Thursday, June 06, 2024

Where Is Your Bookmark: A Peek Into The Keeper and Other Friday Fun

A weekly meme where readers share the first sentence of the book they are reading and say what they think. Hosted by the amazing Gillion Dumas of Rose City Reader.

The darkness comes upon us quickly, I just know it's a sign. [opening of The Keeper]

This sounds ominous!

A weekly meme in which readers share a random sentence or two from page 56 or 56% of the book they are reading. Our wonderful host Freda of Freda's Voice is on a break, and Anne of My Head is Full of Books  has stepped in to host! 

I blink and stare at the letter that trembles in my unsteady hand. 
Youngblood! Long line of Guardians! The Keeper! 

Every word, every  phrase, every sentence spelled out in that strange letter sends a chill down my spine, and for a moment I can't breathe. I close my eyes, and when I open them I read the letter again. Only this time, other words jump out at me, spitting their poison at my eyes like cobras. 

Do you belong? Are you worthy? I'm watching you! 



Why?  [excerpt from page 51-52 of The Keeper]  

I have so many questions! I am sure 12 year old James does too. What does the letter mean? Who is it from? Why are they watching James? What do they want from him?  

One of my goals this year is to read books my daughter recommends to me. She's been hesitant to do so because she is afraid I won't like her choices, and so it was a surprise when, out of the blue, she pulled The Keeper off the bookshelf and told me I needed to read it. She said it is one of the scariest books she has read, although assured me it wasn't too scary. Mouse read it about a year ago and it is one of her favorite books. Of course I didn't hesitate to start reading!

The Keeper
by Guadalupe Garcia McCall
Inspired by the true story of the "Westfield Watcher.”

The first letter turns up on his desk. The second is stuck between the spokes of his bike. The third flies through the kitchen window.

And they are all addressed to James from someone called the Keeper.

Moving from Texas to Oregon was a bad idea. No sooner have James and his family arrived in their “perfect” new town than he starts getting mysterious and sinister letters from someone called the Keeper. Someone who claims to be watching him. Someone who is looking for “young blood.” James and his sister, Ava, are obviously in danger. But the problem with making a fuss about moving and having a history of playing practical jokes is that no one believes James—not even his parents.

Now James and Ava need to figure out who is sending the letters before they become the next victims in their neighborhood’s long history of missing children. Because one thing is clear: uncovering the truth about the Keeper is the only thing that will keep them alive. [Goodreads Summary]
Does this sound like something you would enjoy? If you have read it, what did you think?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. It is hosted by Linda Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About. Join in by answering this week's question in the comments or on your own blog.
What outdoor activities do you like to do in the spring/summer?

I am not much of an outdoor person, but I do enjoy taking walks and sitting on my patio to read when the weather is nice. I missed out on going to the L.A. Times Festival of Books this year, but I love browsing the outdoor booths and meeting authors when I am able. In the summer, I like to go camping (more like glamping) in the mountains in the summer when we can get away from work. Mostly in the summer, I like too stay indoors with the air conditioner on. Summers here can get hot.  

What outdoor activities do you like to do in the spring and summer? 

Every Friday Coffee Addicted Writer from Coffee Addicted Writer poses a question which participants respond on their own blogs within the week (Friday through Thursday). They then share their links at the main site and visit other participants blogs.

Summer often means more time for reading. Do you have a list of books you're eager to start reading during June's warm days? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer) 
While my daughter gets the summer off, I do not, and so there really isn't an increase in my reading time this time of year--or with any of the seasons in particular. My reading time is more dependent on what activities we have going on. I am terrible at making and sticking to reading lists, as much as I enjoy making them. I think of them more as possibilities than a check list to get through. The only exception is committing to read the winner of my monthly TBR List poll. If you want to help me select the next book I read for this month, please vote in my TBR List Poll, which closes this weekend.

Last week, I posted some of the books I am considering reading this summer. Here are a few more that didn't make that list, but perhaps I will pick one or two up before the month is out: 

A Plague of Mercies A Plague of Mercies by Adam Pelzman
The Framed Women of Ardemore by Brandy Schillace
The Untold Story  (Invisible Library #8) by Genevieve Cogman

There would have been more but I remembered the question specified June. 

Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think? Do any of them appeal to you? What books are you looking forward to reading this month whether you are trying to keep warm this winter in the Southern Hemisphere or cool this summer in the Northern half?

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Be sure and tell me what you are reading!

© 2024 Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. I second that. The beginning definitely seems ominous.
    Enjoy your current read!

