in it) so this really caught my attention. I read either that book or the next book in that Con Lehane series and was not a fan but I think the mystery was solid - the style was a little more noir than I like.

    1. Katherine - I am so glad you enjoyed Haunting License. I can't wait to catch up with the series. The reviews of Lehane's books haven't been very encouraging, sadly. At least you found the mystery solid on his book that you did read. Thank you for stopping by!

  14. Haunting License had such a cute cover.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  15. Yes the second one looks really good

    1. Blodeuedd - I think so too. I hope it will be good. Thank you for stopping by!


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