Saturday, June 29, 2024

Weekly Mews: My June and Mid-Year Wrap Up

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz  where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.

Mouse is off to an open mic event with friends, and I am spending part of my evening with you. The days have been warm and unfortunately the nights too (makes it hard to sleep). Work has been mostly calm, which is a nice change. I cannot believe June is coming to an end! It feels like the summer is slipping by too fast, and yet it's just begun. 

Books Read in June

I considered waiting until next weekend to post my mid-June and mid-year wrap ups, but I do not think I will be finishing my current two reads before the month is out. I read many good books in June. I started off the month with Etta Easton's The Kiss Countdown which I adored.

My daughter asked me to read one of her favorites, a middle grade thriller/horror novel, The Keeper, which was a fun read. I can see why she liked it! One of my favorite anime series is Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, which Mouse got me hooked on a couple or so years ago, and I finally convinced her to let me read the manga the series it is based on. The books are just as good, if not better.

I am all caught up with one of my favorite historical mystery series by Jennifer Ashley, and I was finally able to read something by Daphne du Mauier; both books I enjoyed. I am continuing to enjoy Kim Harrison's The Hollows series. I finished American Demon this month. 

I was one virtual bookmark away from earning the entire set for Spring on the Kindle Insights feature, and so I read Iris Beaglehole's Accidental Magic, a fun cozy paranormal mystery which I had been wanting to read for awhile now, to earn that last one. Thank you again to everyone who voted in my June TBR List poll! If it hadn't been for work and needing sleep, I would have finished it in one sitting.
  • Accidental Magic (Myrtlewood Mysteries #1) by Iris Beaglehole
  • Don't Look Now and Other Stories by Daphne du Mauier
  • The Kiss Countdown by Etta Easton
  • American Demon (The Hollows #14) by Kim Harrison
  • The Keeper by Guadalupe Garcia McCall
  • Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, Vol. 1 by Osamu Nishi
  • Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, Vol. 2 by Osamu Nishi
  • Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, Vol. 3 by Osamu Nishi
  • Murder Road by Simone St. James
  • Locked in Pursuit (Electra McDonnell #4) by Ashley Weaver
It was yet another month of not reading a book I did not like in the bunch. I just can't pick a least favorite this month, try as I might. I struggled choosing a favorite too. It came down to Murder Road and The Kiss Countdown, two very different books, both of which I loved for different reasons. In the end, I decided to go with the book that left me smiling for days after. It hit the right spot for me at the exact moment. So, my June favorite is The Kiss Countdown by Etta Easton. 

What was your favorite book read in June? Did you have a good reading month?

Mid-Year Check-In

Although I did not sign up for any reading challenges this year (the Goodreads and Storygraph ones don't count because I purposefully set that bar low), I am making a point of reading more. I am not aiming for a particular number goal, but I am making a concerted effort to choose reading over some of my less productive activities (I'm talking about you, phone games and social media). Unfortunately, it may have cut into my blogging time too. I am a work in progress. All that to say, I have read 52 books so far this year, which to some may not seem like a lot, but for me, it is the total number of books I read last year. Of course, there are novellas, short stories, graphic novels, and manga in that mix, but I am still averaging more reading per month than I have in a while. 

Of the books I read so far this year, I have yet to DNF a book and none rated below three paws (meaning good) on my rating scale. Only four books have earned my top rating of 5 paws. This year I set out to select a favorite book each month and these were the ones that have come out on top so far: 

January ~ Legends & Lattes (#1) by Travis Baldree

February ~ Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands (#2) by Heather Fawcett

March ~ Speculations in Sin (Below the Stairs Mystery #7) by Jennifer Ashley

April ~ Dune by Frank Herbert

May ~ The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo & Kindred by Octavia Butler 

June ~ The Kiss Countdown by Etta Easton

One of my favorite Storygraph features is their moods graph. Admittedly, it is dependent on the moods the majority of users of the app apply to the books, but I find it fun to see which direction my reading is going mood-wise based on their findings. 

