Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Can't Wait Wednesday: The Love Simulation / The Sirens / Famous Last Words

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings 
to spotlight upcoming release we are excited about that we have yet to read.

Here are three upcoming releases that caught my attention and immediately ended up on my wish list I am looking forward to reading all of them. 

The Love Simulation by Etta Easton
Release Date: March 4, 2025 by Berkley
A passionate vice principal and a guarded science teacher compete for a grand prize, only to realize their budding relationship might be the real jackpot.

Brianna Rogers has been told a time (or six) she needs to stop jumping into things head first. But when the principal rescinds his approval for a library upgrade, deciding to spend the money on a football field instead, she sees red. Literally. Brianna throws her hat in the ring and joins a team of teachers who will spend their summer in a Mars simulation. As the sister of an astronaut, this should be easy, right? What she didn’t count on was the last-minute addition to the team—Roman science teacher, son of the principal, and too handsome for his own good.

Roman and Brianna have been hot and cold all year, and living in close quarters intensifies their animosity and attraction. Brianna is sure he’s been sent by his father to sabotage them, foiling their chance at prize money that will cover all of the school’s actual needs. But each day, Roman proves himself to be a dedicated teammate—and Brianna finds herself falling harder and harder. While it’s clear the feeling is mutual, she can’t shake the sense that he’s hiding something. As the simulation nears its end, Brianna realizes she may have to make an impossible choice, between the school she’s dedicated herself to, and the man who has won his way into her heart. 
 [From the Publisher]
Etta Easton's The Kiss Countdown stole my heart last year and I am eager to read more of her work. 

The Sirens by Emilia Hart
Release Date: April 1, 2025 by St. Martin Press
A story of sisters separated by hundreds of years but bound together in more ways than they can imagine

2019: Lucy awakens in her ex-lover’s room in the middle of the night with her hands around his throat. Horrified, she flees to her sister’s house on the coast of New South Wales hoping Jess can help explain the vivid dreams that preceded the attack—but her sister is missing. As Lucy waits for her return, she starts to unearth strange rumours about Jess’s town—tales of numerous missing men, spread over decades. A baby abandoned in a sea-swept cave. Whispers of women’s voices on the waves. All the while, her dreams start to feel closer than ever.

1800: Mary and Eliza are torn from their loving home in Ireland and forced onto a convict ship heading for Australia. As the boat takes them farther and farther away from all they know, they begin to notice unexplainable changes in their bodies.

A breathtaking tale of female resilience,
The Sirens is an extraordinary novel that captures the sheer power of sisterhood and the indefinable magic of the sea. 
 [From the Publisher]
I loved Weyward by Emilia Hart, and The Sirens sounds just as good! 

Famous Last Words by Gillian McAllister
Release Date: February 25, 2025 by William Morrow
It is June 21, the longest day of the year, and the life of new mother Camilla is about to change forever. After months of maternity leave, she will drop off her infant daughter at daycare for the first time and return to her job as a literary agent. Finally. But when she wakes, her husband Luke isn’t there, and in his place is a cryptic note.

Then it starts. Breaking news: A hostage situation is developing in London. The police tell her Luke is involved—but he isn't a hostage. Her husband—doting father, eternal optimist—is the gunman. 
 [From the Publisher]

I need to know more! This sounds like it will be quite a compelling read.


Do any of these books interest you? What upcoming releases are you looking forward to reading?

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  1. Ooh interesting choices! These are all new to me ones. I'm intrigued with The Sirens particularly! Love a good fantasy read that picks the less explored fantasy types!

    Here's my CWW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Jessica - Sirens does sound like it will be good. I can't wait to read it. Thank you for visiting!

  2. I read an early copy of Sirens, it was good, not as good as Weyword to me, but a good story. I really enjoyed the past storyline

    1. Teri - Weyward was so good. I hope I will like Sirens too. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I have The Sirens on my TBR, I loved her last book! And Famous Last Words sounds like fun!

    1. Tammy - I did too. Weyward was such a good read. Thank you for visiting!

  4. Replies
    1. Laura - I hope we both enjoy it when we read it! Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I love the sound of The Sirens - and that cover is stunning. I hope you enjoy all these offerings, Wendy:).

    1. Sarah - Isn't that cover great? I really like it too. Thank you for visiting!

  6. They all sound good to me. I already have a copy of Famous Last Words, but I haven't read it yet. Will watch for the other two as well.

    1. Kay - I hope we both enjoy Famous Last Words when we were read it. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. I read one of Etta Eason's books and liked it pretty well. I've always wanted to read Gillian McAllister.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Anne - I feel like I've read Gillian McAllister before, but I don't think I have. I am looking forward to Etta Easton's new book. Thank you for visiting!

  8. The Love Simulation sounds fun.

    Sophia Rose

  9. Wow! I won't lie, I could see me reading all three of these. Thanks for sharing them.

  10. I love the sound of The Love Simulation! Thanks for sharing! I hope you enjoy them all! :)

    1. Ashley - I am looking forward to reading it. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  11. They all sound good, but I especially like Famous Last Words. I want to know more about what could drive her husband to take hostages.

    1. Laura - Doesn't that one sound good? I was wondering the same thing. Thank you for visiting!

  12. Those are all new to me. They all sound good too


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