  2. I think I'll have to try that! Have a great Friday!

    1. Lauren - I am enjoying it so far. I hope you have a great Friday too!

  3. The Keeper definitely looks like something I would enjoy! In the summer, I enjoy hiking and going to the pool and the beach, although I'm not able to do any of those things as often as I would like to. Have a great weekend!

    1. Karis - I am enjoying it so far. James and his sister remind me of my brother and I when we were kids. We didn't play pranks on each other like these two did, but we had a similar relationship. I wish every summer that I had easy access to a pool. LOL There is a pool at our favorite campground and I always look forward to getting into the water there. Like you though, I don't get to do that kind of thing as often as I'd like. I hope you have a great weekend too!

  4. The Keeper sounds awesome. How fun that your daughter recommended it to you. :D

    1. Lark - I love that she wants to share it with me. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  5. That does sound like a spooky book. How lovely that she recommended it. I'm struggling to get my son to read. He is 5. He can do it, but his concentration levels aren't there so we spend a lot of time negotiating 🤣

    I make the occasional list, but never complete it. I'm not too bothered. It's all just a bit of fun.

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Emily - It took a while to get there (lots of set up--which I appreciate), but spooky is a good word for it! My daughter wasn't much of a reader at 5 either. She struggled with reading in the beginning, in fact, but she did enjoy being read to. Every child is different, and hopefully your son will come to love reading in time. Mouse and I did our negotiating too. LOL One of the ways I encouraged her to read more in those earlier years was taking turns; she'd read a paragraph, and I would read a page, and then she would read a page, and I'd read a page, increasing it bit by bit. It helped build her confidence in reading. There were times when she'd ask if I could continue instead of switching off and I usually gave in. I think it wasn't until 4th grade, so about 9-10 years old, when she really took to reading. It started with graphic novels and manga, which she still loves, but she reads a wider range now. Gosh, that brings back memories! Mouse is 13 now and still prefers middle grade novels, but is beginning to show an interest in young adult novels ("But not with romance, Mom, and not too scary.").

      I hope you have a great weekend too!

  6. Yeah I'm not the best at sticking to a dedicated list either! Things happen, plans change. I might want to read one book but then I'll get a review book for another. Or I learn of an upcoming author visit and I'll start prepping by reading any of their backlist titles that I am behind on because there's usually some involved! Lol. Like you said, the Top Ten list I write for the season is an idea! I can sometimes read a few from the list but never even half! But that's okay because I'm still reading something from the TBR pile! Lol.

    Here's my BBH

    1. Jessica - I've tried to stick to my reading lists before and it rarely works out. LOL It's much easier to think of my reading lists as lists of reading possibilities. And yes! All of those reasons you gave for deviating from a list--those are all true. My mood plays a big part in what I choose to read next. You said it well--we're still reading something from our TBR pile, and that's what matters. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. Awww so cute that you read the books your daughter loves! My family mostly reads non-fiction (which I unfortunately do not read), so we don't recommend books to each other. 😅 Though I do have some cousins who read fiction (different genres), and I'm going to start reading books they like. <3

    💖 aimee can read

    1. Aimee - I am glad my daughter and I share a love for reading. :-) I am lucky that my parents were both readers and shared that with me (my mom still does). We don't always read the same types of books, but sometimes we do. Thank you for stopping by!

  8. I don't have a reading list either. The only reading list I have is review books. Have a great weekend!

  9. The book recommended by your daughter looks and sounds like a fun read! I love that you're reading her recommendation. As for summer, I prefer to stay indoors basking in the A/C as well. :)

    1. Meezan - It really was a fun read. :-) Another indoor summer person! We're so lucky to have air conditioning! Thank you for visiting!

  10. I used to love camping when I lived in the PNW. We'd go about every other weekend and explore Washington state. Now that I'm older, it's not as appealing.

    1. Jen - I grew up tent camping and now, as an adult, I much prefer a cabin. I enjoy the outdoors with modern plumbing indoors. LOL Thank you for stopping by!

  11. I met the author, McCall, at a Texas Library Association Conference. I hope you enjoy the book!

    1. Deb - That's neat that you got a chance to meet Guadalupe Garcia McCall! I did enjoy her books. Thank you for visiting!

  12. This sounds so good! Love both of those excerpts. I'm adding it to my wishlist right now. Hope you have a great week! :D

    1. Ashley - I hope you enjoy it if you read it! I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  13. I would def more do glamping than camping

    1. Blodeuedd - I am definitely more of a glamping person. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  14. Adding The Keeper to my TBR. That looks fun! My summer reading does look a little different - something about the heat makes me want more suspenseful books for some reason!

    1. Katherine - I really enjoyed The Keeper! I can understand the draw of suspense in the summer. :-) Thank you for stopping by!


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