I set a few personal reading goals for myself for the year and have been steadily making progress on, and even completing several of them. Of the ones for which I have made progress:
  • Read one classic this year and I have read two: David Copperfield by Charles Dickens and Kindred by Octavia Butler (three if you count the short story collection, Don't Look Now and Other Stories by Daphne du Maurier). 
  • Listen to six audio books, which I managed to do in the first half of this year. 
  • Read at least one fiction/nonfiction pairing, and I accomplished that: Women of the Post by Joshunda Sanders and One Woman's Army: A Black Officer Remembers the WAC by Charity Adams Earley.  
  • Read a book over 700 pages and I ended up reading David Copperfield, 768 pages. I also read Legacy (Keeper of the Lost Cities #8) by Shannon Messenger, 780 pages.
  • Read three books recommended by my daughter, which I did do--not counting the recent manga volumes I had to twist her arm to get her to let me read. She recommended I read Misfit Mansion by Kay Davault, Legacy by Shannon Messenger, and The Keeper by Guadalupe Garcia McCall. 
  • Read all my TBR List Poll winners, which I have--and all but one in the month they won (I was so close to finishing it in its appointed month, but I went over by a day or two). 
How did the first half of 2024 go for you reading wise? What is your favorite book of the year so far? How are you doing on your reading goals? 

I am about half way through Barbara Kingsolver's Demon Copperhead. Having recently read David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, I am very conscious of the similarities in the story and characters. From what I have read so far, Kingsolver's modern adaptation of the classic is very well done. I cannot help but wonder if she wrote Demon Copperhead with David Copperfield open by her side to make sure she kept true to the original story. 

Someone on Threads mentioned reading and enjoying the Shades of Magic trilogy recently, and so last night I started reading A Conjuring of Light (Shades of Magic #3) by V.E. Schwab. I am kicking myself for waiting so long to jump back into the series. It feels like I never left--and it's so intense!

What are you reading right now?

My mom, Mouse and I went to see Inside Out 2 the week before last. We loved the first movie and have seen it multiple times. The second was wonderful too--and with the main character turning 13, just like my daughter did this year, it made the movie even more poignant for all of us. 

Have you seen Inside Out 2? If so, what did you think? 

I hope you have a great week! Let me know what you have been reading!

© 2024, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. This was a great post, Wendy. Quite a lot of info and some good suggestions for books that worked for you. You've done really well with your goals and the 52 books is a great number too. I'm at 39 and while that is much less than my numbers in the past, it's more than the last couple of years. Like you, I'm trying to just let go and read. Distraction is not my friend. Ha! Hope you guys have a nice week and we'll see you around the reading track soon. :-)

    1. Kay - Thank you! Last year I seemed to hit a few reading slumps, so my reading was down too. I am grateful I have been able to fit in so much reading so far this year. Hopefully I can keep it up, but mostly I just want to continue to read books I enjoy. Distraction is definitely not my friend either. LOL I hope you have a nice week too! Thank you for visiting!

  2. My two favorite reads of June were probably Sipsworth and Virgil Wander. Both of them spoke to the power of connection to helping people cope with the difficulties they face in their lives.

    You are having a great reading year. Thanks for sharing your favorites for each month so far this year. And you are doing well with your personal reading goals, too.

    1. Deb - I hope to read Sipsworth, and am so glad you enjoyed it so much. Both that and Virgil Wander sound like timely reads.

      I am very pleased with my reading so far this year, not just in numbers but in the quality too especially. I am almost afraid it can't last and the other shoe will drop soon. Haha.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  3. The Kiss Countdown sounds very cute! I'm adding that one to my list. :D

    1. Lark - I thought so. I loved the the main character and her love interest. I hope you enjoy The Kiss Countdown if you read it! Thank you for visiting!

  4. Yay for reading more!!! You are doing great on your goals and I love that you haven't had any DNFs, that's incredible. I am not doing any reading challenges this year either, although I did set me reading goal on Goodreads to 200 and I am halfway there. I have been setting it at 150, and getting 200, so I just set it there. Audiobooks have really increased my numbers. I hope to have my monthly wrap up on my blog tomorrow. Have a great week!

