Saturday, June 08, 2024

Weekly Mews: The Latest Buzz on the Bees & More Author Events This Week

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz  where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.

I am linking up Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene of Reading Reality a meme in which participants share what new books came their way recently.  

The temperatures have warmed up this week, and it sounds like they will continue to rise as we officially head into the summer season. It was a busy week with work and the usual activities. We celebrated Anjin's birthday this past week. We had dinner out and cake at home afterward. My mom was able to join us. There was also a little karaoke late into the night with just Anjin, Mouse, and me (they stayed up even later than me--I could only keep my eyes open so long). I attended two book signings this past week, one with my mom and the other with Anjin and Mouse. That was fun!

The bees have finally been evicted.  Initially, the bee person tried to get to the hive by cutting through the outside wall under the vent the bees were going in and out of. Unfortunately, there was solid wood behind the stucco wall, and so he decided it might be easier to get to them from the inside. He ended up cutting a nice size hole in our kitchen ceiling. From what my husband could see of the hive, it was in about four or so sections, each about an inch thick, a foot and a half long and 8 inches wide. We are not sure if the bee person found more--I don't think my husband asked for the exact count. I did see a partial view photo after though. It's amazing the intricacy of a hive and the honeycombs, and to imagine those little bees putting that all together on their own. I cannot tell you what a relief it is to have the bees out finally.
Nina an Gracie are waiting for their evening treats

Nina and Gracie will sometimes allow Gracie to groom her head,
just one or two licks,
and then it's a battle of the paws to see who will win the round this time. 

What have you been up to this week? 

This week I finished reading The Kiss Countdown by Etta Easton, which was a delightful contemporary romance. 

I am currently reading The Keeper by Guadalupe Garcia McCall, which Mouse recommended I read. She read it about a year ago, and it's one of her favorites. She's promised to let her grandmother read it next. I also recently started Locked in Pursuit (Electra McDonnell #4) by Ashley Weaver. It's the latest in one of my favorite historical mystery series set during World War II. I have my bookmark in Daphne Du Maurier's Don't Look Now & Other Stories, which I am enjoying as well. du Maurier definitely had a gift for writing disturbing tales! 

Next up, will be my TBR List Poll winner! Murder Road by Simon St. James won with an overwhelming 13 votes, followed by An Inheritance of Magic by Benedict Jacka with 8 votes. The Berlin Letters by Katherine Reay came in third place with 4 votes. I can't wait to start reading Murder Road

Thank you again to all who voted!

My TBR List is hosted by Michelle at Because Reading. The 1st Saturday of every month, I will list 3 books from my TBR pile I am considering reading and let you vote for my next read during that month. My review will follow (unfortunately, not likely in the same month, but eventually--that's all I can promise).  
New to my shelves:

My mom and I attended an author event for Trisha R. Thomas at our local indie bookstore this past week. 
I had read an e-copy of her historical fiction novel, The Secret Keeper of Main Street,  last month, but wanted to get a print copy for my personal library. Trisha Thomas shared with the audience her inspiration for her main character, Bailey, and about her own experiences as a seamstress, She and her character both found themselves in some interesting situations! She also talked a little about her ties to Oklahoma, the setting of the novel, including the long drives from California to Oklahoma to visit family and then back again every summer while she was growing up. She and her family were afraid to stop along the way due to the color of their skin and the rampant racism during that time. They would stop along the road when they needed to grab a gas can from the trunk to fill up the car and continue on their way. She shared a little about the three main female characters in her novel, reading passages from her book. It was a pleasure to meet and talk with the author afterwards. I am so glad my mom and I got the opportunity to go!

