Sunday, February 16, 2025

Weekly Mews: What I Am Reading Now & Was Reading Then - Plus, My Bookish Mewsings on Bayou Moon

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz  where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.

I am over halfway through my two book club reads for this week, The Tainted Cup (Shadow of the Leviathan #1) by Robert Jackson Bennett (loving it!) and Reformatory by Tananarive Due (heartbreakingly good!) I also recently started this month's TBR winner, The Serial Killer's Guide to Marriage by Asia Mackay and cannot wait to get back to it.

What are you reading right now? 

This past week I finished two books. Let's take a look! 

Bayou Moon
 (The Edge #2) by Ilona Andrews, Renée Raudman

Ace, 2010
Romance/Fantasy; 15hrs 32 min
Source: Hoopla via the Library

William was one of my favorite characters from the previous book in the series, and I looked forward to reading Bayou Moon for the COYER Ilona Andrews' Edge and Inn Keeper read-a-long. As always, Ilona Andrews' world building sucked me in--although, I admit, I do not think I would survive long in the swamplands--at least not in the Mire.
Cerise Mar and her unruly clan are cash poor but land rich, claiming a large swathe of the Mire, the Edge swamplands between the state of Louisiana and the Weird. When her parents vanish, her clan's long-time rivals are suspect number one.

But all is not as it seems. Two nations of the Weird are waging a cold war fought by feint and espionage, and their conflict is about to spill over into the Edge---and Cerise's life. William, a changeling soldier who left behind the politics of the Weird, has been forced back into service to track down a rival nation's spymaster.

When William's and Cerise's missions lead them to cross paths, sparks fly---but they'll have to work together if they want to succeed…and survive.
[From the Publisher]

The Mire is a dark and dangerous place, but it is home to Cerise Mar and her family. The Mars are intensely loyal to one another and when her parents go missing, Cerise will do anything to find them. Even if that means teaming up with a mysterious outsider like William. They have a common enemy, a very vicious and violent one--the stuff of nightmares. Both Cerise and William are fiercely independent and do not trust others easily. They dance around each other, testing one another, each proving that they can not only hold their own in a fight, but also in matching wits and finally accepting their growing attraction to one another. I felt the chemistry between Cerise and William more than I did Rose and Declan in the first novel. Perhaps that had to do with their close proximity to each other in an unrelentingly tense situation. Bayou Moon has a more gritty feel than the first book in the series, On the Edge. There were a couple of scenes that made me feel uncomfortable, the gore a bit much, but I was invested in the intrigue and romance of the novel. The suspense was high throughout, up until near the end. Renée Raudman narrates the audiobook and does an amazing job capturing the voices of the many characters and providing a real sense of place in her reading of the the novel.

This past week, I also read Hearts Unbroken  by Cynthia Leitich Smith. I shared my thoughts on it this past Friday if you want to take a look (just click on the title)!

What was the last book you finished? Would you recommend it?  

A monthly feature in which I l share the books I read that month ten years ago. 
(Rating Scale: 5 Paws=Outstanding; 4 Paws=Very Good; 3 Paws=Good; 2 Paws=Okay; 1 Paw=Didn't Like)
The titles are linked to my original reviews of each book when available. 

Ten years ago this month, I entered the world of The Others for the first time, reading Anne Bishop's Written in Red and Murder of Crows. I have so much love for this series--which I still haven't finished. Ack! I also read a mystery by Elizabeth Haynes, who is a favorite mystery author of mine. Vonnie Davis's Highlander series was a fun escape--bear shifters, anyone?  There were several other, less memorable reads, mixed in there--but not one I didn't like among them.

Miramont's Ghost by Elizabeth Hall
Under a Silent Moon (DCI Louisa Smith #1) by Elizabeth Haynes
Before I Go Sleep  by S.J, Watson
The Highlander's Obsession (Highlander's Beloved #1) by Vonnie Davis
The Highlander's Passion (Highlander's Beloved #2) by Vonnie Davis
Shady Cross by James Hankins
Written in Red (The Others #1) by Anne Bishop
Murder of Crows (The Others #2) by Anne Bishop

And because it's my favorite Storygraph chart, below are the moods related to my February 2015 reading: 
Do you remember what you were reading all those years ago? Have you read any of these books, and if so, what did you think? 