    1. Cindy - Thank you! I didn't list my personal goals I am failing, but those are more blogging related, I noticed. I tell myself it's good I am at least reading. If you are already half way to your reading goal, you are doing great! Good luck with your other challenges. There's still time--and if you don't finish them, that's okay too. The fun is in the journey. :-) Have a great week too! Thank you for stopping by!

  5. You've had a good first half of the year. I enjoyed Kiss Countdown and I LOVE the Shades of Magic trilogy plus there's a new one that continues the series The Fragile Threads of Power. I can't believe June is ending. July / August are usually hot and it seems the humidity / dewpoint is worse this year so far. Happy 4th!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - I love the Shades of Magic trilogy too. I have a copy of The Fragile Threads of Power and am looking forward to reading it as well. I may put it off awhile though because I hear it's got a cliffhanger and I may want to wait until closer to when the next book comes out. July and August is usually hot for us too. I am sorry to hear it's been more humid this year where you are. I'm surprised we haven't head higher temperatures than we have, but it's still too warm. I've been spoiled by the cooler weather this past winter, I think. I hope you have a great week and happy 4th as well! Thank you for visiting!

  6. I can't believe that June is almost over too! This month went by so fast!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

    1. Ronyell - It did seem to go by too fast. Here's for a great July! Thank you for stopping by!

  7. Your goals seem to be going very well! I've read 50 books so far this year, so I'm very close to you. My favorite book of June was Assassins Anonymous, a book I never expected to enjoy so much. I hope you try to stay cool! We have some 90s coming our way later this week, and I'm not looking forward to that...

    1. Tammy - Fifty books so far this year is great! I really want to read Assassins Anonymous. I am glad you liked it! I hope you are able to stay cool this week. Thank you for visiting!

  8. It does feel like the time is flying by, doesn't? I can't believe we're basically halfway through 2024. I hope mouse has a fun time at open mic night.

    My Sunday Post

    1. Jenni Elyse - I'm not ready for the year to be half over yet, but I am looking forward to fall weather and cooler temperatures again. Mouse had a fun time at open mic night. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  9. How nice that you all went to see Inside Out 2, it looks cute. I can't believe June is over so fast. You're doing great with your reading goals. I need to get off social media and read more. I tend to get on TikTok and Youtube in the evenings to catch up on the channels I follow rather than read. I haven't found a favorite book in 2024 yet!
    Enjoy your week ahead :)

    1. Naida - Inside Out 2 was cute. It's such an insightful movie. I have sworn off TikTok, but I sometimes still find myself on YouTube. I'm not much for Instagram, but for some reason Threads has its hooks in me and I spend way too much time there. I hope you have a great week! Thank you for visiting!

  10. I absolutely loved Inside Out 2. It made me tear up! And I love that your daughter has you read books she loves. My daughter is older (20), but she still does this too. She'll be like, "Mom, you need to read this book. I need someone to talk about it to!"

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Nicole - I think all four of us teared up while watching Inside Out 2, so you aren't the only one! It really was so good. I think it's wonderful that your daughter has you read books loves still. I hope I can say the same when my daughter's that age. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  11. This summer is going way too fast. I'm excited for my daughter to come back from camp so we can watch Inside Out 2.


    1. Jill - I can't believe the summer is almost over. My daughter and I were out shopping today and she groaned when she saw that the school supplies were out already. I hope your daughter is enjoying camp and you both like Inside Out 2 when you see it! Thank you for visiting!

  12. Love the idea to make your reading goals low and just celebrate and enjoy everything you read!!
    We'd love to have you join our Book bingo - just check off what you read that applies to the square, all points are wins!

    1. Julie - Your emoji bingo board for July is so cute! It's very tempting. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  13. Replies
    1. Mary - And you are going to surpass it with ease. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  14. You're doing so well with your reading this year. I am behind my usual schedule, but I don't really get hung up on the number of books I've read. I thought I would read more on my vacation.

    I've heard good things about Inside Out 2 and want to see it.

    1. Helen - Thank you! I am shocked I have read so much already this year. I am not sure this streak will last, but I can live with that. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  15. I do want to see Inside out 2.
    And you had a great June

    1. Blodeuedd - I hope you get a chance to see the movie! Thank you for visiting!


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