Then tonight, my husband, Mouse, and I attended an author event for Gary Phillips at the same indie bookstore. Anjin and I had heard him speak in our pre-Mouse days at the L.A. Times Festival of Books and are familiar with some of his work. Although he was there to talk about his latest historical crime fiction novel, Ash Dark as Night, the second in his Harry Ingram, news photographer series, he gave the audience background about his inspiration for his characters as well as the time period in both the first (One-Shot Harry) and second book. He also shared his plans for the third installment, which was exciting! I enjoyed hearing Gary Phillips talk about his father, and the influence his father had on the character of Harry. Although his dad was a World War II veteran and Harry is a Korean War veteran, the two have quite a bit in common. The author talked about his research, and the challenge of whittling 40 pages of research into two paragraphs, and about his experience writing graphic novels. I wasn't sure if Mouse would be all that interested in what he had to say, but she found it interesting too. A few of the people in the audience had read the first book in the series, One-Shot Harry, last year and voted it  as their favorite crime fiction novel of the year. They had a lot of good questions and comments. It was an honor to meet and talk with Mr. Phillips. My husband, Mouse, and I were all happy we were able to go. 


A couple other books I couldn't resist while we were at the bookstore: 

Mirrored Heavens (Between Earth & Sky, #3) by Rebecca Roanhorse
The Great Divide by Cristina Henriquez (thanks for the recommendationAnne!)

Have you read any of these books or authors? If so, what did you think? 

I hope you have a great week! Let me know what you have been reading!

© 2024, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Glad you got rid of the bees!
    For tv watching I’ve been watching a lot of K dramas on Netflix and Hulu. Some very good stories snd acting in many of those.

    1. Harvee - I am so glad the bee situation has been resolved. I keep telling myself I will try some of the K-dramas on Netflix, but I haven't managed to yet. One of these days! Thank you for visiting!

  2. Sounds like a nice birthday and karaoke sounds fun. The author events look fun also, that's nice you all got to go. Murder Road looks good, happy reading! Nina and Gracie are cute :)

    1. Naida - It wasn't very elaborate, but it was a nice birthday. Just what he wanted. :-) It's been a real treat to be able to attend author readings in town and not have to travel far to get to them. I look forward to seeing who else the bookstore is able to put on their calendar. I am looking forward to starting Murder Road soon! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I am envious of you going to the author events. I need to see what authors are coming soon to Houston and pay them a visit.

    It's wonderful that your family can all recommend books to each other and share them and talk about them together!

    1. Deb - I am so excited to have a bookstore in town that has author events. I really enjoyed attending these two. We are definitely a reading family. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  4. Tell Mouse thank you for recommending The Keeper. I'm always on the lookout for spooky middle grade books. I hope you enjoy Murder Road!

    1. Diana - I hope you like The Keeper if you read it! I finished it last night and really enjoyed it. I can see what she meant when she warned me it was on the scary side. I am looking forward to reading Murder Road. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. Your bee experience sounds harrowing! I'm glad you were able to get them out without harming them. We are having an issue with Carpenter bees right now, who have set up shop in an old telephone pole near our fence. They have started boring holes in the fence and we just can't have that. So now we have to come up with a solution, ugh. Oh well, I hope you have a lovely week, Wendy!

    1. Tammy - I wasn't sure we would ever see the end of the bee problem, but I am glad to have them out. I hope you are able to resolve your Carpenter bee problem! Those can really cause a lot of damage. I hope you have a lovely week too. Thank you for visiting!

  6. Sounds like it was a very bookish week, so that's cool! The bee thing would scare me to death! Glad that is taken care of for you. As cool as bees are and I want them to do well outside, having them in my house would be freaky! Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Lisa - It really was a bookish week. :-) I felt a weight lift when the bees were finally out of the house! I hope you have a good week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. That's so nice you can go to and enjoy these events. And pick up a few new options.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  8. Those pesky bees. We had some once, but they were swarming in a tree outside. The guy came, lured the queen into a box and it was quite the trip watching the bees file in, one by one.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Sherry - That would have been a sight to see! Thank you for stopping by!

  9. So glad you got rid of the bees! Both author events sound great... and I'll be curious to hear what you think of The Great Divide. Have a good week, Wendy.

    1. JoAnn - It is such a relief to have them gone. I am looking forward to reading The Great Divide. I hope you have a good week too. Thank you for visiting!

