Monday, February 24, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: My Top Fifteen Books Set in Another Time

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana at The Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is My Top Ten Books Set in Another Time. Looking over my top rated books over the years, below are among my favorites set in a different time period. I tried to narrow the list down as best I could. Here are Fifteen of my favorite books set in different time periods. 

Death Below Stairs (#1) by Jennifer Ashley
1881 - London
Victorian class lines are crossed when cook Kat Holloway is drawn into a murder that reaches all the way to the throne. [from the publisher] 
Moloka'i by Alan Brennert
1891 - Hawaii
This richly imagined novel, set in Hawai'i more than a century ago, is an extraordinary epic of a little-known time and place---and a deeply moving testament to the resiliency of the human spirit. [from the publisher] 
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler
Early 19th Century/1974 - Maryland/Los Angeles
The visionary author’s masterpiece pulls us—along with her Black female hero—through time to face the horrors of slavery and explore the impacts of racism, sexism, and white supremacy then and now. [from the publisher]
The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas
1820's - Mexico
Mexican Gothic meets Rebecca in this debut supernatural suspense novel, set in the aftermath of the Mexican War of Independence, about a remote house, a sinister haunting, and the woman pulled into their clutches... [from the publisher]
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke
1896 - England, Italy
In the year 1806, in the midst of the Napoleonic Wars, most people believe magic to have long since disappeared from England -- until the reclusive Mr. Norrell reveals his powers and becomes a celebrity overnight. Another practicing magician emerges: the young and daring Jonathan Strange. He becomes Norrell’s pupil and the two join forces in the war against France. But Strange is increasingly drawn to the wildest, most perilous forms of magic and soon he risks sacrificing not only his partnership with Norrell, but everything else he holds dear. [from the publisher]
The Reformatory by Tananarive Due
1950 - Florida
A gripping, page-turning novel set in Jim Crow Florida that follows Robert Stephens Jr. as he’s sent to a segregated reform school that is a chamber of terrors where he sees the horrors of racism and injustice, for the living, and the dead. [from the publisher]
Jane Steele by Faye Lyndsay Faye
Mid 1800's - England
A Gothic reelling of Jane Eyre. Like the heroine of the novel she adores, Jane Steele suffers cruelly at the hands of her aunt and schoolmaster. And like Jane Eyre, they call her wicked - but in her case, she fears the accusation is true. When she flees, she leaves behind the corpses of her tormentors. [from the publisher]
Wolf Den Trilogy by Elodie Harper
1st Century CE - Pompeii
The gripping story of Amara, a woman sold into slavery in Pompeii’s notorious brothel. Once the daughter of an esteemed doctor, her life spirals downwards after her father’s death. Struggling for survival, Amara navigates a harsh reality while yearning for freedom.[from the publisher] 
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
1954 - San Francisco
America in 1954 is not a safe place for two girls to fall in love, especially not in Chinatown. Red-Scare paranoia threatens everyone, including Chinese Americans like Lily. With deportation looming over her father—despite his hard-won citizenship—Lily and Kath risk everything to let their love see the light of day. [from the publisher]
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
Future - Canada/United States
An audacious, darkly glittering novel set in the eerie days of civilization’s collapse—the spellbinding story of a Hollywood star, his would-be savior, and a nomadic group of actors roaming the scattered outposts of the Great Lakes region, risking everything for art and humanity. [from the publisher]
Circe by Madeline Miller
Ancient Greece
Woman. Witch. Myth. Mortal. Outcast. Lover. Destroyer. Survivor. CIRCE. [from the publisher]

The  Deep End (Country Club Murder #1) by Julie Mulhern
1974 - Kansas City
Swimming into the lifeless body of her husband’s mistress tends to ruin a woman’s day, but becoming a murder suspect can ruin her whole life. [from the publisher]
Lavender House (Evender Mills Mystery #1) by Lev A.C. Rosen
1952 - San Francisco 
When your existence is a crime, everything you do is criminal, and the gates of Lavender House can’t lock out the real world forever. Running a soap empire can be a dirty business. [from the publisher]
The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See
1930's to present day - Jeju Island
A classic Lisa See story—one of women’s friendships and the larger forces that shape them—The Island of Sea Women introduces readers to the fierce female divers of Jeju Island and the dramatic history that shaped their lives. [from the publisher]
All Systems Red (Murderbot Diaries #1) by Martha Wells
Future - Outer Space
A murderous android discovers itself in All Systems Red, a tense science fiction adventure by Martha Wells that interrogates the roots of consciousness through Artificial Intelligence. [from the publisher]
Have you read any of these novels? If so, what did you think? What are your favorite books set in another time? 

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  1. So many books to choose from! And I've only read one of the ones you've listed - Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, which I absolutely loved. Circe is one of those books that has been sitting on my bookshelves for years! I must get round to reading it soon.

    1. Margaret - It really was hard to narrow it down. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell was so good, wasn't it? I loved it. I hope you do get a chance to read Circe and enjoy it when you do. Thank you for visiting!

  2. While I haven't read any of these, a few have caught my eye over the years.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Pam - If you do read any of them, I hope you will enjoy them! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. OOh nice picks! I still need to read The Hacienda! The rest are pretty much new to me ones!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Jessica - I hope you do get a chance to read The Hacienda. It is really good. Thank you for visiting!