I recently caught a few episodes of The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call, a Korean medical show based on a web novel, and Doc, another medical drama that my mom recommended. I accidentally started watching Will Trent the other day, failing to turn off Hulu after the last episode of High Potential finished streaming, and am now hooked. 

What have you been watching lately? 

Following in the footsteps of Deb of Readerbuzz - With all the worries and stressors in life, 
I want to highlight some of the good, even the seemingly small stuff. 

1. We had a fun Saturday yesterday. After picking my mom up from the airport, we went out for lunch at a restaurant with an arcade and enjoyed good food and playing some of the games.  

2. My diverse romance book club had a great book discussion this past week. It was worth driving in the pouring rain to and from to attend. (The rain being another pawsitive!)

3. Wednesday, we attended an award ceremony at Mouse's school where she got a certificate for highest honors. 

I hope you have a great week! Let me know what you have been reading!

© 2025, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Congrats to Mouse on her certificate! That's exciting. I love the "ten years ago" section. That's a fun idea!

    1. Karis - Mouse says thank you! And thank you for visiting!

  2. I think I was probably reading that Anne Bishop series at about the same time, and I haven't ever finished it either!

    Have a great week!

    1. Marg - Someday we will have to try to make time for the rest of it. Hopefully. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Will Trent is an excellent show. It’s about the only reason I still have a subscription to Disney+
    I really want to read The Tainted Cup, and I voted for A Serial Killers Guide to Marriage so I hope you enjoy it

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - I am enjoying Will Trent so far. I hope you do get a chance to read The Tainted Cup! It's worth it. I am enjoying A Serial Killers Guide to Marriage so far. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for visiting!

  4. I haven't read any of your books from 10 years ago but some of those covers look familiar. I don't like too much gore either but overall Bayou Moon sounds good. I saw that Will Trent series on the app and it looks good! It sounds like you had a nice week, happy reading this week too! Congratulations to Mouse. :)

    1. Naida - I think some of them must have made the rounds on the blogosphere back then. There was a time I was more tolerant of some gore (never a lot), but not so much anymore. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I've not heard of Will Trent and will go google that after I chat wth you. Finding a book series you love is wonderful and I have had a few of those, reading them over the years. DCI Banks was mine from almost 20 years ago and I've read them all.

    Go Mouse with the honors certificate!

    1. Tina - I like the Will Trent show so far. I love book series and my problem is starting them and then getting swept up in other series and not getting back to the ones I was so enamored with before. The problem of too many books and so little time for actual reading, I'm afraid. I am glad you enjoyed the DCI Banks books too! Thank you for visiting!

    2. I have the same trouble with finding a new series and then focusing on it, especially if there are many books already published when I discover a series. Never heard of the Trent books but now I want to check those...and see the tv show.

    3. Tina - I am glad I am not alone in that! I hope you enjoy the books if you give them a try. I have only read one of Karin Slaughter Will Trent's books. I liked it, but didn't love it. I know it's a popular series though. I am enjoying the TV show.

  6. LOL because of your voting post I bought The Serial Killer's Guide to Marriage, I can't wait to start it

    1. Teri - I hope we both enjoy it! So far, I like it. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  7. Bayou Moon is one of my favorite Ilona Andrews novels. Cerise and William are such great characters! And I've been watching Tracker and Watson and High Potential...and looking forward to the next season of the Amazing Race which starts next month. Have a great week! :D

    1. Lark - Cerise and William really are great characters, I agree! I haven't seen Tracker yet. My mom mentioned Watson. I'll have to see if it's on one of the streaming apps we subscribe to. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for visiting!

  8. Your Ten Years Ago section makes me curious about what I was reading.

    I'm trying to finish a couple of my reads for book clubs, too. The Westing Game group meets tomorrow. I feel like I need to make notes on it so I can talk about it!

    1. Deb - It has been fun to look back. I love that Storygraph makes it easy for me to do so--less work for me! I hope you enjoyed The Westing Game and have a good discussion on it. Thank you for stopping by!