  10. Author events sound fun! I need to see what authors might be coming to bookstores around me. Have a great week!

    1. Cindy - I had been complaining for quite a while that there were never any good author events locally, and it's as if the owner of the local indie bookstore heard me and made my wish come true. :-) I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  11. Oh, Wendy. I'm so glad you are now bee-free! I've had bees in one home and another trying to build a new hive on our porch--days before we were listing it for sale. Thankfully, we got rid of both swarms in record time.

    I see you're reading Don't Look Now. I read it in 2006 and thought the whole book was fabulous. You can find my review here. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    Looking forward to your thoughts on The Great Divide. It's on my list!

    1. Les - That had to have been awful--right before your house went on sale! I wish we had been quicker about getting rid of ours, but we had trouble scheduling the bee person to come out. They seem to be very busy this time of year. I am loving the Don't Look Now. I've read three of the stories so far and look forward to reading more. Thank you for visiting!

  12. Sounds like you had a great time at the Author Events.

    I'm glad that the bees have been sorted! What a relief. I bet it was fascinating to see what they had built but I would have been a long way away as I get a bit nervous around them 🤣

    Have a great week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Emily - Both were fun! I avoided being there for the removal because I was so anxious about them. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  13. You guys have been busy. Glad the bees have gone. Wow! I love author events and the ones you attended sound fun. I'll be curious what you think about Murder Road. I read it and liked it pretty well. Probably won't be my favorite of this author's though. The Broken Girls still holds that spot. :-)

    1. Kay - I enjoyed the author events and look forward to seeing who comes to visit next. :-) I really liked The Broken Girls. So far I am enjoying Murder Road. I'm having a hard time putting it down. Thank you for visiting!

  14. I thought the Great Divide (rec by Anne) also sounded really good. I am so glad the bees are gone!

    1. Helen - I hope we both enjoy it when we read it! I am so glad the bees are gone too. It's such a relief. Thank you for stopping by!

  15. Awww, those are some cute kitties.
    Have a great week.

    1. Snapdragon - Thank you! They are spoiled and very much loved. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  16. I'm glad you got the bees out finally! And I hope you enjoy reading Murder Road. I like Simone St. James, but haven't read that one yet. Fingers crossed it's a good one. :D

    1. Lark - I am loving Murder Road. I started it today and I don't want to put it down. Darn work got in the way though. Thank you for stopping by!

  17. Thank goodness you got rid of those bees - sounds very stressful!!

    1. Nicole - It really was! I'm so glad they are gone. Thank you for visiting!

  18. I'm glad the bee's are gone now. Man, I really hate bee's.

    1. Mary - I am not a fan either, especially when they take of residence in my house! Thank you for stopping by!

  19. Good that the bees are gone. It must have been interesting to see

    1. Blodeuedd - I stayed far away, but my husband said it was. Thank you for visiting!

  20. What a relief to finally get those bees evicted. They're my favourite insect - but not in the house!! I've been to a number of author events over the years and always enjoyed them. I've read a couple of Rebecca Roanhorse books - not the one you've got, but she writes a punchy story with plenty of high stakes and lots of action. I hope you enjoy it:)).

    1. Sarah - I have enjoyed the author events I have been to over the years. I am glad I don't have to travel so far to attend then these days! Thank you for stopping by!

  21. I love bees but I wouldn't want them living in my house either! I have a healthy fear of them - I respect them for what they do but I'm too afraid of getting stung. I hope you enjoy Murder Road, 13 votes can't be wrong!

    1. Haze - I finished Murder Road today and really enjoyed it. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  22. Wow these author book events look fun and informative. You are getting the inside scoop! So glad the bees are out. So do you have to fix the drywall now to the ceiling? It sounds complex how they made their hive in there. Good grief. Did he take the hive with him? Hope the house is much calmer now ... and just run by the kitties. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Susan - I am so glad I got the opportunity to attend the book events--and they were local! That's a rare treat. The company that removed the bees replaced the drywall in the ceiling and added stucco to the area outside they had attempted to enter through initially. We are responsible for painting the areas though. He did take the bee hive with him. We're just so glad they are gone. Evidently there was another house in the area that bees decided to take up residence in as well, so we weren't alone. They cats are happy to have the run of their house again. :-) Thank you for stopping by!


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