Monday, January 27, 2025

The Top Ten New-to-Me Authors I Read for the First Time in 2024

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana at The Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is the New-to-Me Authors I Read for the First Time in 2024. I included an overly long list of the new-to-me authors I would like to read again in my end of the year survey, but I made an attempt to narrow it down to just ten. I focused on authors who have other books out or soon to be out that I am eager to read, which made it a little easier. 

Travis Baldree ~ I read the cozy fantasy Legends & Lattes this past year and adored it. I plan to read Bookshops & Bonedust this year. And what is that I hear about a third book possibly coming out this year, Brigands & Breadknives? Yes, please. 

Octavia E. Butler ~ I finally got around to reading not just one, but two books by Octavia E. Butler this past year, and they were both unforgettable. Kindred broke was heart-wrenching Parable of the Sower was such a powerful novel, still relevant today. I have Parable of Talents and one of her short story collections on my TBR shelf to read. 

Elodie Harper ~ I read the first two books in Elodie Harper's historical fiction Wolf Den Trilogy, The Wolf Den and The House with the Golden Door, about Pompeii towards the end of last year, and this month the third book, The Temple of Fortuna. I want to read everything this author writes, including her upcoming Boudicca's Daughter.

Isabel Cañas ~ I had a chance to read the gothic historical novel The Hacienda for my historical fiction book club last fall. It was one of my favorite books last year. I have her Vampires of El Norte on my TBR shelf waiting to be read. 

Hannah Nicole Maehrer ~ The Barnes & Noble BlueSky person recommended Assistant to the Villain in response to a post in which I mentioned I was trying to decide what to read next, "something light and funny." Although I didn't pick that one up right away, I did move it from my TBR shelf  to my immediate TBR pile. It really was just what I needed at that time in my life. I hope to read Apprentice to the Villain this year. And maybe even her upcoming release, Accomplice to the Villain.  

Danica Nava ~ My romance book club is slated to read The Truth According to Ember in March, and I am so excited about being able to re-read it. I really connected with the main character and just loved this book. I look forward to reading her next book, Love is a War Song, which is due out this summer. 

Emilia Hart - This past fall I read Weyward, a mix of historical and contemporary--and witches! I really liked it. Her upcoming novels, Sirens, also really appeals to me. 

Etta Easton The Kiss Countdown had me smiling from ear to ear by the end. I loved every page of this contemporary romance. I want more.

Daphne du Maurier ~ I thought for sure my first foray in this author's work would be Rebecca or Jamaica Inn, but instead it was a collection of her thrilling short stories, Don't Look Now and Other Stories. And everyone single one was masterful. Why did I wait so long to read her work?! I definitely plan to read more by her.

Alex Hay ~ Alex Hay's historical mystery/thriller, The Housekeepers, was such a fun read. I enjoyed everything about it. The author did such a good job of creating a sense of place, and his characters were all so interesting. I am looking forward to reading his next book, Queen of Fives.

Have you read anything by these authors? What new-to-you authors did you read for the first time in 2024? 

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  1. I read Butler for the first in 2023 with Kindred (incredible!) and I really want to read some more of her work!

    I tried Assistant To The Villain on audio but lasted 2 minutes because the narrator was so bad. I might have to give it a go in ebook format.

    This is is mine

    1. Alice - Kindred really was incredible, I agree. If you do try Assistant to the Villain, I hope you like it better in print. It took me a moment to get into--it wasn't exactly what I expected--but I ended up really liking it. Thank you for visiting!

  2. I loved reading Assistant to the Villain last year, and the Apprentice to the Villain this year. The banter between the Villain and Evie is fantastic.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Pam - I really liked the banter between Evie and the Villain too. I can't wait to read Apprentice. I am glad to hear you liked it. I've heard mixed things about that one. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. OOh nice picks! Quite a few new to me ones though! I read Canas maybe two years ago and still need to read this particular one as it sounded good too!

    Glad you found some new favorites!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Jessica - I hope you like The Hacienda when you read it. Thank you for visiting!

  4. I love love love love Elodie Harper! I'm actually about to start the last book in the wolf den trilogy.

    1. Stephanie - I hope you love The Temple of Fortuna as much as I did. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I keep meaning to read Legends and Lattes but I never seem to get around to it. I'm glad you liked it so much.

    1. Deb - It was my first foray into cozy fantasy and it was a really good experience. I need more cozy fantasy in my life. Thank you for visiting!

  6. I still haven't read anything by Daphne Du Maurier! Rebecca has been on my list for a long time now. Hopefully, I'll get to it this year :) I'm happy you liked her writing.

    If you'd like to visit, here's my TTT:

    1. Marwah - One of these days I will get around to reading Rebecca. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. Great picks! I won’t be surprised if I see on Travis Baldree several list. That book was quite popular in 2024. Thanks for sharing, I enjoy hearing about the authors that make a lasting impression.

    1. Carla - Deservingly so, I think. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  8. I didn’t know Baldtree has a third book in that series coming out. Cool!

