Monday, January 20, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana at The Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is the The Ten Most Recent Additions to My Physical Book Collection. These were not necessarily added this year, but were the most recent to find their way into my TBR collection in recent months.

Hearts Unbroken by Cynthia Leitich Smith ~ I do not read YA romance very often, but this one is for an upcoming book club, and sounds like it will be good!  

Our Moon: How Earth's Celestial Companion Transformed the Planet, Guided Evolution, and Made Us Who We Are by Rebecca Boyle ~ A recommendation from Stephanie of Bookfever I couldn't resist.  

The Song of Orphan's Garden Nicole M. Hewitt ~ I have followed the author's blog, Feed Your Fiction Addiction, for years and was excited to hear about the upcoming release of her middle grade novel. And it's in verse, which I love! I am just waiting for my pre-ordered copy to arrive at the bookstore! 

Bloodchild and Other Stories by Octavia E. Butler ~ This past year I read a couple of full-length novels by Octavia E. Butler, both of which were amazing reads. I wish I could remember which of you recommended I try her short stories, but I found this collection at a local independent bookstore and look forward to giving it a try. 

The Wind Knows My Name by Isabel Allende ~ Another upcoming book club read. Allende's books have been hit and miss for me (one I liked, the other I didn't care for) and so I admit to being a little on the fence about reading this one. But it does sound good.

The Afterlife of Mal Caldera by Nadi Reed Perez ~ This was a spontaneous buy while at the bookstore one day. It sounds like something I would enjoy. 

The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today, Vol. 4, 5, and 6 by Hitsuji Yamada ~ I enjoyed the earlier volumes in this manga series and look forward to reading more. 

Murder by Degrees by Ritu Mukerji ~ This is an upcoming book club read I am looking forward to reading. 

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston ~ This book was all the rage when it came out, but I wasn't really interested in it at the time. I came across it while visiting a new independent bookstore in the next town over and thought to myself, "Why haven't I read this yet? I bet I'll love it!"

A Happy Poem to End Every Day by Jane McMorland Hunter ~ Because a little something positive to end my day would not be a bad thing, especially these days.

Have you read any of these books? Do any of them sound like something you would enjoy? What book(s) most recently landed on your TBR pile? 

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  1. Murder by Degrees looks interesting! Hope you enjoy all your new books!

  2. Red White and Royal Blue is so cute. I hope you enjoy it.

    1. Annemieke - I'm looking forward to finally reading it. I think the hype put me off a little in the beginning, but it really does sound like something I will enjoy.

  3. I’m sure curious about Our Moon.

  4. I requested The Afterlife of Mel Caldera from the library. Thanks for the recommendation

    1. Heather - I hope you enjoy The Afterlife of Mel Caldera. I couldn't resist it when I saw it. Now I just have to make time to read it!

  5. The Song of Orphan's Garden looks interesting! I love that cover :) I hope you enjoy all of these books whenever you get to them!

    1. Dini - Thank you! I really like that cover too. I look forward to reading it!

  6. Thanks for introducing me to The Afterlife of Max Caldera!

  7. Yay!! Thanks for including TSoOG! I hope you love it!

    P.S. Your preorder goodies are on their way to you. :-)

    1. Nicole - I am very much looking forward to reading your book. :-)

  8. I think Murder By Degrees looks good. And I just checked, of course I already own it. My word, I need to read all the books on my Kindle. Project of a lifetime - seriously - ha! Will look forward to hearing about your book group discussion if it works out for you.

    1. Kay - I agree! I got excited when I saw it was one of the upcoming mystery book club picks.

  9. The first one is on my TBR, I need to read it! And I hope you enjoy the Song of Orphan's Garden as much as I did!

    1. Lisa - I am so glad to hear you enjoyed The Song of Orphan's Garden! I hope we both enjoy Hearts Unbroken! I hope to start on that one soon.

  10. I haven't read any of them but I hope they are good.

  11. I love Red White and Royal Blue :) Hope you'll love all of these!

    1. Lindsey - Thank you! I'm really looking forward to finally reading Red, White and Royal Blue. Maybe I'll watch the movie after too. :-)

  12. I hope you enjoy reading all of them.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  13. Adding A Happy Poem to End Every Day to my TBR. Now do I have to redo my assignment?

  14. A Happy Poem to End Every Day does sound like the best of ways to end the day. I hope you enjoy all of these.

  15. I should try The Masterful Cat. It looks like something I would like. I hope you get to read and enjoy them.

  16. The cover of The Afterlife of Mal Caldera immediately caught my eye so I'm definitely going to have to look that one up. I remember Red, White & Royal Blue being everywhere but I never got around to picking it up 🙈 I guess that's another to add to my unowned priority list as I did want to read it but fantasy releases kept getting in the way 😂 I hope all of your book club reads go well too and that you enjoy the rest of these whenever you get to them.

    1. Charlotte - If you give The Afterlife of Mal Caldera a try, I hope you like it! I hope my book club reads turn out to be good too! They do sound good, so hopefully that translates to my ending up liking them in the end.

  17. I didn't know what to expect when I read Red, White, and Royal Blue but I flat-out loved it. I hope you do, too.

  18. I'd read Octavia Butler's short stories! Everything of hers I've ever read has been well worth the investment of time. And The Song of Orphan's Garden looks interesting, too. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Lisa - I'm really looking forward to exploring more of Octavia Buter's work. Thank you for the recommendation! My order for The Song of Orphan's Garden just came in, and I look forward to reading it!

  19. Looks like a nice variety of books. I hope you enjoy them!

    Happy TTT!

  20. The Wind Knows My Name sounds so good! I love the variety you have. Happy reading!!

  21. The Song of Orphan's Garden does look really good. I haven’t been reading Nicole’s blog as long as you, but I’ve seen how hard she’s worked on the book since I started reading her blog within the last year. I haven’t read any of these, I hope you enjoy them. Happy reading!

    1. Carla - I'm really looking forward to Nicole's book. Thank you!

  22. I've seen a few people getting into Octavia E. Butler lately!

    1. Louise - It does seem her books have been making the rounds even more so in recent months. She was a very talented author, and it's good to see her work is still being read and recommended.

  23. I must look for A Happy Poem to End My Day. Maybe I will right now!

    1. Deb - I hope you are able to find a copy. I haven't started it, but hopefully can make it part of my regular routine soon.

  24. I got The Song of Orphan's Garden too! I was supposed to get it yesterday, but it got delayed because the streets in my neighborhood haven't been plowed.

    1. AJ - I was finally able to pick up my copy from the bookstore today. I hope we both enjoy it!

  25. Yay for new books! I hope you enjoy all of these. :D

  26. I'm curious about the Octavia Butler collection. I have not seen or heard of that one but Blood Child certainly sounds intriguing. Let us know if it's any good.

  27. Good additions. I have only read one of those


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