Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Can't Wait to Read Wednesday: Kills Well with Others / The Dream Hotel / Six Weeks in Reno

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings 
to spotlight upcoming release we are excited about that we have yet to read.

Here are three upcoming releases that caught my attention and immediately ended up on my wish list I am looking forward to reading all of them. 

Kills Well with Others (Killers of a Certain Age #2) by Deanna Raybourn
Release Date: March 11, 2025 by Berkley
“Much like fine wine, battle-hardened assassins grow better with age.”—#1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Gardner

Four women assassins, senior in status—and in age—sharpen their knives for another bloody good adventure in this riotous follow-up to the New York Times bestselling sensation Killers of a Certain Age.

After more than a year of laying low, Billie, Helen, Mary Alice, and Natalie are called back into action. They have enjoyed their time off, but the lack of excitement is starting to a professional killer can only take so many watercolor classes and yoga sessions without itching to strangle someone...literally. When they receive a summons from the head of the elite assassin organization known as the Museum, they are ready tackle the greatest challenge of their careers.

Someone on the inside has compiled a list of important kills committed by Museum agents, connected to a single, shadowy figure, an Eastern European gangster with an iron fist, some serious criminal ambition, and a tendency to kill first and ask questions later. This new nemesis is murdering agents who got in the way of their power hungry plans and the aging quartet of killers is next.

Together the foursome embark on a wild ride across the globe on the double mission of rooting out the Museum’s mole and hunting down the gangster who seems to know their next move before they make it. Their enemy is unlike any they’ve faced before, and it will take all their killer experience to get out of this mission alive.  [From the Publisher]
The first book in this series was such fun! I look forward to reading the second installment. 

The Dream Hotel by Laila Lalami
Release Date: March 4, 2025 by Pantheon
From Laila Lalami—the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award finalist and a “maestra of literary fiction” (NPR)—comes a riveting and utterly original novel about one woman’s fight for freedom, set in a near future where even dreams are under surveillance.

Sara has just landed at LAX, returning home from a conference abroad, when agents from the Risk Assessment Administration pull her aside and inform her that she will soon commit a crime. Using data from her dreams, the RAA’s algorithm has determined that she is at imminent risk of harming the person she loves most, her husband. For his safety, she must be kept under observation for twenty-one days.

The agents transfer Sara to a retention center, where she is held with other dreamers, all of them women trying to prove their innocence from different crimes. With every deviation from the strict and ever-shifting rules of the facility, their stay is extended. Months pass and Sara seems no closer to release. Then one day, a new resident arrives, disrupting the order of the facility and leading Sara on a collision course with the very companies that have deprived her of her freedom.

Eerie, urgent, and ceaselessly clear-eyed,
The Dream Hotel artfully explores the seductive nature of technology, which puts us in shackles even as it makes our lives easier. Lalami asks how much of ourselves must remain private if we are to remain free, and whether even the most invasive forms of surveillance can ever capture who we really are.  [From the Publisher]
This sounds both scary and intriguing.

Six Weeks in Reno by Lucy H. Hedrick
Release Date: March 4, 2025 by Lake Union Publishing
A woman at a “divorce ranch” in 1930s Reno strives to live life on her own terms in a powerful novel about heartbreak, hope, and the allure of the unknown.

September 27, 1931. Today my new life begins.

After twenty years in a loveless marriage, Evelyn Henderson will do anything to escape her stifling suburban life. She boards a train for Reno, Nevada, a former frontier town that’s booming thanks to “six-weekers”: women from all walks of life who take up residence there just long enough to secure an uncontested divorce—a right they don’t yet have in their home states.

Evelyn settles into the Flying N Ranch and soon bonds with her housemates, most of whom have never ventured this far from home—or from societal conventions. The Biggest Little City in the World offers a heady taste of freedom for the horseback riding in denim and fringe by day and being courted by dance-hall cowboys by night. But underneath the glamour are the grim realities of Depression-era America, as well as the devastating consequences of escape.

As Evelyn is drawn out of her shell by a Hollywood-handsome wrangler and challenged by her new friends to reengage with the world in all its heartbreaking complexity, one thing becomes six weeks will change her life forever.
 [From the Publisher]
Yet one of the many things about history I know little about and find myself curious now that I know a little something. 

Do any of these books interest you? What upcoming releases are you looking forward to reading?

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  1. I wonder if Kills Well With Others being book 2, if you need to read the first...The summary sounds great

    1. Teri - I am not sure, but it probably would be a good idea to read the first one first. There was a lot of backstory in it one about the characters. Thank you for visiting!

  2. Senior assasins, Dream algorithms and a divorce ranch are awesome plot premises. Enjoy your reading.

    1. Laura - Hopefully they will be as good as they sound. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I'm very curious about The Dream Hotel! I'd love to read some reviews first to see if it might work for me:-)

    1. Tammy - It has an interesting premise, that's for sure. I hope it will be good. Thank you for visiting!

  4. Ooo... I read the first book in the series and really enjoyed the mayhem, so I'll look out for Kills Well With Others. And I LOVE the sound of The Dream Hotel! Thank you for sharing, Wendy:)).

    1. Sarah - I hope we both enjoy these when we read them! Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I just finished Kills Well with Others and will have a review Saturday and Sophia read Six Weeks to Reno and has a review coming up.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Anne - I look forward to reading your review of Kills Well With Others and Sophia's of Six Weeks at Reno. I hope you both liked them! I'm anxiously awaiting your verdicts. Thank you for visiting!

  6. I couldn't get into Killers of a Certain Age and only read the first few chapters. I figure I will pick it up eventually because I love the author, especially her Veronica Speedwell series. Some great books here this week! Hope you enjoy them.

    1. Barb - I understand. It was very different from her other series. I hope you do like it if you try to read it again, but if not, that's okay too. There are so many other books out there I'm sure you will enjoy as it read as it is. We're never at a loss. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  7. I'm interested in Kills Wells With Others. Enjoyed the first book in the series and had a good book group discussion of it. That being said, I'm a little worried about how things will go and if these women will get a little too 'assassin-ish' - what do you think? LOL

    1. Kay - Haha! I hope it will turn out to be a good one. Thank you for visiting!

  8. These all look so good. I'll have to add them to my list.

    1. Yvonne - I hope you enjoy them if you read them! Thank you for stopping by!

  9. Replies
    1. Helen - I hope it will be. I enjoyed the first book. Thank you for visiting!

  10. Kills Well with Others is on my TBR. I hope you enjoy these books when you get to them!

    1. Laura - I hope we both enjoy Raybourn's book! Thank you for stopping by!

  11. All of these books sound so good! Thanks for sharing! Hope you enjoy them all! :D

  12. I'm so excited about the Deanna Raybourn. I really enjoyed the first book and can't wait to see where the series goes. The other two look interesting and are books I haven't come across before so I'm intrigued.

    1. Katherine - Me too! I hope it will be as good as the first. Thank you for stopping by!

  13. That reminds me I should check where i am in the other Raybourn series

    1. Blodeuedd - I need to get back to the other one of hers I am reading! Thank you for visiting!

  14. I didn't know there was a new Killers of a Certain Age coming out, so thanks for the heads up, Wendy. I have read other books about a divorce ranch, this sounds good. I hope you enjoy all of these.


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