  9. Congratulations to Mouse on her achievements! Your book club reads sound good. I would have to go way back into my blog to see what I was reading. At least there is a record of it. :) Hope you enjoy your week.

    1. Cheryl - Mouse says thank you. :-) It is fun to look back on our reading over the years. I hope you are enjoying your week too. Thank you for visiting!

  10. I keep hearing such good things about both The Reformatory and The Tainted Cup!
    I also need to read more Ilona Andrews!
    I love the pawsitive highlighst, glad you had a fun Saturday with your mom and great book club conversations are the best 🖤!
    My #IMWAYR:

    1. Veros - I feel very lucky so far that my book groups have selected good books for us to read. I really like Ilona Andrews' books. The Edge might not be my favorite series of theirs, but it is still a good one. Thank you for stopping by!

  11. Yay for Mouse! Thanks so much for reading along with us on Bayou Moon. I LOVED The Tainted Cup. And Betty! (Will Trent)

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  12. The Others is probably my favorite series of all time. I reread it via Audiobooks at least twice a year. I also enjoyed The Tainted Cup and have the sequel on my review stack. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I know it's one of mine. I love The Others series. I think I will see if my library has the audiobooks and, if they do, I can revisit the earlier books that way. Thank you for stopping by!

  13. I have all three of those books on my TBR.. good to know you are liking them!

    1. Hena - I hope you enjoy them when you get to them! Thank you for visiting!

  14. Congrats to Miss Mouse! Know you were proud. Will Trent - I really like the TV show - who wouldn't love Betty? Ha! It's very different from the books, but that's OK. I've read a couple of the books that you finished - Under A Silent Moon and Before I Go To Sleep. It's been a while, but I think I liked both of them. Have a good week!

    1. Kay - Mouse says thank you. :-) We are very proud of her. I've read one of Karin Slaughter's Will Trent novels, Unseen, I think it was. I liked it, but didn't love it. I think I like the show better. Haha. It has been awhile since I last read anything by Elizabeth Haynes. I should see what she's been up to. I hope you have a good week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  15. Replies
    1. Mary - It really does, doesn't it? I enjoyed it. Thank you for visiting!

  16. I love the 10 years ago aspect! So fun! Looks like you've been reading some good books too. Also sounds like there were some definitely "pawsitive" things happening last week. Hope you have a good week!

    1. Lisa - This week's pawsitive thoughts were easier to come up with. :-) I completely forgot about Valentine's Day. I probably could have added a fourth because of that. I hope you have a good week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  17. I am currently reading The Tuesday Night Club by Agatha Christie. It is a collection of short stories about Miss Marple. I had to get used to the old style of writing but I did finally get into it.

    I've been watching a lot of Victorian Farm. Yes, it does make me feel old, but it is very relaxing and just focuses on history and not all that is going on in the world today (not that it would since it is like 12 years old or more).

    Hope you have a great reading week.

    1. Lisa - I love Agatha Christie's mysteries, although it's been awhile since I read one. I hope you are enjoying The Tuesday Night Club. I find that with some of the older books too--that it takes me a while to settle into the writing style. Victorian Farm sounds like a nice break from today's world. I'll have to check it out. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for visiting!

  18. Congratulations to Mouse for her achievement! Well done.

    I'm currently obsessed with Vera, a British homicide detective show that is very good.

    1. Helen - Mouse says thank you. :-) I will have to check out Vera. I bet I would like it. Thank you for stopping by!

  19. Congratulations to Mouse on her honors award. I have been watching some movies for Black History month. I do have to watch this season's 'm Will Trent though. I'm glad you got rain, it's nice when you need it. I hope you have a wonderful week, Wendy.

    1. Carla - Mouse says thank you. :-) We can always use rain here. I hope you are enjoying your movies and your week! Thank you for visiting!

  20. I just scheduled my review of Bayou Moon for later this week. It's my second time listening to the audiobook. I like it, but it was way too long. Definitely could have benefited from some editing.

    1. Jen - I'll have to make sure I read your review. I agree about the length. It was too long. Thank you for stopping by!

  21. I like Will Trent. I have to get disney back so that I can watch s3

    1. Blodeuedd - I am enjoying Will Trent. :-) Thank you for visiting!


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