    1. Lydia - I am really looking forward to it. Although I still need to read the second. Thank you for stopping by!

  9. What, I didn't hear about the new Baldree book! yay!!!

    1. Erin - I discovered it when I was on Goodreads. I'm so excited! Thank you for visiting!

  10. Great list! Legends & Lattes is so cute! I also read Weyward last year, while du Maurier's books are still on my TBR. Have a great week!

    1. Beatrice - I am glad you enjoyed Legends & Lattes too! I hope you do enjoy du Maurier's work when you try it. I hope you have a great week too! Thank you for stopping by!

  11. Legends and Lattes is on my list, as is Weyward. I've read and loved Kindred - Octavia Butler's writing is phenomenal. I hope you find more wonderful authors and books in 2025!

    1. Lisa - I feel the same way about Octavia Butler's writing. I look forward to reading more of her work. Thank you for visiting!

  12. The only author on your list that I've read is Daphne du Maurier. And the only one of her books that I've read is REBECCA. Discussed it with our mystery book group a few years ago. We usually do a 'Gothic' book or author for our October meeting. Think it might have been 2015 - wow - almost 10 years ago. It's a good listen - very atmospheric.

    1. Kay - Gothic October sounds like a fun theme. I do enjoy Gothic novels from time to time. And someday I will get to Rebecca, I'm sure. Thank you for stopping by!

  13. Kindred is a pretty amazing book. I know I should read more Octavia Butler.

    1. Anne - It isn't one I think I'll ever forget. Thank you for visiting!

  14. I really want to try those Elodie Harper and Hannah Nicole Maehrer books too, so glad to hear you loved them!

    1. Lindsey - I hope you get a chance to read Elodie Harper and Hannah Nicole Maehrer's books and enjoy them. Thank you for stopping by!

  15. I've read LEGENDS AND LATTES, KINDRED, and two books by du Maurier—REBECCA and JAMAICA INN. None of these authors are favorites of mine, but I'm glad I gave them a go.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan - I feel that way about some of the books I read too--glad I read them, even if I didn't love them. Thank you for visiting!

  16. I read Weyward and The Housekeepers and enjoyed them both. It looks like you had some great reads in 2024, Wendy.

    1. Carla - It was a good reading year. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  17. Thanks for sharing some new to me authors.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Sherry - I enjoyed putting this list together. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  18. I read so many new authors last year. I just posted my entire list on Deb's post, if you want to pop over there and see it. I hate to clutter up everyone's comments with the same list. :)

    1. Les - I really want to try something by Matt Cain. I remember reading Sandra Cisneros in college. One story of hers in particular still stands out to me and I refer to it often. I've read her House on Mango Street too. I read Little Mercies by Heather Gudenkauf and enjoyed it, but haven't read anything else by her yet I don't think. Thank you for visiting!

  19. Those are some awesome new to you authors. i want to try them too

    1. Blodeuedd - I hope you enjoy whichever ones you try! Thank you for stopping by!

  20. Oooh, I need to check out that du Maurier collection! She is an amazing writer.

    1. Rachel - I look forward to trying one of her full-length novels. Thank you for visiting!

  21. I haven't read any of these, but they do look good.

    1. Yvonne - I really enjoyed them. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  22. The only author I've read here is Etta Easton and it was the same book. I enjoyed it.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  23. A good looking list. I've only read Legends and Lattes. I want to read Assistant To The Villain.

    Here's to finding more great new authors this year!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Emily - I hope you do get a chance to read Assistant to the Villain someday. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  24. I read Weyward last year and really liked it. You've got some great new authors here!

    1. JoAnn - Weyward was really good. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  25. I really enjoyed The Hacienda and Weyward too when I picked them up. I majorly need to check out the Wolf Den trilogy sometime and can't wait to see what Boudicca’s Daughter is like too. I remember The House Keepers catching my eye as well and will definitely have to pick it up sometime. Some of the others are on my TBR too and it looks like you have some exciting books to pick up by these authors in the future. I really hope you enjoy them all.

    1. Charlotte - I am glad you enjoyed both The Hacienda and Weyward when you read them too! I hope you do enjoy The Wolf Den Trilogy if you read it. Boudicca's Daughter sounds very promising. I have high hopes for it. Thank you for stopping by!

  26. Travis Baldree was a new one for me last year! I really enjoyed Legends & Lattes and look forward to reading Bookshops & Bonedust. I didn't know there was possibly a third. I have The Wolf Den but haven't read it yet. You've made me want to move it up my list! Assistant to the Villain is on my list as well. :)

    1. Lindsi - Me too! I hope we both enjoy Bookshops & Bonedust this year. I hope you like The Wolf Den when you read it! Thank you for visiting!

  27. I loved Legends & Lattes, too! Such a fun cozy fantasy. :D

    1. Lark - Yes! It was a lot of fun to read. Thank you for stopping by!

  28. Assistant to the Villain sounds funny! Weyward's been sitting on my TBR for a while now, I hope to read it soon.

    1. Idea-ist - I really enjoyed it. It wasn't quite what I expected going in, but it turned out to be a fun read. I hope you enjoy Weyward when you read it! Thank you for visiting!

  29. I have Assistant to the Villain and its sequel. I really need to get onto reading those :D

    1. Annemieke - I hope you enjoy them both when you read them! Thank you for stopping by!


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