  4. Murder bot is cool. Jonathan Strange, I was so into that book when I read it. Circe is amazing. Alas that is the only ones I have read

    1. Blodeuedd - I have read the first two in the Murderbot Diaries so far. It's a great series. Jonathan Strange had that affect on me too. :-) And Circe! I am glad you enjoyed it too! LOL Thank you for stopping by!

  5. You have reminded me of several books I want to read. Thanks for sharing your favorites.

  6. Kindred and Station Eleven were both excellent.

  7. Oh my gosh I need to read Jane Steele! Jane Eyre is my favorite classic!

    1. Erin - I hope you enjoy Jane Steele if you read it. I thought it was so well done. Thank you for visiting!

  8. I've read Station Eleven and All Systems Red; I had mixed feelings about both (for Station, I wanted the story to focus on different things, for All Systems there was too much violence for my taste). I'm impressed you managed to keep your list to 15. I have so many favorites that fit the prompt, I wouldn't be able to choose! Thanks for the list and happy reading.

    1. Station Eleven wasn't what I expected, but I did really enjoy it. It was really hard narrowing down the list to just 15. Thank you for visiting!

  9. I loved The Hacienda so much! And The Lavender House just landed on my TBR. LOL

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Aymee - I am glad you loved The Hacienda too! It was one of my favorite books that I read last year I hope you enjoy The Lavender House if you read it. It's so good! Thank you for stopping by!

  10. I have only read Circe. I do have the Lisa See book on by bookshelf waiting to be read. And a few more on my TBR.

    1. Hena - I hope you enjoy the Lisa See book when you read it! Thank you for visiting!

  11. So many wonderful books on your list. Saw Last Night at the Telegraph Club on another blog. Kindred and Death Below Stairs caught my eye. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I like that you put the year and location!

    1. Cindy - I couldn't help myself. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  13. The Wolf Den and Circe, forever favorites of mine!

  14. Looks like you have some good ones here. The only one I've actually read is the Lisa See book and it is one of my favorite books ever. You've got more I want to read.

    1. Kay - I just love Lisa See. I've rarely been disappointed by her books. Thank you for stopping by!

  15. I'm impressed by the variety of books on your list! So fun. And I especially love that you included a Murderbot book. I love Murderbot. :D

    1. Lark - I couldn't resist including Murderbot. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  16. I really liked The Island of Sea Women and Moloka'i.

    1. Anne - Both were so good, weren't they? Thank you for stopping by!

  17. So many of these are on my TBR list! I'm glad you liked them.

    1. AJ - I hope you like them when you get to them. Thank you for visiting!

  18. I'm so glad to see Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell on your list - I loved that one so much!

    1. Lauren - It was so good! I am glad you loved that one too. Thank you for stopping by!

  19. I've read six of these. I loved THE ISLAND OF THE SEA WOMEN and MOLOKA'I. They're both so fascinating. THE REFORMATORY is on my TBR list.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan - They really were! I hope you like The Reformatory when you read it! Thank you for visiting!

  20. Some great choices here.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Also I love how you chose future as well as historical times.

    2. Anne - Thank you! I couldn't resist adding a couple books set in the future too. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  21. Hello Wendy, I have only read Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye and loved it - I am actually hoping to re-read it soon. Here are the books I put on my list:
    Blessings, Jessica 💌

    1. Jessica - Yay! You read and loved Jane Steele too! Thank you for sharing your list and for stopping by!

  22. I adore the Kat Holloway Mysteries and a few other historical mysteries. I realize that a lot of my favorite fantasy and sci - fi stories either take place in an unknown time or in a world so different from ours, it's unclear when it is. I guess I could add Dune to the list, it's way in the future!

    1. Jen - I am a huge Kat Holloway fan. I wasn't sure if Station Eleven was set in the future exactly, but I hoped it would count. I think the actual prompt for the topic was broad enough that fantasy worlds and alternate realities qualified too. :-) Dune would definitely fit. Thank you for visiting!

  23. Great list! I am enjoying the Jennifer Ashley series. I've read the first novella and it helped with the next book, the one you have listed, Death Below Stairs. Have a great week!

    1. Shellie - Jennifer Ashley's series is one of my favorite mystery series. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  24. So many of these are on my TBR and I absolutely love the Jennifer Ashley series. I do want to try Station 11. It's a bit different from my usual book genres but I've seen such great things about it. Great list!

    1. Katherine - Station Eleven wasn't what I expected, but I ended up really liking it. I hope you will too if you try it! Thank you for visiting!

  25. Wonderful list, I've only read two of the books on it - Circe and The Hacienda - but I loved both. With the adaptation due I'm planning to pick up the Murderbot books ASAP. Jonathan Strange, Wolf Den & Lavender House (which I'm incredibly grateful for the reminder of) are all ones I hope to check out soon. Plus Jane Steele sounds so good. I'll definitely be checking that out 😍

    1. Charlotte - Thank you! I will be curious to see the adaptation of Murderbot , I hope they do the series justice. I hope you do get a chance to read Jonathan Strange, Wolf Den & Lavender House! They are all so good. And Jane Steele too! Thank you for stopping by!

  26. I read so much historical fiction, but have only read 1 of these, Wendy. I also have 2 on my TBR, but will probably be adding more. Great list.


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